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Posts posted by sabres...yawn

  1. I am as down as any Bills fan right now. But i truly believe that we CAN DO IT. If our guys go into the game thinking they're gonna win, it could happen. If our offense was somewhat consistent against Miami, we would win by at least 2 scores. If we can move the ball offensively agaisnt green bay, i know we'll compete. Who knows boys, its the NFL. Green Bay better come out ready to play 60 min of hard football, because i know we'll be hungry. I BILLIEVE! GO BILLS!


    No, the Bills CAN'T do it.

    If they go into the game thinking they can win they will still lose.

    IF our offense...

    IF we can move the ball...


    Who knows?

    I do.

    The Bills WILL lose to the Packers, and the Patriots and then the Jets.



    That's just the way it is.

  2. If we don't win, I think we are starting the season 0-3, and possibly 0-4. Any confidence that was gained during the preseason will have completely dissipated after that losing streak. People will be calling for Brohm to play QB, players will have lost faith in Gailey, and I think the whole situation will just be beyond ugly. I can't even imagine all the negative posts here if that's the case.


    If we DO win (and I think we will), the confidence will build. The players will be all in, as well as most of the fans. I really think Sunday's game is going to lay the foundation and shape our team to what it ultimately going to become by week 17. The question is, will it be a team with the first pick overall, or a team that has shocked the rest of the league and finished with a record of at least eight and eight. With all that being said, I am as psyched and nervous about this game as I ever have been in recent memory. Let's hope our team ultimately gets off on the right foot!








    I have always thought that opening day - especially at home is the biggest and most important game of the season- it sets the tone for the whole season, especially the 2010 Bills. The Bills may start the season 1-3 but I think they win tomorrow.


  3. got a text from a fellow backer here in Tn...listening to Mike and Mike making predictions for this week and of course picked Miami because the Bills are "the worst team they have ever seen"..


    WTF? I don't care about all the negative articles and feel we'll shut some people up, but that is rediculous.....watch a friggen game..


    I suffered through 2-14 twice in the 80's....this team isn't only not in the same zip code, it's the not in the same solar system...if we sucked that bad wouldn't we have hardly scored in pre-season, not had any defensive turnovers, lots of offensive turnovers and penalties??? I mean a horrible team would look, oh I don't know, HORRIBLE??????


    Squish the fish...Go Bills!



    They didn't say the Bills were the worst team ever. They quoted someone, a coworker whom they didn't name.

    Here's a thought...don't start anymore threads based on your friends "information".


    You're right. I mean, we elected a community organizer president. WTF were we thinking?



    It's called democracy.


    Deal with it.


    Funny, because Mike and Mike are the worst team in radio. Further proof in the dumbing down of America.


    Evidently, you have never heard Schopp and the Lapdog.

  4. Can we just stop assuming a guy can't play just because he gets cut.

    These NFL "geniuses" making a great living completely missing on players on a regular basis.

    I don't know how good Levi Brown is- my sense is that he can play in the NFL.

    Of course, what do I know? I never cut Brett Favre.

  5. you can blame the hardy pick on all of us, fans and media alike. Everyone, I mean everyone screamed for a big reciever. The good news is that now there is a guy running the show who will not be swayed by popular opinion . Everyone this year begged for a left tackle and a qb. Needs indeed, but Buddy didn't see a player worth the pick and stuck to his board. NOw if they stayy the course and get lucky here and there this is going to big a very good football teams in a year or two.


    Blame the Hardy pick on all of us?

    Are you f*ing kidding me?

    Oh,I get it... I'm an NFL exec and the media and fans want a tall receiver and I have to take a tall receiver with the 41st pick in the draft even though he can't play.


    Get real.

    The BILLS blew the pick.... AGAIN... noone else had anything to do with it.

  6. Outside of the Starting 5 and Jamon Meredith there is no offensive linemen worth keeping either on the roster or the practice squad. I hope the Bills FO will take a long look at the waiver wire when cuts have been and bring in reinforcements. Last thing I need to see is Kirk Chambers making this team again. Any injuries and we are totally screwed.



    Kirk Chambers cannot play.


    I can't believe they can't find anyone better than Chambers.

    Who's in charge of this team- Darcy Regier?

  7. Well, last night Hardy did it again. On a long pass down the sideline he failed to raise his arms. 6'5" with long arms and this guy has absolutely ZERO instinct to actually go after the ball.


    Isn't this something you just do since you were 10 years old? Raise your arms, use your body, jump and get the freakin' ball!


