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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. My link


    I Wonder if we would dare keep J. Bell AND Chad Simpson dealing away Marshawn? --Just a thought. :flirt:


    My link


    I Wonder if we would dare keep J. Bell AND Chad Simpson dealing away Marshawn? --Just a thought. :flirt:



    I'm trying to fix the link. Stand By.


    My link


    I Wonder if we would dare keep J. Bell AND Chad Simpson dealing away Marshawn? --Just a thought. :flirt:





    I'm trying to fix the link. Stand By.



    Heres the Link. Sorry.

    My link

  2. I would keep Edelman over McFadden. I dont see DM as an improvement over Moreno, Williams, or a healthy Bush. Ray Rice is top notch. Is it possible to pick up Arien Foster or Justin Forsett?


    Grab Caddillac's Back up - Kareem Huggins. ---Caddillac can never stay healthy and the Bucs recently cut Ward, making Huggins the #2.


    Bernard Scott is a decent back-up to stow away on your roster. Keep Him or try to package him and another player to the Cedric Benson owner for a mid to low end starter.


    Once you have Huggins, If Benson or Caddillac get injured you will have two above average starters on your roster. Thats pretty decent to suppliment Ray Rice with.


    I'd drop Dixon......just my 2 cents. Good Luck.

  3. I was watching last night when Chris Brown broke down last year's standings. Fins 7-9, Jets 9-7, Pats 10-6. Where's the dominant team? We were 6-10, a couple plays from being right in the thick of it, and we're improved. It's not like we're trying to catch up with the 16-0 Pats of a few years back.


    Every time anybody discusses the AFC East, they talk about the Fins, Pats, and Jets. We are a total afterthought. Looking at last year's standings, it just doesn't make any sense. We were one game from being tied with Miami. Had we won that first game against New England and all other games played out the same, we'd have been tied with Miami, and both the Jets and Pats would've been 9-7. Two games difference.


    There is no respect for this team. I can't wait till the opener. Really.


    Maybe moving to St Louis has given you too much reasoning. Only negative, pessimistic and 'the sky is falling' comments can be posted here. Please....move back to Buffalo. :lol:


    On a serious note, I fully agree! - The Jets and Fins have shown little from their 'Franchise QB's' this pre-season while the rest of their teammates are holding out, awaiting suspension or spending time looking for lost earrings.

  4. Spiller's Average Draft Position (ADP) was around 70 but has jumped to ab0ut 55-60 in the past few weeks.


    If you are in a PPR and are getting some points for individual PR/KR yards, He will easily put up some points. A perfect 'flex' option.


    In my league, I created what is called the Rookie Flex position in my line-up. It is a RB/WR/TE Flex position that must be filled by a Rookie each week. As you can see, Spillers' value is great in my set-up.

  5. [quote name='markinsd' timestamp='1283208655' post='1949644'


    I'd cut Hardy.. he's the skinniest receiver I've seen so its no wonder the guy is always getting hurt. I'd even consider making Nelson the 2nd receiver as I've seen him make way more plays than Johnson. Roscoe has looked solid and will be awesome in the slot. I like what both Roosevelt and Jones have brought to the table. Not sold on Chad Jackson either.


    This is exactly how I feel, exccept I may be a little higher on Chad Jackson than you are because of his size. :thumbsup:

  6. If its just ths Preseason, why was everyone B#*@hing and complaining after the Washington game?


    Why was everyone B#*@hing and complaining last year whe the Bills couldn't score an offensive TD in 4 preseason games?


    Now the Bills look halfway decent and everyone is dismissing the fact because it's

    P R E S E A S O N ?????? :wallbash:

  7. I have to disagree with you. As some of you may recall, I was quite upset with the proformance of our team against Washington. Many of you thought I overracted and prehaps I did. That is a whole different issue. I simply bring this up to stay consistent with my thinking. I said this preseason is important to the Bills. It does mean something. My feelings haven't changed. We are a young team, rebuilding, and learning how to win and play with confidence. This preseason can help us play with confidence, build a winning attitude, start believing in one another, believing in the coaches and their philosphy, attitude, and schemes. We are not the Bill's of the 90's where preseason wasn't that important. That team had winners and vets who already knew how to win. With all due respect, I cannot agree with your post.


