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Everything posted by djcalvin79

  1. right on Peevo.. right on..
  2. a good passrush will make an ornery secondary look awesome
  3. i love that idea.. dirty or not many are the nights i have dreamed of seeing Brady crumbling like a stale pancake under an onslaught of Bills passrushers
  4. bringing the discussion back to Drew Willy, since this thread was originally about him before some disgruntled people brought up Nate Davis and Big Ben.. after the 'Fins released John Beck, he got signed up by the Baltimore Ravens - is Drew Willy still with them? that would add another player int he competition for the backup position.. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/foot...s.ap/index.html
  5. i'm new too, welcome aboard.. i just wish i had your enthusiasm for the new season.. years after years of agonizingly painful heartwrenching torment have jaded me a little.. just a little.. GO BILLS!
  6. Henderson is not the solution either - he's 30. I would be very wary of banking our hopes on two DTs who are 30 and above. Since Kyle Williams is the only draft pick successfully groomed to fit into this role (assuming that McCargo really is a wash, and no amount of coaching will improve him), it is time to address this position seriously next draft. For this season, if the Jags are willing to trade Henderson for a 3/4rd pick, that might not be a bad idea - one less pick that the FO will end up spending on a DB next draft! This way we have some insurance for this season and can build a system that the youngsters can come in and learn..
  7. i'd love to believe that Bellicheat will not be able to plan for our new offense, but as we have seen 16 out of the last 17 times we played them that he always thought faster on his feet than Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey & Dick Jauron.. will Schonert be able to outsmart Bellicheat? i definitely want to hope so, but i won't be wagering any money on it
  8. I'm not sure either what that rule's gonna do for special teams.. appears the Bears aren't worried about it: http://blogs.dailyherald.com/node/1689 The NFL’s new rule outlawing blocking wedges on kickoff returns shouldn’t have an affect on the Bears’ Danieal Manning, who led the league with a 29.7-yard average last season, according to special teams coordinator Dave Toub. "Some teams run a zone-wedge scheme and some teams run a man scheme, and we're a man scheme," Toub said on the team’s web site. "We don't hold hands or anything like that to form a wedge. We really don't form a tight wedge like some teams do, so it shouldn't really affect us." Does anyone know what kind of scheme ours is?
  9. it's not like Gaines left cos he wasn't getting a starting role here.. he left for the moolah.. i'd take Schouman and his heart any time over someone like Gaines and his marginally better 'talent'
  10. Condolences to the families, our thoughts and prayers are with you. RIP Linda.
  11. in the past that would probably mean we would go out and sign him, with a blockbuster multi-year deal.. let's hope the FO has learnt from previous mistakes
  12. now if, and it's a very big IF, the Bills move to LA, does the NFL redo all the divisions? how does that work out? here's an idea - Bills to NFC West - welcome to the easiest division in football Colts to AFC East - Colts vs. Patriots twice a year!! Rams to AFC South - meh, that division becomes easier anyways.. we still want the Bills to stay right here in Buffalo where they've always been and always will belong
  13. it seems like we're the nice guys of the league.. Ralph is considered a gentleman and hero for his AFL actions.. same thing for Marv and DJ, players say they're great to play for, respect everyone and say the right thing etc etc.. it's the same way with the Sabres too.. Ruff is very highly regarded, Golisano is considered a savior for stepping in and saving the team from the Rigas' fiasco.. is anyone else sick of being Mr. Nice Guy?? i'm #*$&@ tired of being nice and not winning.. once, just once, i wouldn't mind being hated by everyone and winning a title.. where is the ruthlessness, where is the bloodthirsty passion? this is not high school, we aren't educating people to grow up and become fine upstanding citizens.. this is professional sport where people are being paid to not just give their best, but to win! ok i'm done.. must.. get.. coffee..
  14. not sure if Bellicheat was just saying that to mess with our heads now that we have him.. if it's true though, sure makes me feel about 1% better about our FO recognizing the talent the way the Pats* do
  15. both of them will have a hard time making it out of training camp even
  16. Good luck to all the MAC players.. i'm ticked off with the NFL site for completely ignoring the MAC as a conference.. anyone know how many MAC players ended up getting drafted? I don't want to get into the Nate Davis vs. Drew Willy argument, they both did what they had to, and when it mattered the most in the title game, one did what it took to win, while the other did what it took to throw an excellent season away.. as all of us Bills & Sabres fans know by now, the title at the end is what it's all about.. Go UB Bulls!!
  17. McShay is an idiot - how does the guy who will ultimately become a starter also be the worst pick on the team? Is he trying to say that the rest of the guys we picked will be starters before Wood will make it? We've got to stop listening to these 'analyst' freaks!!!
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