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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. Very nice. I have to say that the music isn't even offensive. Perfectly appropriate for a highlight video, except there really shouldn't be music in a highlight video.


    Really? - I'm not even a 'guitar man' but I thought the music was totally fitting to what Spiller was doing on the field. Almost like fireworks choreographed to music! :thumbsup:

  2. Obviously 'Big Numbers' in Fantasy Football are a direct correlation to yards/catches/TD's on Offense and Sacks/Int/TD's and holding Opponents to a few points for the Defense.


    Since he stated something to the effect of 'whoever is picked as their starter' I would assume he meant the QB.


    I listen to his Fantasy Football show on Sirius/XM and MJD is pretty knowledgable while delivering an entertaining product. I'm glad someone with access to a podium thinks we may actually do something positive this year.

  3. Why such anger in your post? I don't find your points of views to be any more crediable than his. The truth lies somewhere in between. Why does one have to be so condescending?


    (1) What has TE done in the past that is so commendable?


    D. Anderson had one very good year. Not a fan of his but he is more proven than TE.


    Sanchez young and unproven. IMHO, most football people would take him over any of our QB's.


    Matt Moore/Clausen. Unproven but much more upside. I would take both of these over TE/Fitz.


    J Freeman. Maybe you didn't see the second half of Tampa's season. This guy looked sharp. I wish he was on our QB roster.


    Jake D. Appears to be washed up but maybe new scenery with Holgrim will jump start him.


    Campbell without a doubt an upgrade over TE. Has lots of excuses. The stats don't lie. Bills should have traded for him.


    Cassel looked great in NE. I would take him over TE just based on that performance.


    Cutler comment doesn't even require a response. Shouldn't even be on your list.


    Bradford. How many of us would want him on our team right now? Answer, everyone but you.


    Our QB situation is one of the worst in the league. Perhaps not the worst but bottom feeders for sure.


    I am not sold on Williams. You talk as though he is a pro bowler. He is adequate at best. Struod looks to be in better shape but I haven't been exactly wowed by his performance this preseason. So if you idea of reenergized is loosing weight than your correct. Who cares if Edwards started for the Ravens. Did you forget he has a suspect neck? I do like the way he has played this preseason. I haven't been impressed by Troup or Carrington. Then again they are young and should be given time to prove themselves. But, to this point they are back ups with something to prove.


    I have watched every game. We all see things differently. Your opinion is appreciated (with valid points) your tone, condescending remarks, and name calling isn't.


    Sadly, this is the kind of post I would have written months ago. I have since changed my behavior thanks to the many posters here. Maybe, you can take this advice and do the same.



    GEEEEEEEEEEEEZ! - I got sucked into reading ANOTHER 'MPL' post.


    I'm reading along, the posts seem intelligent, backed with facts and then this post.....BAMN!


    "D. Anderson had one very good year. Not a fan of his but he is more proven than TE"

    ----- Are you serious, More 'Proven?' What has he proved? --In 2009 he passed for 888 yrds had 3 TD - 10 Int. In 2008 he passed for 1600yrds had 9TD - 8Int. That Equates to 2500 yds 12TD/18Int in TWO years. Would you seriously consider this as "Proven" - He's proven he sucks!! -- That was in Cleveland, a Team which 'fundamentally' is simular to the situation in Buffalo. Perhaps he is 'serviceable' in Arizona, a team with tons of Offensiive talent only two years removed from the SuperBowl. Upgrade NOT!



    "Sanchez young and unproven. IMHO, most football people would take him over any of our QB's"

    ----- If we 'plopped' Sanchez down into the middle of the field on gameday in a Bills uniform, would he outperform Trent? I Think Not! - Put him on a team with the #1 Defense, the #1 Rushing attack and he still was mediocre at best. Granted, he played well only in the Playoffs.


    "Bradford. How many of us would want him on our team right now?"

    ----- Good point, I want him. But not on the field NOW. I'd rather have him on the sideline holding a clipboard and learning. Gailey made decisions about the roster considering winning RIGHT NOW! Trent would give us the best chance RIGHT NOW, Bradford would give us the chance in the Future.


