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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. "Ralph Wilson and the Bills reminds me of the store in town that has been there for years and everyone wonders how the owner stays in business, no set business hours, little to no stock on the shelves, place hasn’t been cleaned in years, it seems the owner puts in just enough work to keep the doors open and little else. And he is happy to live that life."


    Pretty awesome comparison Chappy. Good Post overall :thumbsup:

  2. All good points.


    Maybe Chan is adjusting the line-up (Parish at #2 WR, Lynch RB #1) to give Bilicheck and his Defense more to have to game-plan/adjust to.


    Roscoe's speed and shiftyness to a young CB demands a different type of pregame planning to a big physical WR. If Roscoe 'starts' as the #2 and then is quickly replaced with David Nelson we may have decent results until adjustments can be made by the Defense.


    Same goes for game the Defensive game planning for Lynch's style of running, only to be bombarded by Spiller and Fred Jackson and their respective styles. Then once the Defense starts shutting these players down, back to Parish and Lynch. A defense can only practice and study so much in one week.


    Sounds great on paper, huh? :blush:

  3. I believe that Lynch listed as a 'starter' may only be a ploy to divert NE's attention away from the true starter, Fred Jackson.


    Jackson had 140 total yards against NE in week one 2009 and followed up with another

    110 total yards later in the year. Fred has been very successful against the Pats and I can't see why he wouldn't get the bulk of touches this week.


    Granted, being named the 'starter' means you play the firt offensive down, however I believe Fred Jackson will be the workhorse this week.


    If Lynch starts and wears down the defense I can see Fred coming in the second half with a fresh set of legs, a ton of carries and really having his way with the NE defense.


    Just my thoughts.

  4. It's not always about the better player being on the field but who creates the better chemestry. There are numerous examples in the past few years to draw from.


    Last week Raiders Bruce Gradkowski replaced Jason Campbell and won the game.


    Two years ago Kerry Collins took the reins from V. Young and led the team to a solid season, only to be replaced by Young midway through last season and then Young shined.


    Mixing parts and pieces in different combinations often times results in different outcomes. Perhaps Fitz brings 'something' to the table that Trent can't and it will result in at least a win this week.


    Just my thoughts.

  5. The Bills went toe to toe with Dallas on Monday Night two years ago, however failed in the final seconds to seal the deal.


    Last year, the Bills were neck and neck with the Patriots only to foreit the lead with seconds on the clock.


    Our Anthem game this year will be this week vs the Packers. The stage is set......the Packers are H-U-G-E favorites, the Bills are coming off a very weak showing and NOBODY is calling for the Bills to win. The climate for this game is very much like the Dallas game two years ago.---We are in for a phenominal game and this time we will close this one out and shock the country.


    Why is that Sooooo far fetched? ----Why can't we win Bills fans?





    I wonder how many suicides are attributed to this site? ----These boards are Full of anguish, lost hope, depression and despirtion. :doh:

  6. Oh, the 1-0 bucs are worse? The team that beat a cleveland team, the team that has beat the bills 3 years in a row now is worse? Don't think so. Even the chiefs upset san diego, the bills are no higher than 31.


    I despise all these rankings, but I agree with you.


    Resisting is feudal at this point.

  7. - Kudo's to the defense who gave a good effort out there today......


    - If Edwards keeps waiting for his recievers to become completely open instead of anticipating where they will be open.....this is not gonna work out.....the receivers run their routes then sit in pockets and wait for the ball.....then get flattened or the ball almost intercepted because the ball is getting there late.


    It's incredible to watch Brady and the other top tier QB's conducting play action passes.


    The fluidity, economy of motion and delivery of the ball is beautiful!


    Couple that with a strong arm and a ball deliverd with some 'zip' and it's easy to see why so many are just so down and out about Trent. ---I really want him and this team to succeed but it seems like were playing in an entirely different league. Oh well, Its only week one.


    Good post :thumbsup:

  8. Just goes to show ya, we have a QB equal to many low end starters or second stringers in the league.


    Most teams sustaining an injury to their starter will be in the exact same boat as we are.


    Unfortunately (and fortunately) we have never been bad enough to have had that coveted First or Second pick of the draft in recent years to address the QB issue.


    Maybe next year we can pay out of our arse for a slightly used Pro Bowler like McNabb, coupled with some Offensive line talent from the draft and today could have been a 'W'


    On a positive note, Defense looked solid and really only forefeited 13 points (+ the 2 we gave them) to a team that Offensively went toe to toe with the Texans, Colts, Steelers and Patriots last year.

  9. Williams, Mularky, Jauron, now Gailey. A team scared to open it up and get after it. No real pass rush, and not willing to sling the football. And stop with the OLine bull ****.


    Nothing is going to change till Ralph Wilson is no longer the owner. Only when we get a new owner will we be able to attract the right people and maybe turn this damn thing around. I would say the upside is we should have a top 3 pick in the draft this year, but these clowns will screw it up.


    The Colts lost today as well and so did 14 other teams. Our defense allowed 15 points (two of which we 'gave them')Thats pretty positive. --- We're all angry here, so why post 'salt' for our wounds.


    Fight the urge and go Sleep it off.

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