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Jeffery Lester

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Posts posted by Jeffery Lester

  1. If you want to improve your teams it starts on the lines, Pass rushing DE are there every draft, difference making DT are very rare and he should be drafted by Buffalo if he is still there. I would rather have my players smoking weed than drinking any day legal or not. Alcohol is the worst drug in our society hands down followed closely by cigaretts

  2. Smoking weed is a habit of losers. If we want a loser on our team we should take him. Otherwise, we pass.
    That is such a bulls@?T, narrow minded statement Warren Sapp is probably going to the hall of fame. He liked his smoke. If he is there at 11 you take him and say next
  3. Who cares about Pro Bowls


    Peters is overrated and will be overpaid if we let him stay


    TAKE THE PICKS BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do not think he is overrated, but it is hard to get past 11.5 sacks last year. I think he gave up Vernon Gholston only sack last year. He is not the best thing for that locker room. I agree take the PICKS.

  4. Word came in from BMW driving friends that our first pick is probably going to be a QB, if the one we want is available. We have no real backup and can groom a good one for when we're ready to win. T.O. was a marketing stunt to sell the seats that we're cancelled and the teams management is under no delusion of defeating many on our schedule or division this year. The AFC east is going to be the toughest place to play this year and after finishing last last year, that's where we'll stay.


    I expect to get crucified for bringing this to the table but then again I am the anti-Christ.

    I expect our first pick to be an offensive player, Jeremey Maclin, but not a QB, this might be postureing just for trade bait.

  5. Thank you for taking your time to ans our questions Mr. Tim Graham. Jason Peters seems to be the key to Buffalo future keep him, and pay him a boat load of money (which I am opposed) or trade him for a bunch of Pics which could really set your team up for quite a few years. Buffalo has to compete with New England before it competes with the rest of the league. I do not hold any Ill will towards Jason, he deserves every penny someone will pay him just like any other working person. He is just not as dominating as he thinks

  6. Per KFFL:


    Matt Maiocco, of The Santa Rosa Press Democrat, reports San Francisco 49ers OT Jonas Jennings won't attend their upcoming minicamp. The 49ers have told him he no longer fits into their future. When he is released, he will save the team $3.1 million in salary cap room.



    Jonas was a good player WHEN HEALTHY, I liked him so much when he was with buffalo that I named my dog after him, I think he would be a very good swing tackle to have in Buffalo

  7. If we cut some players, I think we would be able to trade for Tom Brady. Cut Peters, Schoebel & Kelsay. Then trade our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th round picks to the Pats. Then it would make us instant Super Bowl contenders. Go Bills!


    What do you guys think?





    That is one of the dumbest things I ever heard, Billy B. knows the only way he looks like a good coach is if Tom Brady is his QB and would never let him go.

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