    "Cassel looked great in NE. I would take him over TE just based on that performance"

    ----- I guess this is also how you came up with your Derek Anderson Comments. A player exceptionally well for one season, several seasons ago. Are you are considering this as his entire body of work? -- Cassel also had Randy Moss, Wes Welker, arguably the Best Coach in the NFL and a team that just came off of a 16-0 season the year before. Oh yeah, He'd be a real upgrade over Trent minus all those other aforementioned 'non-factors' that effected his play.



    MPL, A few sentences into your post I realized the words before me were negative and hold little/no truth, so I glanced at the poster and, sure enough, MPL strikes again! --You certainly have a certain 'feel' to your writing and in this 'gloryhole' of a board, you aren't fooling anyone.

  4. There would be no point to a practice squad and like 75 players during preseason. YOu only need to have 52 players because none of them will be any good. You will put a bunch of 65 overall players that will never reach average throughout there career so why would you even consider having a practice squad. None of them or going to have break out seasons or anything. So it would be stupid and time wasting.


    Are you referring to the 'Ultimate' team mode?


    I got addicted to the Ultimate online mode last year. Once you start winning some games and getting coins, you can start adding players rated higher than '65' overall.


    After the additions of a few stud players (rated in the 90-95 range) your team really starts to improve. I got my team up to '99 overall' and spent about an extra $150 doing it. They really know how to 'lure ya in' :wallbash:


    I'm 38 and have a decent paying job, I can imagine how addicting and difficult this is for an 11 year old with only a paper route. No wonder kids sell drugs! :devil:

  5. Carolina is ranked pretty high. Their QB situation isn't really that much better than ours. In fact, they just did a huge cost cutting purge.


    When I see teams like Carolina, Cleveland and Tampa ranked higher, I have a 'problem' with the so called experts. Granted, we're not a big city franchise, and we don't don't go after Haynesworth/J Peppers type players in the offseason, but we ARE NOT the 30, 31 or 32 ranked team.


    Even if we signed Bradford, Spiller, Suh, Dez Bryant and brought back Jason Peters we'd probably only jump up the rankings to #29 according to the experts. :wallbash:

  6. I am getting a lot of heat for my previous post. I have read everyone replies and I respect them. Many valid points. If I can I would like to clarify myself. IMHO, I think so many of you are so desperate to have a solid successful coach in Buffalo (including myself) that we will turn anything into a positive. OK he is holing his team accountable for not playing well. Isn't that what 99% of coaches do and should do. Yet, we are patting him on the back for the obvious because we had a previous coach who had a differnt style. I am not going to go on the record and say Jauron didn't hold his players accountable. They players played hard for him and who know what he told them behind closed doors. What a coach says to the media and behind closed door to his players can be two different things. I do admit though Jauron apppeared "soft" to say the least. Not many of us were complaining about Dick boy after his initial hire, after his first season, and when they were 5-1. So now Gailey is hired and suddenly, we all love him. We love his approach, we love his style, we love him for telling us his offensive line sucks and they have to perform better, we love him for the way he walks on the field with such dignity, we love him when he talks to us in the media, we love him for his innovative offensive, we love him for his toughness, this list doesn't stop and the coach hasn't even coached a real game. Now don't get me wrong, I am encouraged by what I see but like I said many times, I need to see more a lot more before I jump on that Gailey bandwagon. I got burned by jumping on the Levy/Jauron bangwagon and the Donahoe/Malacky/Williams bandwagon too. I don't think my position is unrealistic or invalid. I ask what is going to be any different this time around? I refuse to give a coach credit for saying the obvious. As for stating the obvious games are won with a strong offensive line and I doubt many of you would say the Bills OL is strong. This regime missed the obvious...I know many of you will not appreciate my point of view. I repect that and hope you can reply in an appropriate fashion.


    Good Post MPL :thumbsup: --Way to stand your ground!


    I may have to change my 'signature' after all! :blush:

  7. Interesting... on the depth chart, we've got Florence ahead of Leodis at CB... http://www.buffalobills.com/team/depth-chart-list.html


    This was mentioned on another post. I guess the pick six against Detroit solidified him as the #2. :rolleyes:


    This is one of those situations where I guess the difference comes from what Gailey saw in practice. Gotta trust the man with experience, I guess.


    Correct. :thumbsup: I agree.

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