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Posts posted by HankBulloughMellencamp

  1. It gets tiring talking about Sully, Bucky and Harrington but that's the gist of it.


    In a world awash in media coverage (even Astro and TSW are in that mix with their camp coverage), the boys at the Snooze are being marginalized--especially when they do little to cultivate national sources or are frozen out by the teams they cover, as these jamokes seem to be.


    Hyperbole and fake outrage are all the levers they have left to pull


    I agree, Sully has no other arrows in his quiver at this point. Bucky is in the same boat at TBN. They now write fluff pieces, or (mostly) these troll "columns". After so much drivel, he has painted himself into a corner, and the only way he gets talked about is when he pisses people off. Not the first writer to try this, but it's just such a tired act in these parts by now.


    I must say that it has been so refreshing to see the snooze finally add some bench strength with the likes of total professionals like Carucci and Ty Dunne, each of who I have actually enjoyed reading.

  2. I thought he tried to make himself available to the fans as much or more than any other exec in recent times. That's a plus in my book. What he was responsible for was those 3rd jerseys. I mean, that's a fireable offense!!


    I don't think any of this was arrogance. He gave as much as he got with the BN which is fine in my book.


    Fair points. I didn't know of Black's admirable availability, as some have now referenced. But his turd-burger 3rd jersey, and his subsequent coining of the term "jersey fatigue" went over with the Buffalo market like a fart in church.


    Let's be honest, we are still in the dark ages of "success on the field of play" in both franchises. Both had tough jobs selling hope with year after year of inferior results. Russ is just far better at it than Black proved to be. So they give Russ half (or whatever) of what Black made, and forge ahead with their OneBuffalo empire. Quite shrewd, actually.

  3. The Pegulas have some sort of vision (although I'm growing a bit weary of these major changes in direction that seem to happen every 6 months or so with their sports franchise) and they feel that Brandon can/will get them there.


    I trust Terry and Kim's judgement. I mean, Terry can't possibly amass a multi-billion dollar fracking empire without some very keen business sense and very good judgement on people, project management & leadership skills.


    Black worked for them for several years, and relations between the Sabres and the press were contentious at best. Much of it was petty & unprofessional on both ends; I don't just chalk it up to being in last place for 2 years. Brandon leaves an impression, and the Pegulas ultimately decide they want better for the hockey wing of #OneBuffalo.


    Black came across as an arrogant douche.

  4. I think Sal will have a much more personal relationship with the players because he's more approachable, which in turn will give us more info into what goes on behind the scenes. i don't know if he has the journalistic chops to write amazing stories, but i think he will be more tuned in to what is happening at OBD


    Totally agree ... I think Sal is outstanding, and will be a significant improvement over Joe B.

    Sal had Hughes and Searcy on that weekly on-location TV show he hosted, and it was great to see the rapport he has with the players.

    In this way, I think he will bring much more of that insider perspective than Joe B. was capable of. And with Sal, you can really tell he loves every minute of being so close to the team.