    Cut him.

  8. I have just been handed a transcript from WGR host, "The Bulldog" .


    "Uh, I,I,I,I,I mean...really? No, that's right... I respect that... I agree... ahhggh.. ugggh...i want to stick a fork in my eye... aaah, I,ugfhposkleifjals..... yeah,farfinuken... I respect that,... my favorite cheese is cheddar... that's right, Mike".



    Just get XM/Sirius.


    Well I know some of these WGR guys off the air. They are indeed morons and often get their material from other people. THeyre the guys who never even tried out for high school sports.



    Latest WGR ripoffs:


    Jeremy White's "Buddy Nix Game"- an exact ripoff of ESPN's Jason Smith's ALL NIGHT Show which directly precedes them.


    I briefly tuned in the other day and heard Schopp playing "The Match Game" a DIRECT ripoff of ESPN's Bob Valvano.


    Is there a worse station in the country?



    Maybe not.

  9. !@#$ Him. Trent sucks and the fans are sick of his ass being on the field let alone this team. If a team sucks or a player sucks its every fans right to boo or heckle or whatever. If Gailey doesn't like it, then do something about it, get a real god damn QB in here and start winning some ball games.


    How about walking into Larry Quinn's and Darcy Regier's office and booing them?


    !@#$ them.

  10. I can give WGR credit this morning at least the topic is the Bills game. In listening Howard states proudly he only watches the 1st half (this from the same guy who watches preseason hockey games that dont include sabres).

    Whether the Bills played well or not....if you are going to speak to WNY for 4 hours on Monday - isnt it your job to at least watch the game you will be talking about??????


    Sometimes he catches portions of games at the mall when shopping with his wife.




    He has said that.

  11. How do you have the say about his playing weight? Schobel was 240 when he came out of TCU, Taylor was 238 when he was a rookie. The top 2 of the best statistical DE over the last decade in the AFC East. You have the &$^&% to say you know more than Chan and Buddy(who drafted every pro bowl Charger for over the last decade)Nix... get off you high horse and accept the fact that size in the middle and speed on the edge is the formula for 34 to flourish.......Charles Haley 245...sorry your too light.....Jevon Kearse 240(rookie weight)...no your playing too light...Elvis Dumervil..sorry your only 6"0 DE are 6"4 and above. Go watch the film learn some bonafide system other than the Madden garbage plays people think is NFL...Not even close...not even close....


    Schobel, Taylor, Dumervil, Kearse, Haley..........Maybin?


    Let me know when he makes his FIRST play- not a sack... a PLAY.


    Maybin looks like a small forward at Fredonia compared to those guys.

  12. Maybin played the entire game tonight.


    And I'm really glad.


    He got tossed around out there. And I'm glad.


    A year after being taken in the first round, he's on our roster at least until the end of this year. So if he gets tossed around for four entire preseason games, great. Let him take his licks. Based on how badly he was manhandled by the Washington first and second stringers, I'm guessing he doesn't even sniff the field during the regular season.


    The dude is small. Not even for a professional football player, but for a grown athletic male, he's small.


    If he gets nicked during the preseason gauntlet that I hope Chan continues to put him through, it will be the best thing for his career. He needs to take 11 months, and gain 40 pounds. Or else he's out.



    Let's face it...


    another blown high first round draft pick.



    I wonder if he can skate.

  13. He thinks the Bills are in shambles.

    He thinks the Bills draft out of desperation and develop talent poorly.

    He thinks Trent Edwards is a career backup.

    He thinks Buffalo is a second rate football organization.


    The truth hurts doesn't it?


    Unfortunately, not everyone has your considerable mind reading ability.


    Want to guess what I'm thinking?

  14. I like Dickerson. He is one of the few Buffalo sports personalities (maybe the only) who actually knows the game... his schtick can ware thin, I guess, and there is no doubt he harbors some bitter feelings toward Marv Levy and the Bills. But, I really think he was a scapegoat for another Super Bowl loss. The comments he made, which alledgedly got him fired, were just silly, anyone with a brain in their head would have known what he meant. It is possible there was more to the story, as Dickerson and Levy's coaching styles couldn't be more different, but, I think the guy is unfairly vilified.



    Well said.


    Say what u will about Dickerson but he never had an actor draft, a food draft or a show about cheese.


    It wasn't beneath him (unlike the current host) to answer the the common greeting, "How ya doing?".


    Btw, he has said good things about Levy and some not so good.


    Sounds pretty accurate to me.

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