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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. This is the best post I've read on this site the entire year.


    I can't believe how many parents out there just laugh when asked about their kid wearing a Dolphins jersey in WNY. Sure - you can route for whatever team you want in this free nation of ours, but it goes deeper than that.


    Why route for your high-school team when they haven't won a game in 4 years (like my high school football team when I attended)? Go with the winner, right! Even if it is the cross town rival.


    When that kid grows up and attends Niagara University - will they wear a Canisius jersey to class just to be a punk?


    What lessons do people teach when civic pride and backing your hometown (or alma mater) are lost?


    Which begs the question - why do they make Dolphins' winter parkas anyway?


    Great Post!


    Another example of cool parents letting kids 'express themselves' any way they please.


    They arent teaching their kids to refrain from littering in the community, volunteering or showing reverence to the flag either. Not supporting the Home team will most likely get 'more attention'............like lots of face piercings and green hair.


    Sorry if I got waaaay off the subject.

  2. :lol: I agree, it sucks now! ---I used to love the set up, style and ease of navigation on the Foxsports page now it is horrible.


    On game days all the scores and game status info was clearly showing across the top of the page, I'm wondering what it will look like this weekend.

  3. Yes, the Bills lost and that's never a good thing...


    BUT you've gotta like what you saw from the team today.


    1. Trent is the QB of the future. Absolutely sick spirals today and you could tell he was upset after the INTs which is always a good thing. A decade from now we'll all be asking if Trent can win "one for the thumb". Also, we have a bold quarterback who isn't afraid to throw deep. That's how you get yourself intercepted but it's also how you gain many many yards.


    2. James Reed. I don't know where we found this kid, but he's going to be a playmaker. Great reception in the end zone, hopefully more to come.


    3. 6 sacks of the quarterback today. That's quite a few and sacks go a long way toward scoring points and field position.


    4. Aaron Mayhem Mayben was all over the field. This guy fell to 11? wow!


    5. Dolphins scored points with their running game, but Henney? We made this seasoned vet look like a rookie today.


    6. I bet Rob Brando is on the phone right now to trade for Miami's fullback Polite...this guy was a monster (and hopefully a future Bill)


    Those are the things that stood out to me. We lost the game, but will win the war! I can see an 11-5 season and the playoffs, starting with a big win against a very tough Browns team (upset special!)


    ---Not 'ANOTHER' "I like what I saw" posts. ---I saw a hot chick in the stands but it doesn't warrant a post. UGH!

  4. I'm Done! --The wife asked me "if you had one minute to speak to the team, what would you say?" --I was speechless. It's not only 'this' team, but the teams before it. Years of 'bad teams' that keep me coming back year after year, game after game. I'm in the Military so the 'association' with my home-town runs deep, especially living in another city now, but this time I'm DONE! --I can't take the pain, bad calls, poor decision making and lost opportunities anymore. My one yaer old son wears a Bills Jersey, my wife now wears a Bills jersey, I wear a Bills Jersey and our Yellow Lab even sports a Bills Jersey. I cannot do this weekly ritual anymore and expect winning results. I'm Done! No longer are Sundays a day of relaxation and fun, they are days of sour stomaches, headaches and anger. --I'm Done!

  5. Jesus Christ people, this drivel again? If you're unwilling to take the 1/5,000,000,000+ chance that you are going to get blown up by a terrorist at a Buffalo Bills game maybe it's time to pack in life right now.



    Don't be a 'sheep' ---Keep you situational awareness up and consider everything/everyone suspicious. I suppose on Sept 10th 2001 you felt the same way. --Ugh!

  6. Have any teams returned a kickoff/punt for a TD this year?



    Of the top of my head, Cleveland Returner Josh Cribbs and Phily's DeSean Jackson have taken one to the house.


    Since we're chatting about returns being down, notice how inept Devin Hester has been as a returner since assuming WR rsponsibilities. I know the Bears were lightening his return duties, but he's completely fallen off the 'return' map. --Just my observations. Go Bills!!