  5. Frankly, I'm insulted that Bucky is employed, let alone tweeting...

    I totally agree. So sick of his whiny, "I don't like the way it was handled" nonsense ... today's article is loaded with speculative garbage and spin.
    So Bucky's point is, Hurley would have spurned ASU's quintuple-plus raise out of loyalty to UB if White had kissed his ass more? Got it. And Tim Murray is wrong for not trying to win every game at all costs. And pro-tankers are losers. Oh, and Darcy Regier previously mis-managed the Sabres' fall to the bottom. Huh?
    White (and the world) knew that with success, it was a not a matter of if but when Hurley would be leaving for greener pastures. Par for the course in college athletics, and life in general. Danny Boy had already orchestrated an alumni shakedown that guaranteed Hurley a more than 100% raise to the top of the list of MAC basketball coach salaries. But we all realize UB can't pretend to pay what Depaul or ASU can pay.
    And isn't White is the guy who bet on Hurley as a HC in the first place? But Bucky claims in hindsight that beefing up UB's insulting & lowball offer by say 50k before the dance would have kept Hurley here even with a job offer like the one he got from ASU. Gotcha.
    And from what UB sports media have candidly reported, Bucky is barely even connected to UB people and has only taken interest in recent months. Remember how mad the Buffalo News was in the way White jettisoned Reggie Witherspoon? Whose basketball program was all but ignored in print?
  6. I've used up all my 'I told you So's on EJ. I sat through the Houston Debacle where receivers gave up on him and his clueless, timid play. Best thing Marrone did last year was send him to the bench the next morning. What he's got going for him now -and for as long as he's a Bill, there's only one direction he can go. Up. Well, up or out. Of course I hope he can turn it loose - he has the 'toolbox' -size, big arm, intelligent, passionate and he's articulate. Nothing I'd want more from our QB. Is IT in him? Can he acquire IT? I see this as his biggest hurdle. If he bombs, well, he already has. If he Gets IT, I'll be among the 1st to publically eat crow.


    This post pretty much nails it for me. I'd love to be wrong, and to have him grab the QB job and run with it. I just think that there is not much evidence that this could happen other than blind faith.


    Not to be hyper critical, but EJ should be working on looking at/freezing the imaginary safety, then rotating his shoulders over to hit Hogan on these outs. There is absolutely nothing impressive about the referenced clip, it's what any QB in NCAA Division I can and should do versus air.

  7. I don't think the point is that he didn't win a National Championship so much as it is that his replacement did with mostly the same team the following year.


    And no offense, but this project thing is bull ****. The only recent first round project I can recall in recent memory was Tannehill who converted from WR to QB half way through college.


    Thanks for clarifying my point. I am also tired of all this 'project' and 'development' talk. EJ has been a starting QB for a long time. Most Florida State people hold no special fondness for his era of leadership. He is what he is ... a talented, yet enigmatic nice guy.


    I will not be surprised if Tyrod Taylor pushed EJ into the land of Jeff Tuel on the depth chart.


    Cassel will be the starter.

  8. My opinion is that if the Bills do bring in another QB (Locker, Sanchez,etc.) EJ will be given his walking papers. Bringing in Cassell to push EJ makes sense, bringing in a second guy indicates what they really think about EJ.


    IMO, this is exactly correct.


    There is no way they will have recruited 2 guys to come in and babysit EJ.


    If they bring in another fairly experienced FA, and it's an open competition (& why wouldn't it be) he's gone.


    If they draft a guy, EJ stands a slightly better chance of seeing his week 1 game check, but not by much.


    Joe B was telling an incredulous Howard this morning that even if EJ does not earn the job, it's unlikely he'd be cut, because "they don't operate that way".


    I don't buy that at all. He is on thin ice.

  9. I am not an EJ basher or lover. But one thing that makes me wonder if he can be better with different coaching. It seemed to me whenever any QB on this team made a mistake of a turnover all of a sudden their play would go from having a good game to sheeting the bed. To me Moron was so worried about turnovers that after they happened he had his QBs play scared. All of them not just EJ but Thad, Orton, Tuel every single one of them

    Sure, coaching plays into it, but it is only an excuse as to why EJ has so many question marks at this point in time.
    I am pessimistic on EJ's ability to be a leader (in general), and I question his potential QB effectiveness when his in-game mechanics are so poor so often. Two major strikes against him ever being good enough for us or anyone.
    I feel the same way I did once JP started flaming out here. He laid an awful egg at Pittsburgh, and when the postgame questioning got tough, he took zero responsibility. At that point, he was dead to me.
    EJ is dead to me for the diffferent reasons mentioned above. And now that CJ mentioned (on his last unofficial day as a Bill) that EJ is too buddy buddy with guys ... that is another HUGE red flag to me. Orton came in here and told WRs where he expected them to be - he knew the position and demanded what he needed. These same guys were on the verge of a mutiny against their lackluster deer-in-the-headlights greenhorn who was throwing balls that were getting them killed.
    In terms of leadership, you can always ease off someone if you have demanded/established respect from the get-go. But you can almost never start getting tougher on guys once you've established yourself as incompetent and/or a pushover type of leader/boss/friend. It's a steep climb, and resistance is then built-in every step of the way.
    In this way, EJ is very much like RoJo, JP, and Trentative before him. Just not a good enough leader of grown men. Marrone punted quickly (not surprisingly) ... and I think Rex will too.

