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Posts posted by sabres...yawn

  1. Evidently, you missed the actor draft.

    Or the food draft.

    Or the show dedicated to cheese.




    I tune in briefly from time to time to see how unlistenable the show is.


    I am seldom disappointed in that regard.


    I can't believe that there is a show in the country that is worse than that show.

  2. Why aren't the Bills looking to do this? Or are they and can't find a suitor? For a team that complains about its financial viability, this seems like a no-brainer to me. The Jags are making $3 million in the first year of the deal. I respect Ralph Wilson for everything he has done for the Bills, but the name of the stadium isn't as important as keeping the team in town.





    I agree. He should have sold the naming rights years ago- instead Erie Co. is paying about 3 mil(?) a year for upkeep of the stadium.


    Want your name on the stadium?

    Build it and pay for it yourself.

  3. Some people are just really unhappy with their lives. They haven't made the best choices and are stuck in a poor job (Would you like fries with that?) or they don't have connections with other people so they need to act out. It's not that they are purposefully trying to be debbie downers. They don't know how to be anything else. They only understand disappointment so they latch onto a football team, not as a fan, but as way to find some sort of meaning they lack personally. If the team doesn't win or have success then there right back where they started.


    They can't by definition be a 'fan' of the team because they're not watching the team as entertainment. They have a deeply vested interest int he team's success and it is a harsh reminder of their lack of control in their own lives when the team makes a decisions that doesn't pan out.


    It also helps to find an easy target. No one makes fun of the most popular kid. They will gang up on the weak link and make fun of the shortcomings. It's easy to always say the Bills will lose than crow when they do suffer a loss. That moment is the highlight of their life. They were 'RIGHT'! It's a brief moment in a depressing series of days where they feel like they are unable to do anything. However, the Bills lack of success if a salve for their wounds. They PREDICTED they would lose because THEY are incompetent. It's much easier to deal with one's own lack of success when you can point to the failings of others. A sports team is a focal point for that and provides an audience of other fans who they can point out just how RIGHT they were about the team.


    Posts like this only inflate their sense of ego.


    My advice is to be fan and stop worrying about the personal problems of others. They're not paying you by the hour to counsel them.


    The Bills could lose for the next fifty years. I'll still be a fan, I'll still watch the games. That is what being a fan is about.



    Thanks Dr. Phil for your group pysch e v a l

    Generalize much?

    6 paragraphs of pure ignorance couched in pop psychology crap.

  4. I'm just curious about the make up of some of the people on here. Is it in your genes that some of you are so pessimistic of the Bills? Is it so deeply ingrained in your souls that the outlook is so bad?


    I know that most of us here have an optimistic outlook of the Bills, no matter how bleak things have looked for a while. The majority of us have read up and studied our team and know things haven't worked out the best for years. But we realize things can go better. How can things go worse?


    We've upgraded our D and we have a man in charge who is known for making the most of an O. If we had upgraded our O in the draft instead of the D, I bet some of you would still find something to complain about.


    Seriously though, I'm just curious, have some of you been so pessimistic all your life?


    I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't post. I actually like reading your points of views at times because it's good to see different aspects and views of the game. But really, pessimism can go too far.


    I'de much rather read optimistic posts from people who do their research (like a lot of people here do).






    If you change the word- pessimistic - to- optimistic (in the title of your post) then I would agree with you.


    I'll be at every home game again this year but c'mon man, get real.


    Let me know when they get to .500

  5. has a better arm than...






    Yes it's a cruel point to make. But the Trent Edwards' crowd around here had it coming. I predict this noodle-armed wuss is gonna be taken out of his misery and mercifully cut. At least he can continue to devote his full time to his true passion golf, and no longer have to pretend to like playing in the NFL.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick.



    BTW, Ryan Leaf had a strong arm.




    No further questions, your honor.

  6. This Hardy thing is what bothers me about what fans are becoming. There are a good number of people who can't wait to call this guy a bust. It's like they are rooting for him to fail and they after he does, they can say they were right. Hardy is from a rough place and made some mistakes. He gets injured and wins the Ed Block Award for community service & spends all of last year learning from TO. Sounds like a guy to root for.



    good point.

  7. Oooops, read this part first:


    Bills WR James Hardy looked out of shape on the practice field at Buffalo's recent round of minicamps.

    Hardy blamed his lethargic practicing on offseason sports hernia surgery, which prevented him from working out for an entire six weeks. We're not doctors, but that seems like quite a long time to recover from a surgery that players can return from in a matter of 2-3 weeks during the regular season. Hardy continues to drop on the depth chart and shape up as a bust.

    Source: ESPN.com





    We're not doctors.... but here is our medical opinion.


    Slow news day in the NFL?


    Hey, I hear Brett Favre might retire.


    Or not.




