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Jeffery Lester

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Posts posted by Jeffery Lester

  1. His theory goes like this.....


    Big Ben raped a woman and made the Super Bowl.


    Sanchez might think he'll win it if he one ups Ben so he goes for a 17 year old.


    Both have been accused on multiple occasions so they are even there.


    Sanchez' rape seems to have only been of the moral variety though since some states allow adults to take advantage of children.


    It is unclear whether Sanchez has actually one upped Ben. We won't know until next year's Super Bowl.



    I am not saying I agree or disagree with his theory, I am just explaining it. Get it now?

    NO not at all you just stated that Sanchez raped someone. I am not seeing this at all. You might not like that he dated a girl in HS this is your problem. So what? he did nothing illegal or even morally incorrect. You are way out of line by your aquasations. I am not even sure how he took advantage of her. This girl does not seem to need anything that Sanchez has. Her family is much richer than he is. You are way out of line in your diatribe.
  2. The best scenario in this draft is for Green to be there at #3 Buff trades with Cleveland and lands a 2nd and 4th this year. The Browns pick Green. Patrick Peterson is there for us at #6, He is our pick in this draft. Then Buffalo picks front 7 people almost exclusevely after they take a right tackle in round 2. This would give your team one of the players in the draft marked as special. In a position of need. This is a deep, I mean deep draft for front 7 defensive help. Buffalo would have 8 more picks still in this draft. 2, 3, 4,4,4, 5, 6, 7. Trade Evans prior to the draft for a 3rd or 4th. Your options get expand. I know if no CBA Evans will not be able to be traded. This would be a quick fix of the bills with a signifigant influx of talent, and youth. There is no room on the Bills for past mediocore players any more (Whitner, Evans). Evans has already been replaced on the Bills Whitner will be an easy replacement also. It is time for young talent to carry this team. NOt old pros collecting a pay check.

  3. Here is a silly question, what specific team is going to want to trade up for what specific player for what specific reason?

    With the abundance of D linemen in this draft no team will trade for any of the linemen early on. IF Green is still on the board after Buff draft Cincinnati will take him. (This is only by what I have read on many mock drafts and news). Cleveland desperately wants him. Again what I have read. IF by some miracle both Green and Peterson are on the board. Buff will be in a very enviable position. If they have no mind to take either one of these players. Personally I think the cubbard at 1 bills drive is bare of rare and special talent. I think that they should take one or the other of the two players. From a positional need Peterson makes much more sense. From a talent standpoint. Green might be the most talented player in this draft. So if Buffalo makes a trade in this round with Cleveland for the number 5 pick and gets a 2nd this year and a 3rd or 4th next year. Buffalo might very well get to take the player they wanted after all in Peterson and aquire more draft picks at the same time. If they could pull this off, our front office might be more competent than we think.

  4. What would upset you more the Patrick Peterson pick. Or the A.J. Green pick. These 2 ball players are widely regarded as rare talents. The 2 best ball players available in this years college draft. No one around here really seems to want them (granted ahead of time some people here would not mind). This is just a general feeling, I get from this board. As fans are we incorrect for not wanting the quick fix. Go for the fat guy where you need the absolute most help. Or do we realize the cubbard is really that bare at 1 Bills Drive and know how absoleutly crucial it is to get a special talent. The next Transformer.

  5. Just read Buddy's comments in the paper and follow up article on Buf. Rumblings. My impression of his thoughts are he is OK with the O'line. I certanly agree with him on D. Bell. I thought he was at very least a competent tackle, especially in the pass game. Hangartner got a luke warm response. He liked our youth. We do have a young O'line.

    I personally think the line could use a solid tackle. Be it right or left. I think Bell can transition to the Right side easilly and thrive there. Picking up a tackle with the 1st pick of Rd 2 would do wonders for this team.

    In contrast Buddy's comments about the linebackers on this team were not so flattering. He knows he has very little talent there. Moats has got a shot. Poz can play in a limited zone capacity. And then a bag of hockey pucks.

  6. It would be monumentally stupid to believe that a fourth-round pick coming off a season-ending injury, without one down of regular-season experience, is going to replace Evans, based on preseason results. You might compare this to believing that D. Bell could step in in 2009 to replace Peters. Whatever you think of the "overpriced vet," going into the season without great talent and a great plan B is asinine.


    If moving Evans nets pieces that make the Bills better, so be it, but I have not seen anything from Stevie Johnson that tells me that he's emerged at #1. He is a very solid #2 who needs to work on his hands. None of us has seen anything from Marcus Easley yet, so I can't even begin to comprehend how he replaces Evans in terms of drawing away coverage and pure speed threat on the field. Perhaps he can be more effective going underneath, but again, I'm waiting for evidence against NFL competition.

    I just disagree with you on one point. I think Stevie Johnson is a true #1 WO. Were L. Evans has never been. Lee Evans is the perfect #2 WO this is where his skill set lies. He is not much different from Peerless Price in skill set. Lee Evans is a little faster and more talented than Peerless Price. But Peerless ran better after the catch. I personally like Lee Evans so I am not capping on him. He just does not run a full Route tree where Stevie Johnson does. No slants or drags over the middle for Lee Evans. He has never excelled in traffic or as a slot receiver. Well just my Opinion. But make no mistake who the #1 WO on the Bills team is next year that is SJ
  7. I would bring in Buress if we didnt have a crap load of WRs already. The only reason the guy is still in jail is because it happened in NY. If he would of shot himself in the thigh in Texas they would have just laughed at him.

    Was going to post the exact comment about Nevada Where I currently Live.