    When I saw, two years ago, that thad had a much better arm than EJ, I knew EJ can't make it in the league. LACK OF ACCURACY!!! He has a strong arm, just can't hit a target consistently downfield. (season ticket holder, have seen every home game in person) EJ misses bigtime on longer throws 20 yds or more. Yes, he hits a few, but consistently missing by 5 yards or more. This lack of skill is unteachable.....and I am in the camp there will be another signee (hoping Locker) and EJ will be gone.

    I happen to totally agree with this take. Thad came in and took shots downfield for us. EJ had hit some nice long ones with his lofted rainbows (Goodwin vs. Jets), but his demonstrated lack of willingness to fire balls into seam routes or out patterns make me convinced he will never magically "get it" as many delusionists are hoping.


    Whaley survived his whiff, Rex is the new sheriff in town and will not be beholden to a poor choice three drafts ago.


    I will be shocked if EJ beats Cassel and/or anyone out. Rex will NOT give him the job by default on a wing and a prayer.

  11. I agree that Joe B may not translate well to TV. His delivery is still halting and tentitive. Were I his News Director I'd tell him to stick to nouns and verbs and if he wants to use an adjective to call me at home. He's a hard worker though.


    My thought is he might be better suited to TV, in that there won't be as much ad-libbing. He can just work on reading the teleprompter, and he'll have less of a chance to infuse "by no means" into every other sentence.


    And this is what he had to say about Alonso/McCoy:




    So, you know. Guy definitely knows his stuff.


    egads on both counts. Unless Foles is included in the package, I am dumbfounded.


    I guess it amounts to two guys who are not good fits for what their current coaching staffs want to do scheme-wise ... Shady is probably an exact hybrid of Fred and CJ ... tough like Fred but more true speed like CJ has in abundance.


    And he has been more productive than the two of them combined.

  13. As an unabashed critique of the garbage media in this town, JB is the only one who puts in the extra effort to actually not rehash everyone's work. He seemingly works endlessly, he bases his opinion, unlike most other idiots, on facts he's researched himself, he's style is intentionally accessible, again unlike the arrogant tools on that channel and at the snooze. Put it this way, anyone who watches as much tape as this guy and puts together his own ranking system is a pro in my book. That's why more than others who rely on what they did in college and their job as all the life-long learning they need. Good for him, I knew and said before he wasn't long for that hack station and he won't be long for this little league market, book it.


    If you're bashing this guy, I'm afraid to ask who's good in this town?

    You kind of made my point for me. If Joe B. really watches as much tape as he says he does, it's more proof to me that he doesn't know what he is looking at. He is always riding the fence, and offers nothing of substance. Ranking prospects and creating mock drafts is fairly easy to do ... nearly anyone can do it. Scouting their talents and weaknesses is a bit more of an acquired skill.
    WGR always presented Joe B to be some sort of draftnik, which he is far from. So I am bashing this aspect of his work, not him as a person or as an employee ... or even as a soon-to-be desk anchor. Like I said, the Channel 7 gig will probably be a much better fit for him.
    And he may even move on to bigger and better things - I hope he does. I just feel very comfortable in saying he won't likely end up analyzing the draft for ESPN or NFL network. And as for the "who IS good" question ... the Big Cat and I are on the same radio frequency again ... Sal Capaccio is a thousand times more knowledgeable and opinionated. Sal has experience coaching the sport, and it shows.