    Here: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playernew...t=NFL&rwr=1

  8. so my question is, for all of the people who are saying we should change it.... what do you do when you are at the game? Do you stand there with your arms folded over your chest? Plug your ears? Or do you sing along?



    Yeah, I go to the games.


    What do I do when I'm at the games?


    I usually sit there thinking " Man this is boring.... will somebody make a freakin' play..... how bout a first down.... a 2 yard pass on third and nine?... that Billy the Buffalo need to sit the "F" down....




    Any other questions?

  9. Ask and you shall receive (I only used Johnson's time in Buffalo)



    Johnson 9-17-401-663-60.5%-4798-7.2-27-17-110

    Edwards 14-16-506-826-61.3%-5498-6.7-24-25-58


    Their stat lines are relatively similar. One glaring difference is Johnson's 110 sacks which was always his demise. If he could actually make a decision, he could have been very dangerous because he had all of the talent. Instead, he is the most sacked QB per dropback in NFL history.



    That's right.


    110 sacks.



    Say what u will but RJ was NOT a wuss.

    That guy took a pounding- much of it his own fault.

  10. The purpose of this post was to make the point that we can't see into the future. In 1986 we had a perennially challenged franchise that did nothing for 20 years. Ralph brought in a never was 60 year old coach and promoted a nobody from the scounting department to be the GM. The team had holes everywhere as they had a lot of "potential" superstars, but overall was severely lacking. People constantly bash management for not filling in the holes and bringing in a "never was" coach and a "never was" GM.


    There is a fine line from being a Superbowl caliber franchise and a cellar dweller. A bounce here, a first down there and a couple of wins can quickly build confidence and snowball into long-term winning franchise. Football is an attitude and all the talent in the world doesn't win football games (it does help). There is a fine line between the talent on a 4-12 team and a 12-4 team. There is plenty of talent in this franchise. I am not saying they are going 12-4, but hey, you never know.



    A bounce here.. a first down there....snowball into a winning franchise.



    Serenity now.

    Serenity now



  11. I am seeing some very ignorant things here. Levy was a great coach. Not many coaches can deal with idiots like Kelly, Smith, Thomas and Reed and get everyone on the same page.


    We beat some very talented teams that had great coaches during that era- Pittsburgh, Kansas City and Miami spring to mind. We also beat Parcell's Giants, by the way- and a football game is a football game.





  12. If this board were to exist in 1986, I think a post would go something like this...


    What is cheapskate Ralph thinking, he went out and got another bum as opposed to getting a real coach. Look at this guy's history -

    Lifetime 31-42 NFL head coach with a 9-7 best single season record

    Took a 12-7 Chicago Blitz USFL team and went 5-13 in his only USFL season

    Managed to win 2 CFL championships as the head coach of the Montreal Alouettes, but come on, that was the early 70's and the CFL!!!

    The only real college he coached at was California where his best season was 4-5-1

    He coached at William and Mary and New Mexico - boy those are real powerhouses

    Throw in the fact he is 60 - this guy isn't a has been, he is a never was...


    This team is horrible. We have a rookie GM Bill Polian - figures Ralph is going to promote from within as opposed to getting someone of quality...


    After going 0-20 against the Dolphins in the 70's, there is no way we are going to compete with them. Marino is destined to win this division year in and year out. He's unstoppable. We are definitely going nowhere.




    What's your point?



    Here's a fun fact..


    Super Bowl Championships...


    Marv Levy- 0

    My dog- 0



    It's a tie.

  13. I have to give Flutie props for a lot of things but he rarely if ever accepted responsibility or blame.

    I remember him being ABSOLUTELY horrendous against the NYG on a beautiful October day- the NYG had practice squad players in their secondary that day and after the game Flutie could not bring himself to say he had a bad day, of course he had an exuse for everthing.


    Sorry Dougie,... when you bounce the ball to your receivers all day - YOU suck.


    I don't remember him ever taking responsibility.

  14. Was it 6 or 7 sacks?



    What is your point?


    I remember the first Bills drive in that game.

    Backed up DEEP in their own end.... crowd going CRAZY.... the Bills "brain trust" decides to pass.. pass.. pass.

    The OL struggled with communication and execution and got their ass KICKED.


    But of course, it was Rob Johnson's fault.


    Homerun Throwback?


    Rob Johnson's fault.



  15. Rob "I hurt myself falling on a football" Johnson sucked. Flutie was almost adequate.


    Say what you want about Rob Johnson but the guy took a beating- some of it his own fault like Trent Edwards. He WAS a tough QB- sorry he wasn't born in PA.


    Flutie gotted screwed by Ralph in 1999 vs the Titans but RJ left the field with the lead.


    BTW, the "falling on a football" quote is just stupid.


    It happens- it's football.


    It's a legit injury-like when you roll over on the couch and the remote gets stuck in your fat gut.

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