    Nice Post Mpl :thumbsup:

  8. Here's what you stated: Many Dismissed Brohm because he lost his starting job to a 7th round pick, it's obvious the Packers saw something promising in Flynn.

    My answer was why I have dismissed Brohm. Then I went on to state the excuses Brohm fans use, because if I didn't they'd come back with them, like they always do. Did I ever say that you think Brohm is the savior, like some of the people around here have been telling us all offseason? Maybe you need to STOP drinking.


    Mom? Is that you? :w00t:

  9. I hope you are drunk, at least that would give you an excuse for those "thoughts." Allow me to remind you of one small minor fact as you talk about how awesome Flynn looked: it is the pre-season.


    How much more proof do you need that the pre-season means nothing and tells you nothing about players' real talents, then when the Lions went 4-0-0 during one memorable pre-season a couple years ago and then followed that up with a slick 0-16-0 regular season??


    Sure Matt Flynn beat out Brian Brohm two straight pre-seasons to win the back up job behind Rogers. Good for him. But please don't point to a meaningless game against Colts back ups or starters with zero game planning for a few series, as to "how good a QB you think he is."


    Let's see Flynn go 2-2-0 as the starter over a 4 game period that Rogers is out with an injury, to keep the Packers playoff hopes alive, in the middle of a regular season, and then I'll believe the kid might make it as a starter someday. Until then, he can be Joe Montana / John Elway / Tom Brady / Peyton Manning all rolled up into one in fake games played in the month of August, year in and year out. It means nothing to me.


    If Brohm gets cut, losing out to Fitz as back-up this season, then he just plain sucks. But if he beats out Fitz, we will most likely get to see how he performs in real time, when Trenty goes down a few games this season.



    Jeeeeez. :sick:


    I simply stated that Flynn looked good. I also stated that he had talent around him.


    Now, before that fat vein bursts in your head, step back from the computer and cool off.


    As you said It's just pre-season and "means nothing."

  10. When you sober up, ponder this: Flynn might be better than Brohm, that's not the reason I dismiss Brohm. After viewing all films, scouting his pro(2 pre-seasons) & college career, all the GMs in the NFL did nothing to get Brian Brohm on their 53 man roster last September. Any time a team is about to waive a guy with as a high a profile as Brohm (2008 2nd round QB), they don't just throw him out on the waiver wire, they try to trade him, and get something back, rather than lose him for nothing. Obviously, nobody was willing to give up ANY draft pick for the guy, and then all 31 other GMs let him sail through waivers without claiming him. It's not about Rodgers & Flynn ahead of him. It's aboutthe fact that any team could have had Brian Brohm for nothing other than a roster spot & passed.


    Now the real Brohm fanatics will continue with the BS about GB's crowded roster or that other teams were too set with guys like Printer,J. Palmer, Ratliff, Hoyer, Ainge, O'Connell, Shockley, Hanie, Daniel, Bomar, Null, and other more high profile losers with more experience, but the bottom line is that the other GMs thought more of keeping the no names I've listed instead of cutting any of these guys in order to get Brian Brohm on their roster. I didn't even list any guys picked in early rounds, like the 4th who could have been cut in favor of Brohm if that team though Brohm was half the player his fans around here think he is. The Jets kept 4 QBs including Erik Ainge & Kevin O'Connell and slept soundly letting Brohm sail by them on waivers. Face it, it wasn't just GB letting him go for nothing, teams around the league saw such a flawed player nobody in the league thought he was worth a simple waiver claim. That's reality.


