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Sisyphean Bills

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Posts posted by Sisyphean Bills

  1. You fire some coaches and promote Russ Brandon.



    You really can't possibly see any scenario where the Bills beat that unstoppable juggernaut: the San Francisco 49ers - a team that Vegas has favored in zero games this year - a team whose coach makes Rexy look like Bill Belichick?


    You may be right about the HC. Yet, Kelly is still an upgrade over Tomsula. Wow.


    The Browns know they aren't going anywhere this season.


    That would be realistic. On the other hand, it doesn't mean they want to mail it in and go 0-16. If that were really their blueprint, then I suppose nothing they do has an iota of risk. They could bring back Johnny Football for amusement purposes.


    I'm on board with both of these posts. The Bills -- specifically TT -- need to show they can win games in the 4th Q with their offense.


    Both Ryan and Roman have had success in getting to the playoffs with inexperienced and inconsistent QB play. It'll be big for McCoy to stay healthy and someone else to emerge as a reliable #2 guy in the running game.


    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you too. I was just pointing out that Harvin and Watkins played in 3 games together and it wasn't successful except for the NE game. So they had one good game together in a loss. Harvin started out decent the first 3 games of the season but Sammy had 2 terribly ineffective games - remember everyone calling him out and saying Harvin is playing like our number one?


    While Harvin started out ok and Sammy very badly and that was their only time together - I remember it being a mess instead of wow it was great having 2 threats.


    The concept is right in making the opposing defense respect our offensive playmakers on both sides. So by "Harvin", if you imagine a WR that could get on the field and run and make plays ... B-)

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