    Don't confuse effort with results.



  14. Does this mean we won't have to listen to him on WGR pretend like he knows a single thing about football?




    I wish him well in his new role, as he is certainly very professional. And anchoring is probably a better fit for his skills.


    I find that most if not all of his insights on football were just generalizations & re-hashed conventional wisdom.


    I don't ever recall coming away from one of his segments feeling like I learned anything new about a player. He doesn't describe the true strengths or weaknesses of a guy, he just describes him in terms of being "average" or "very good" or whatever subjective term he employs.

  15. Exhibit C - Many of his teammates have lost substantial sums investing in EJMLL on the Fantex exchange at his bequest.


    Can't cut him soon enough in my opinion.


    lol at Exhibit C

    I would be mildly surprised if they cut EJ3, but not totally shocked. I ultimately don't believe he has what it takes to process info on the field and play with any sort of consistency. And for that reason, I don't need to see him involved in any QB battles for us. He's a clipboard holder at best in this league.
    Here is what a large percentage of EJ believers are still thinking: "it was the offensive line's fault, it's Marrone/Hackett's fault", etc etc ... and "if the Bills had just polished him with more care, he'd be a real gem - we screwed him up". This is nonsense. A turd is a turd, no matter how you polish it.
    I reject this ideology based on what he has shown on the field, culminating with that abysmal Houston game, after which a WR mutiny was about to become a real issue for the entire team.
    Cut bait. EJ is not capable of anything more than clipboard holding.
    Having all of the physical tools and positive attitude in the world does not guarantee that you will eventually ripen as a bona-fide NFL QB. See Johnson, Rob. EJ is hesitant to fire a football into a receiver - he never puts his body into the throw. His inaccuracy & the abnormal number of "floated" balls indicate indecision and a lack of conviction on what he is seeing.
    What Winston did once he took over at Florida State only serves as proof that EJ is not a "franchise" quarterback, whatever that means.
  16. I joined this thread too late. I don't have time to read 17 pages. So if somebody mentioned Mark Rypien before, excuse me. That guy was a statue, but Washington built a wall in front of him, and he got sacked 8 times all year. And throttled the Bills in the Super Bowl.


    Put a wall in front of KO and see what happens.


    Right there with you. There is no good reason why Orton can't continue to play here, and play well, for 5 or more years. And it would allow the Bills to be much better in the short term (obviously) as well as the long term in that they won't be forced to overdraft a QB to anoint.


    The ever-urgent need to fill the title of "franchise guy" is a trap that franchises continually fall into... if you can get an Andrew Luck, fine. But do the SB rings sported by Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer, & Mark Rypien have less luster?


    Orton is who I hoped he was, and more. I have zero issues with having him lead the Bills huddle for the foreseeable future.


    His mobility is that of Peyton Manning


    This may be true, but like Manning, he does not take many hits because he knows where he wants to go with the ball and gets rid of it quickly, usually in about 3 seconds. Or are you saying you really need a guy who is athletic and can scramble so he can hold the ball longer? And make bad decisions after the passing windows have all closed?

  17. So that is what? 30 something years of combined experience between those QBs?


    True, which means we might have to trot EJ out there for about 6 more seasons of development before truly seeing if he can muster up a competent level of quarterbacking. Perhaps by then, all of his mechanical issues will be worked out.


    So be patient, there will have to be more suffering. Marrone will exit stage left, and the same goes for the next two HCs.

  18. Re the wide receivers, how frustrating to know that if you get open, the ball will probably never get to you. Also, if it does get to you, you'll have to break your momentum to catch it or do contortions because the pass was thrown to the wrong side of your momentum (frequently when you're only a few yards away from the QB).


    This is 100% correct, and inexcusable at this level. Watch Brees and Romo tonight ... or Smith and Brady tomorrow night. If the ball is not delivered such that the receiver can keep his momentum and gain another 5 or more, or 'sit them down' away from the coverage, it's a bad ball to them.


