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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV


    What? How did Spiller and Evans drop TD passes? I saw Fitz over throw both by a mile (again, on Fitz) that could have been scores, but please recap the dropped TD's by both of them because I didnt see any dropped TD's by either of them. I did see bad throws that missed open recievers that could have led to scores, but that adds to the list of bad throws Fitz made not the other way around...


    This is like deja vu with how people used to invent things to absolve Trent of his mistakes


    Yeah, your right. :worthy:

  2. Thank you. I haven't seen offensive production like this since Ted Marchibroda. Granted, it's only a few games, but how long has it been since we had an offense that could convert third downs, and come from behind to tie games? I'd keep the O as is and draft for D.


    Well said. I wouldn't mind a big free agent splash to the O-line but 3 or 4 Stud Rookie Defensive players and some scruity/changes to our Defensive philosophy could have us back in the swing of things. Suh was a monster this week and is a dominating force. We need that.


    Here are Fitz's stats once we tied the game for the end of regulation and OT: (Four drives)


    5-15, 33% comp, 62 yards, 4.13 ypa, 0 TD, 1 INT, and an intentional grounding penalty...


    Send him to the Pro Bowl...lol. Guy is a gamer sure, but he had a game where he should have ended with 4 picks but KC gifted 3 back with straight drops. His first half was terrible and he was not very good in the 4 drives after he tied the game where he could have gotten us a win by completing just 33% of his throws with an INT. So outside of his one drive that led to the tie, what else did he exactly do all day?


    If we are counting defensive 'drops' against our QB, then we should count Offensive 'drops' as well. Spiller and Evans should have each scored. He could have had 3 TD's on the day. Ridiculous critical thinking.

  3. Fitz didn't have a the game he did last weel, but he is still our best option, and I for one am not giving up on him. He is a fighter and plays with guts and heart. I like him, and I hope he is our guy. We have 9 more games to determine if he has "it" and I think he does. I am not drinking cool-aid, I am a quaterbacks coach and I think he has all the tools and the ability to play football well at the highest of levels. I wouldn't bench him for Brohm or even Luck. We need a pass rusher and a LT before we need to replay Fitzpatrick.


    I agree. QB's have bad weeks and Fitz was very much average this week. He outplayed all of following QB's this week, not even taking into account that he was our second best rusher with 42 yards.


    Aaron Rodgers

    Matt Hasselbeck

    Brett Favre

    Mark Sanchez

    Matt Cassel

    Max Hall

    Kerry Collins

    Derek Anderson

    Rex Grossman

    Donovan McNabb

    Troy Smith

    Ben Roethlisberger

    Matt Moore

    Chad Henne

    Even Kitna threw for 379 but had 1 TD and 4 Int's with tons of talent around him.


    This game hurt, but as some have already posted, a win this week was not going to do anything to help us out in the 'long run.' ---Maybe 2 or 3 wins this season will save us some face of not goig 0-16 and still put us in contention for the #1 pick.


    I want wins, and I want them in bulk but least the games are more exciting and we are 'in the games' with Fitz at QB.

  4. It sucks that Fitz didnt get nominated for the NFL Fed Ex Air player of the week. You would think 370 yards passing and 4 TDs that he would at least get nominated. Especially playing a top defense like the Ravens.



    I couldn't agree more and I was livid when I heard it myself.


    Suprisingly, the Fantasy Football community is starting to notice the Bills Offense however many are still sending a message to 'approach wth caution.' In 4 games Fitz had the highest average fantasy football producion for a QB (24 points.) :worthy:


    Come on, this fitz stuff is getting ridiculous. Yes he had a good game but you do realize that Fitz threw 2 ints to start the second half that heavily contributed to the loss as Balt scores on both to take the lead and never trail the rest of the game right? And there is that pesky thing about him losing this week...


    The over reactions on this board are fascinating to watch


    You're even negative when the team does somethimg, somewhat correct. :doh:

    Have some fun with our new 'decent' offense, it may not rear its' head for another decade.

  5. Good break down of a typical Brady Play. It contains all the 'Brady-esque' ingredients, Brady making a huge play and Brady complaining/crying directed towards the referees.


    I am homored to have been able to watch the likes of Marino, Montana, Kelly and all the greats from the 80's and 90's. I'm so glad I can see Manning and Brees play while they are at the height of their game and one day will be in the HOF.


    However, I'm just numb to Brady. Not even an ounce of excitement when I hear about him break a record or accomplish a feat. Nothing.


    You're right, he is 'unlikeable'


    My dislike with the guy has even resignated into other areas of my life. I NEVER draft Brady in fantasy football. I never collect Brady Football cards. I never play as the Patriots team while playing video games.