  8. I completely agree with Scott. I have said on this board that BB, is not that great a head coach. His team was throughly, I mean throughly outcoached the last 2 years in the Playoffs. The Pats are one and done 2 years in a row after gaining home field advantage. Brady looked disinterested and not willing to put it out there for his team. Now RR, might be just as obnoxious as BB. I am not a fan of his either. But he did a GREAT job of haveing his team ready in the most important game of the year up to that point. I have a feeling that after this last game the Pats "dynasty" is all but over.

  9. I digress on this post. Back to Belicheck. I do not feel like he is the best head coach in football. He simply has the best player in football (maybe the greatest football player of all time) in Brady. Bill B. Had a career loosing record before the arrival of Tom Brady, and missed the playoffs with Cassel as his QB in the season Brady got hurt. If he is such a great coach, why all of the shady things (ie spygate, not shaking an opposing coachs hand after a loss). Will he make the HOF, yeah no doubt. But when was the last time the Patriots won a game on defense. Belicheck forte.

  10. Sure, NOW they say they would have given a 3rd. :rolleyes:


    Talk, over a half year later and after getting your ass kicked by a guy, is cheap. Next time pick up the damn phone and call yourself.

    This was to appease there fan base. They say we wanted that guy after he "posterized" them for all time in post season lore. Did anyone hear this prior to Marshawn transforming into a Monster and killing and eating the Saints on that one play. If you think this is on the Bills I disagree. This sounds to me like a team doing spin control after they finished the game with virtually no running backs.

  11. Why the hell would anyone want Orton? Say what you want about Fitz, he's better than Orton. And I don't want to pay a second round pick for a backup QB.

    How about he is a winning QB in the NFL. Fitz, Has yet to prove that he can win in the NFL. Orton is a much, much, much better option at QB than Fitz. I think if you polled 32 GM's if they wanted Fitz or Orton. It would not even be close Orton would win hands down.

  12. It is clear to see on the Buffalo Bills they just do not have any talent. The Star of your team defensively is a 5th round pick 4 years ago. The offensive star is a 7th round pick 3 years ago. If you asked Bills fans who the next best players on the team were. It would be 2 undrafted WO in Nelson, and Jones. We are devoid of a top 5 (some will argue that we do not have a top 10) talent at any position. Not one position on the Buffalo Bills has a top tier player in it. Sorry folks Kyle Williams is not a top tier DT. Played well in some games this year. But Defensive very unsuccessful. The draft has produced nothing for the Buffalo Bills over the last several years. Are team is filled with average football players. Nothing else. Except on the Defensive line we are very much below average. The cubbard is very bare ladies and gentlemen. When other teams game plan is to stop Kyle Williams and Stevie Johnson that says a lot.

  13. Lee Evans skill set was never that of a true #1. Lee Evans is a true #2 wideout. He will burn you for leaving him single covered, With the deep route. I have seen Lee take one slant pass in his career to the house. Limited run after catch ability and limited route running ability. this is not to say that He is not dangerous on the fly route which he is. Just too easily covered on the other routes. At 9Mil a year that is a lot for a #2. Or #3 next year. Donald Jones, and David Nelson are not comeing out to the lineup anytime soon. I said this at the beginning of the year Lee Evans is not a #1 WO. just like Peerless Price was not a #1. Similar skill sets, similar results when asked to do something they cannot.

  14. No, this isn't football, but I'm see a trend here that I think we will see in the NFL sooner or later.


    First off, let me say that I think that sports players are no different than any other players. Once Free Agents, they have the right to sign wherever they want and for as much as they want. If we draft a guy, and he plays well for us, but has always been a Panthers fan growing up, I wouldn't hate on him for leaving for them.


    Here is what just kills me though, and I now just hate LeBron and Cliff Lee for doing so. Both of these guys seemed to know exactly where they were intending to play. Same goes for Dwayne Wade. Yet, the minute they have the opportunity to sign somewhere, they don't. They let other teams think they have a chance to sign them, have visits with different GM's and owners, field offers, and then obviously go to their original team of choice.


    Wade spent days in Chicago making the team and fans think they were possibly going to sign him.


    LeBron fielded visits from many different teams at his house, and then had that circus announcement on TV, like he just make up his mind that morning.


    And now Cliff Lee, who strung along the Rangers, having them make an offer larger than any other in their franchise. Add more years than they wanted. Took two revised offers from the Yankees. And then, takes less money than both offers to sign with the Philly's cause that is where his heart was at. The same team that traded him for prospects the previous year. The same team that showed no public interest until he got template offers from the Rangers and Yankees. And then, he has the nerve to say that the only reason he didn't sign with the Rangers was because they didn't offer him a 7th year. He only signed a 5 year deal with the Philly's?!?.


    I think these guys do these things because they are trying to make the fans think it was a tough choice for them and it wasn't about the money in the end. To me, I think these guys are total a-holes for stringing the fans and teams along when they knew from day one what they want. That's like dating the friend to get to your real girl. Shopping at Best Buy for the product knowledge, and buying at Wal-Mart. Trying all 31 flavors and not buying a cone.


    I don't know. Tell me if i'm wrong. But these guys are right on my list after Vick.

    It is wrong to hate anyone. Especially if that person has no affect on your life.

  15. Early in the preseason as I watched Arthur Moats try very unsucessfully to cover a running back out of the back field. I made the comment on this board that he is not athletic enough to play football in the NFL. I am pretty sure I was wrong on that subject. So My apoligizes to you Arthur. Please keep up the good work. We really appreciate your efforts.

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