    EJ basically throws in the general vicinity of his checkdown targets. And because #3 refuses to ever fully stride into a throw, as if protecting his forward leg from getting rolled up on, this will not improve. You can read into how these guys react to his floating, drifting throws. It's almost like how much more of this **** do we have to put up with?


    And for those demanding better play calls, or better O-line play, it's not as though you are totally off kilter, but when your QB is this incapable of providing a viable downfield passing threat, your game plan is up in smoke.

  19. After every terrible throw today, you could see the frustration by our wrs. They would look back at ej like what the hell was that. I'm sure that they are getting tired of being set up to get destroyed and seeing passes that most college qbs could hit going 5 yards over their heads. And there was clearly something wrong with watkins today and it wasn't the rookie blues. I suspect that he came into the game expecting ej to lay a stinker and it impacted his day...or maybe he had something personal going on, but I bet it is the crappy, soft qb. I am pretty sure ej has lost this group.


    I agree with this completely. In the WR meeting room, they had to squirm while watching footage of one of theirs (Goodwin) get drilled in the solar plexus because EJ can't properly "lead a receiver open." EJ felt guilty immediately, as he ran over to Marquise like a dad who accidentally fired one off his son's grill. And Sammy's alligator arm at the end of the SD loss was somewhat justified given his flak jacket.


    Let's not forget Robert Woods made a catch Dwight Clark would be proud of in the opener when EJ threw it eight miles high. So just before the half today, EJ sets him up for a full planking hit for a 1 yard checkdown/inconsequential gain as the half basically expires? I'd be livid, too.


    If Orton does not start vs. Detroit, Pegula should fire Whaley and Marrone on day one of his regime.

  20. I can say with absolute certitude that EJ will not come close to being as good as Rivers.


    Until a credible downfield passing game is exhibited the defense is going to jam the line of scrimmage and take away the running lanes. So I'm not going to be as critical of the coaching staff as you are.


    Some people can't handle the truth, or choose to forge ahead in denial. But this is the stone cold truth.

  21. Unless the play of our qb is elevated then this team is going to slide downwards as the season advances. Very few teams, especially in the NFL of today with the emphasis on passing, is going to be successful unless at the minimum the qb performs at an adequate level.


    In yesterday's game EJ threw to his wideouts 21 times. He completed only seven passes to them. In his dink and donk passes to the TE and RBs he was 16 for 18. The percentage seems high but the impact was inconsequential. The point that I am making is unless there is greater output by him the result will be more losses and more boring games. If his level of play can reach the average level then the team can compete. If he continues to flounder in the downfield passing game then the outcome is predictable.


    That's how I see it.


    Orton is miles ahead of EJ as a passer MILES ahead.


    I have not given up on EJ but hes missing throws the team flat out needs him to make and so hes needs to start making them . Orton has already proven he can make those throws .


    All of our talent is aging & being wasted without competent QB play. This is why Miami is now flirting with the idea of Matt Moore over Tannehill, and why RGIII will not simply slide back into that Washington QB job. He got Brady'd (Bradied?), and Gruden will not take Cousins off that field unless there is an injury situation.


    EJ is the king of the garbage time stat, compiled long after the game outcome is in question. But as JohnC points out, even his stats hide the fact that he offers no real down the field threat to a defense. Defenses can give up the underneath chinks in the armor all day with EJ; they don't truly need to have much respect for his arm. Other than making sure guys don't get behind them for a sideline rainbow, he never tests them.


    If he ever starts stepping into his throws, he might have a chance to complete balls in the 15+ yard range without hanging people out to dry. Until we start to see that, he will only be an athletic Trent Edwards.


    In my opinion, the ball Sammy quit on is such a telling indictment of EJ. #14 owned up to it admirably, but I do understand why he did it at the time.

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