    I dislike him and the team that much.

  6. When I was younger, there was a gal that liked me but I didnt like her. She wasn't pretty enough.


    She went on to become Ms. Teen Florida and became very successful. She now owns her own business and is heavily involved in the fashion industry. She rubs elbows with Paris Hilton, Tony Braxton and numerous major Fashion icons. Aside from being a 'facebook' friend, she has given me the cold shoulder. Even worse, she is now an incredibly good looking and classy gal now.


    I still go to a Bills game when I'm in town and I still religiously follow the team. This week I shut off the game and went to the other room, only to quickly turn on the game again and watch the final minutes. It was my best attempt at showing my disgust with the team....but I failed miserably.


    I'll also be there when the Bills win the SuperBowl and are returned to the glorious team we once were. It will be that much better.


    In December, I'll take my two year old son to his first of many games to come.


    Just my two cents.

  7. Whether or not people are hired to clean up the trash in the lot, everyone should throw trash in or near the trash cans. ----If you are civil and mature, thats what you 'should' do.


    Is it that difficult?


    If you love your country take some pride in it or defend it. I do both.

  8. What we are missing is this is the first time we've had respected GM and head coach since the early 90's. I mean respected by guys who know what they are talking about not "Johnnie from Dunkirk". This isn't the same old bills the frustration is it takes a couple years. We've waited this long I can wait another year or two. They will get it corrected, but realize the talent level on this team is very low.


    Good post, I agree.


    The Saints had Y E A R S of mediocrity after Y E A R S of just plain 'sucking'

  9. We took a dynamic Rookie like Spiller this year who will either be 'decent' with our O-Line situation this year or could hide some of our O Line woes.


    Next year we go O-Line early in the draft (and/or stud FA OL pick-up) when Spiller hits his year two 'stride' behind a fortified Line.


    Just my thoughts.

  10. Hard to believe the Negative Boo/Hiss crowd is up so early. :wallbash:


    Quick turn around? We were 4-0 then 5-1 a few years ago. I'm still not sold on the Chiefs at all. 3-0 doesn't mean anything. Talk to me in December.


    If you aren't sold on the Chiefs 3-0 then why even mention the Bills 4-0?






    Besides, You missed the whole point of the post.

  11. If we rebuild then we must tear down first!


    The activity occuring right now at One Bills Drive is monumental for the Franchise, the Fans and the City of Buffalo. If we want to be successful in four, three or even two years, we must make some changes that aren't so popular nor seem to 'make sense' at first glance.


    Remember back, to 2007-2008, when the Kansas City Chiefs 'Cleaned House' and did everything they could to aquire a slew of draft picks. The Chief's ownership even made questionable decisions to rid themselves from arguably their best player, Jarred Allen (who also had 'questionable' character issues) and stockpiled a total of 12 draft picks in the 2008 draft.


    Fast forward only TWO YEARS later and the Chiefs sit atop the NFL as the only undefeated team in the NFL. Hows that for a quick turn-around!


    Coincidentally Chan Gailey joined the chiefs in Jan of that year and coincidentally Jarred Allen was a fourth round pick. :flirt:


    Go Bills!

  12. Marshawn Lynch never fit the image the franchise wanted.


    Marshawn's image was perceived by some as thuggish. He has gold teeth and long hair. He is intimidating and threatening to sheltered suburbanites. He has had some off the field issues, and his whole persona does not fit into the overall image that the front office marketing machine is trying to create for this franchise.


    CJ Spiller is more All-American. He has a winning smile and less tattoos. He rates higher on the Character charts, and his persona feels safer and less dangerous.


    Good luck in Seattle, Marshawn! They are a more open-minded people up there.



    They're all a bunch of Liberal, Coffee drinking, Meth Heads 'up there'


    --Hope I didn't offend any coffee drinkers. :oops:

  13. Lets say Lynch has another 'run-in' with the law just one day after our last game of the 2010 season. As we await the Commissioner's fine/suspension, we try to quickly trade Lynch off to any takers. We are offered a single 5th or 6th round pick from only one team.


    His suspension comes down from the Commish and it is a 6 game suspension during the 2011 season. Now what? ----Is he of ANY value to the Bills? ----We saw how 'out of sync' Lynch was after serving just a four game suspension, now imagine his play after a six or seven (due to a possible bye week inclusion) week suspension.


    Listen, I liked Lynch's play and I have 'mucho dolares' invested in his Football Cards/Jerseys, but he had to go if we plan on being a stronger/better/more competitive team in 2011 and 2012.


    Simple 'Supply and Demand' dictated that we received the picks we did as compenstion. We can't hate the current Team GM and coaches for this trade.

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