    Pretty sobering stuff. Maybe more of the Brohm fans need to stay away from the brewskies when they watch him play & then they could see why all the GMs and their pro/college scouts thought he was trash when GB waived him.


    You're so right. I'll take back the statements from my original post where I said Brohm was the second coming of Kelly.....and where I wrote Brohm was a steal off the Waiver wire.....or where I wrote NFL GM's and coaches let a diamond slip through the cracks only for the Bills to steal. Thing is.....I never said any of those things. :doh:


    In fact, I stated Flynn looked great and it's easy to see why Brohm was released.


    I think YOU need a drink. :beer:

  11. Your right, people are too quick to dismiss Brohm because he lost the back up role to Flynn. The fact is that Flynn is a gamer. This doesn't mean that Brohm can't still be a good NFL quarterback.



    This was the exact point I was attempting to make; you were the first poster to identify it. :worthy:

  12. After watching the Packers crush the Colts and seeing Matt Flynn whip the ball around the field, it's easy to see why Brohm slid down the Packers depth chart. Flynn looked better than some NFL starters, especially with all the talent around him.


    I know, I know, it's Pre-season.......but, Flynn obviously felt comfortable out there tonight. Many Dismissed Brohm because he lost his starting job to a 7th round pick, it's obvious the Packers saw something promising in Flynn.





    Just my 'drunken' thoughts. Go Bills!

  13. I've been reading Fantasy football pubs that have been saying Hartline was looking sound in camp and Camarillo was the odd-man out. --Now he's 'out' allright.


    1 - WR Marshall

    2 - WR Hartline

    3/Slot - WR Bess

    4 - WR Turner


    They also have Patrick Turner (2nd year from USC) who showed some flashes this year in pre-season (3/51yds) They also have a few rookies they drafted this year.


    Seems like a solid move to fortify their secondary. They dumped the 5 year Camarillo for the second year Hartline even though Camarillo provided the 'big catch' a few years ago against Baltimore in their sole win of the season. ---Very Tyree-esque of them. :rolleyes:

  14. We have great fans, but the Bills fans aren't "The Best." Steelers fans are. They travel better than any other fan base in the NFL.


    I'm not sure if Steeler fans actually 'travel' anymore than other fans. After many foundries and industries closed in the Pennsylvania area, many workers were displaced and sought jobs elsewhere spreading Steeler fans all over the country.


    I understand your point though....there ARE Steeler fans everywhere!

  15. I can't believe anyone on this board is implying the 'over sensative' tag on coach Gailey. And what about the Coaches 'Freedom of Speech' to tell the disruptive teens what HE thinks? -- Is the Coach not entitled?? :angry:


    Good for Gailey! He did what anyone who 'believes' in their 'product' would do; STAND UP FOR IT! ---I'm sure it wasn't a few episodes, but rather an annoying group of punk kids who were disturbing those around them....and perhaps the entire practice session. Another option would be to take the practices inside and allow NOBODY to attend.


    I constantly witness teenager punks who think they are assuming annonominity at public functions by being vocal, loud and obnoxious. This breed of teenager thinks they are 'cute' and 'funny' when in actuality they are being disruptive. Theres a BIG difference between that behavior and Freedom of speech.


    For years, many on this board have voiced their dislike with Coach Jauron and his lack of emotion and enthusiasm on the field. Now some of you are bashing Coach Gailey for demonstrating that exact enthusiasm the team has been missing for 10 years. Pathetic! :doh:

  16. That was a highly subjective "blow to the head" hit. The instant replay sucked..imagine that. But, if he hit McNabb on the head it was with his pinikie. It wasn't a late it.


    What get me about Maybin is that he's one of the few guys actually trying to make a play; showing emotion; actually caring about winning; yet so many people are so ready to bash him. While, on the other hand, Trent who looks like he could care less about winning; walks around like he can't wait to get home and watch some TV; is given all the slack in the world.


    I can't stand Maybin and I really like Trent, but I HAVE TO agree with your post.......you make valid points.

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