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Sisyphean Bills

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Posts posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. I would have kept Whaley because frankly I like Doug Whaley's drafts as a whole.......its not his fault that players get hurt......or get in trouble.....or eat themselves out of the league. His job is to FIND THE TALENT. Which he has done.


    This is only partly true. Whaley has gone for "the bomb" on a couple of occasions in the draft. Many NFL GMs took Shaq off their draft boards because of his medical e v a l. Whaley and the Bills went for it. Williams wasn't on everyone's draft board because of his issues at FSU. Whaley and the Bills went for it.


    I'm not even laying this purely on Whaley, as the Bills have a history of doing this. The circus that led up to the EJ Manuel "panic buy" could be blamed on the old clown rather than the guys that did the leg work, I guess. But the system of high-risk picks didn't start there. The Willis McGahee pick. The Aaron Maybin pick. Trading up for the bust McCargo, hoping he'd be as good as Haloti Ngata. Spiller when they had Lynch. The trade for JP Losman because the Aaron Rodgers class was no good.


    His job is to wed the roster with the coaching staff's philosophies and do it all while managing the cap and contracts. Mario Williams quitting last year was a bad sign in that regard. The free fall of the defense was deeply troubling. EJ Manuel's struggles haven't shown the Bills have improved in QB evaluation.


    It's not all Doug Whaley's fault, obviously.


    But I disagree with the summary. Doug Whaley's job as GM is to put together all of the parts of a winning organization. Anybody with a copy of Ourlads can "find" talent.


    The agenda I find no fault with. It's forcing a pick top reach for a QB prospect who lacks a 1st round grade that I take issue with. They traded down once in 2013 and should have done it again.


    Well, they painted themselves into a corner. Buddy spouted off to anyone that would listen that Fitz was no longer an option going forward, and they ended up dumping him on the scrap heap before the draft. Some might shift blame or call that leadership, but it left them with no alternative other than having to roll the dice in the draft on a QB. But what's even more surprising is that these professional talent evaluators went through all this prior to a draft with the weakest QB class since the one where the Bills drafted Trent Edwards. Of course, we could just shrug and mutter "bad luck" under our breath...

  3. Do you have any idea how long it takes to install an entirely different system? Even if it were August it'd probably be too late.


    Clearly, he doesn't have time to install a whole new verbiage or draft/trade/sign all new players. But guess what? There is more to football plays and how a coach goes about calling those plays given his players strengths and the opponents weaknesses than the verbiage.


    The point is that Lynn needs to get it in gear as soon as the green flag comes out. It sounds like he fully gets that and has already started making tweaks. It's not a perfect situation, obviously. But that's life. It's not about moaning about the timing of when you get handed the steaming bucket of poo, it's about what you do with it.

  4. Except that they did try to keep him and when he left they were in full on panic mode. Its not like the Broncos made a cool calm a collected decision to cut ties with Brock and move on. They wanted him back. If they had gotten their way, Brock would still be in Denver.


    What I heard is that they wanted him back, but only at a particular cap number, precisely because they weren't willing to gamble and face scuttling their ship on a guy who may or may not pan out in the long game.


    Osweiler looked massively mediocre in that game.





    When Osweiler was playing for the Broncos last season he beat the Pats in a late season game........that was likely the only reason the Broncos had homefield and even reached the SB.


    Easy to do that when you trust in the coaching.......Kubiak and Phillips weren't scared and the Broncos were prepared.


    Bill O'Brien and the rest of his ex-Patriots were scared and unprepared.


    They made some calls that went so far beyond dumb, dumb was lost under the horizon. <shakes head>

  6. Everyone has heard the legend of Super Cooter. Brought in mid season last year as the Lions OC and turned that teams offense around.

    Lynn said he would use a different scheme but since its too late in the season, he will work within Roman's, makes me wonder what scheme Lynn would run?

    Will Lynn become the Super Cooter for Buffalo? Does he have the horses to do it?


    It's September. I checked.

  7. Is this a serious question?


    Tom Brady almost certainly would've, like other unfinished QBs with talent but without any support (see Drew Henson), passed through the NFL unnoticed ages ago if not for Mo Lewis' hit on Bledsoe and The Evil One setting him like a lump of silly putty on his potter's wheel and molding him into a legend.

  8. You can't blame Russ Brandon for the team's lack of success on the field. They have to find a competent GM who can instill a winning strategic plan, which includes finding a QB, and efficiently allocating the team's resources ($$ and draft picks) towards a winning program. To my mind, Doug Whaley has failed at this - he is a good enough scout, but he doesn't know how to build a team, has failed at it in multiple attempts, and needs to be fired.


    How can you not give Brandon some of the blame?


    He is the owner whisperer. He was Ralph Wilson's right arm man for many years. In fact, with each spin of the revolving door with respect to coaches and middle managers, Ralph bestowed upon Russ a promotion. Let that sink in for a second.


    At the end, Russ was acting as the owner of the team and calling all the shots. How is it then that one can say he has had nothing at all to do with any decision making? Because the buck veers left and bypasses him?


    How does one try to neat it up with a mental exacto knife that none of the decisions (or indecisions) ever made even partially by Russ Brandon have had any effect on the product of a franchise with the longest playoff drought in professional sports? It's impressive, actually. I've never heard of a top executive being so lily-white when his company is, in his own words, "tarnished."


    And sure, the GMs and HCs haven't done a great job. But Brandon has had a hand in spinning that revolving door. We can say Marv Levy or Buddy Nix or Rex Ryan or whoever we want was a crap hire. But who was in the room on all of those? It wasn't the guy selling the beer in the stands.

  9. You need to go a long way down the list to get to Brandon. This guy has kept this team afloat from a business perspective and probably helped save it in Bflo.


    The irony is that while we are celebrating the Bills staying in Buffalo, they stayed in Buffalo by keeping costs low, selling home games to a foreign city to pad their profit numbers, and, football-wise, being run like a farm team for the rest of the NFL.

  10. What a cascading cluster..............pick led to the trade of beastmode and in return we got Chris Hairston and Tank Cardner. Thats the some Buddy Nix football man genius for ya.


    It turned the Seahawks around anyway.


    As far as Spiller, everything looks easier in football when you run against air. ;)

  11. Why pick on Goff from last night when you can pick on Blaine Gabbert?


    The amount of mediocre QB talent playing in this league is mind blowing.



    It sucks by why all the hate?


    If people want to get dressed up in goofy clothes and waste their weekend afternoons at least they aren't bothering me. If it comes on TV, just turn it off.


    Jared is busy golfing? Is that why he's a no-show as the Rams QB? :lol:


    (Sounds a bit too much like one Trent Edwards. Egads. :sick: )

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