  7. I was born and raised in the 'Ruff Buff' and was transplanted to las Vegas via the US Military. As a bills fan of the late 80's and early 90's I thought my team always played in the Playoffs and the Super Bowl. As I got older (and the Bills got worse) I quickly realized that those early years were something really special. ---I personnaly feel I am responsible for the 'Greatest Comeback in NFL History' because at halftime I put on Bills Zubaz pants, grabbed my '12th man coin' and turned my ballcap backwards to support the Defense. lol


    I still don my Bills Jersey (Lynch) put on my ballcap and head to the local sports bar every Sunday to support the team I love most. ---The Pittsburgh fans from California and the Patriot fans from Wyoming are there in numbers but I hold my head high when I tell them I'm actually from Buffalo! (Riverside) Occasionaly I bump into a fellow fan and we insantly chat about Webers mustard, Beef on Weck and Salems hot dogs. We find out fellow family members worked at the Chevy or Ford plant and talk about how much Blue cheese tastes better than Ranch; A conversation I am ALWAYS ready to have.


    As a military man living amongst many transplants from other cities, I identify with a team of resiliance, a team built around a blue collar town of hard workers who live in cold 'un-liveable' conditions. I support my team year after year and still get goosebumps when I watch Superbowl reruns and hear Van Miller yell 'wide right' or watch Leon Lett get the ball slapped out of his hand at the 2 yard line. ---As a Military man and a Bills fan I bleed Red, White and Blue.


    I look forward to Monday night, ready for another 17 weeks of ups and downs and ready to defend or boast about the team I love come Tuesday Morning. ---Here's to another season; a season of optimism, excitement and fanhood. ---GO BILLS!!

  8. They all have draft packages.


    Which one has worked out the best for you?


    A site that is completely free and posts player Rankings and updates as the football week progresses. Lots of great articles leading up to the draft.


    Also, The biggest plus of this site is that you may 'plug in' your league specific scoring and the site will rank players according to 'your' league.


    Anyways, here it is: Fantasy Football Today



  9. I was born and raised in Buffalo, then I joined the Military and moved away in 1992 and now live in Las Vegas.


    No doubt, few cities compare to the nightlife of Vegas, but after years of partying stateside as well as oversees, there is something unique about returning to the Buffalo Nightlife scene.


    I guess you can divide the nightlife into three types of advice. --Here they are in my opinion.


    If you lived there before, then it's a great place. Any local bar will provide old high school friends that either still work at the establishment or have been frequenting the place since the time you left. I usually get the 'your money is no good here' answer as old aquaintences buy shots and keep the rounds coming. ---Great cionversation, usually about football or hockey seem to be the topic of choice, while splurging on Canadian beer that is hard to find in any cities South of the state of Pennsylvania are my favorite choices. Adding some beef on weck, wings or the occasional Salem hot dog with webers mustard after downing a few cold ones tends to make me feel 21 again.


    If you are a 'tourist' then you have to check out Chippewa. Bars and clubs full of 'big hair' blaring music left over from the early 90's as well as decent dance clubs give the average person a great smorgasboard of Buffalo Nightlife. Finish it off with a street dog while standing or some late night Greek food and a cab ride home and it will be a good night. The atmosphere of a Saturday night before a home game is quite exciting, especially knowing a full day of hungover tailgating is on its way within hours.


    Lastly, If you are T.O. with a pocketful of cash and enough popularity to draw a crowd, it may NOT be such a wonderful experience. VIP treatment is subpar and from what I've seen, there aren't many 'private' booths or VIP rooms to keep it exciting week to week. Perhaps a stop at some finer resturants with bars in them at a nice hotel or maybe a place like Olivers comes to mind, and you will get good food, good service with a nice atmosphere and a 'mature' setting. --But then again, if you are that wealthy, then you probably have a fully staffed home with a bar and fine food in it anyways. A guy like T.O may want to skip town and head to Toronto or NYC for a night of 'big city' partying.


    Just my thoughts.....Damn, Imiss Webers!

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