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Posts posted by HankBulloughMellencamp

  1. Perhaps because the "potentially icy cold truth" is not a truth at all but a projection. I am willing to admit that my projection and hopes for EJ could be wrong. Seems that many of his doubters cannot. They sound full of themselves (read it here first, he's gonna suck!) and it's annoying.


    Ok, the first thing I’d like to make perfectly clear… I am not trying to get under your (or anyone’s) skin – I have truly enjoyed this exchange, and that’s precisely why I post my thoughts on here. The micro-criticism of EJ's play simply comes with the territory. We have sucked, and need someone to be the guy. Until we find one, it will continue.


    And what I really hope is that about halfway through this year, I will be served the biggest plate of humble pie, just as EJ leads us to another clutch win in a hostile environment. Say, the Jets game in the Meadowlands on Oct 26th. If that happens, it will be quite a delicious serving of humble pie for me, and I’ll even offer you a nibble (since you seem to be at a similar confidence level with Marrone).




    If you haven’t, please read this pre-draft scouting report on EJ, from Florida State people, no less. It details some alarmingly troubling things that have already come to pass (no pun intended, I swear!). This is why I am not counting on Todd Downing orchestrating a sudden breakthrough in his 2nd NFL season.


    And our playoff baby is already in the 9th grade, so I just do not have the time to wait for another baby to develop while this defense is ready to roll.

  2. Because "win now" is not a f---ing switch that you flip? Harbaugh benefited big time from a lot of the right talent, finally being employed the wrong way. Funny how Alex Smith was a dud without good coaching and is now one of the game's smartest, more efficient QBs. This team has talent. EJ has talent. Let's see what it can do. I am far more receptive to the idea that Marrone is a coach of low pedigree that wasn't ready for the NFL, than I am to the idea that EJ is a bust after 9.5 games.


    EJ is really sorry for everything he did wrong the past 14 years, starting when he was in 4th grade, but get a grip.


    Whoa, I must have hit a nerve. You drop f-bombs and tell me to get a grip? Perhaps it is because you don’t want to face the potentially icy cold truth about hard-working EJ. And Alex Smith’s success in KC only makes me think Orton could really take advantage of the talent here, and make a star out of a guy like Watkins.


    In my mind, the moment Orton enters the game (if in relief of EJ’s struggles), it is “win now” mode. We shall see if it becomes necessary. I am just glad he’s in the bullpen.


    The “Marrone is not ready for primetime” argument is really just a red herring. He doesn’t make the mental mistakes I enumerated. The question of whether he is who we need at the helm will not really be entertained in my mind until at least late this year. I think he has shown a lot of what we have lacked in a head coach.


    My biggest fear with what I have seen thus far in EJ is that he ultimately might not be a good enough leader of full grown NFL professionals. In this way he’d be similar to what befell Rob Johnson, J.P. Losman, and Trent Edwards.


    Like Brian Cox might say, I am waiting for his nuts to drop.

  3. I keep saying it, Kyle Orton is NOT better than EJ. He is not the present or the future for this team. Playing him in front of EJ does nothing for this team.



    Career (2005-2013). Pct 58.5 Yards 15,019 TDs 83 Int 59 QBR 79.



    Career Pct 58.8 Yards 1,972 TDs 11 Int 9 QBR 77.7



    They look pretty similar to me, why scream for an older version that most likely will not improve. EJ projects to throw more ints, but Orton was TD 9 Int 13 in his rookie year.


    Orton (2005) Pct 51.6% Yards 1896 TDs 9 Int 13 QBR 59.7


    I just do not understand how this guys is supposed to save the franchise, while EJ ***** the bed?



    I'd better make a big distinction between "giving this team a fighting chance to win each ballgame" and "saving the franchise".


    I don’t rely on stats to tell me what I am seeing thus far with EJ. The things that I mentioned are all things that he has control over, and is responsible for. They are tangible things that I am basing my evaluation on, not statistics that can be shaped and molded to support what you want to say.


    Stats do not account for leadership ability, taking chances downfield, etc. Per Chris Brown, EJ supposedly has some “clutch” factor… if so, why is his 3rd down statistical performance so abysmal?

  4. I'll bite.

    I’d get excited if Mike Mayock wrote this. But a Chris Brown PR/puff-piece explaining all the ways EJ has gotten better? While the entire 2nd preseason body of work tells me differently?


    I really don’t want EJ to fail. But I am in the camp of highly skeptical observers of EJ’s supposed “development” – he makes a lot of football 101 mistakes that should not be made. Like don't run out of bounds and etch an 8-yard loss in stone, especially near the red zone - chuck it at the feet of the nearest Bills receiver!!!


    I know he played 10 NFL games, but he played plenty in a major college program and he still does not:

    • do a good job of freezing safeties … he stares guys down & pulls the trigger as everyone breaks on his motion. Doesn’t often work in the big leagues.
    • fire the ball in there. Too many timid floaters. No confidence.
    • have a good pocket presence. Don’t abort the mission as soon as you feel someone’s paw grabbing at you. To sack a Roethlisberger, you’d better get ready to wrestle that bear down to the ground, and he still might fling it on the way to the ground. Big Ben is in a class by himself in this way, but EJ wilts.
    • get rid of it quickly, and make the defense pay for the heat they bring. He’s still calculating, and there are two guys swallowing him up for an overload pressure sack.

    I guess if Chris Brown doesn’t put this piece out now, he may never get a chance to. But I’ll pass on this Kool-Aid … and do a double shot of Jack when Orton takes the controls, please.


    It has been 14 years now. How about “win now” mode for a change.



    But having a good game against Rex in the 2nd game or nearly throwing for 300 yards in a comeback against the #2 defense don't count?


    Sure they do, & so does our 6-10 record. His stats probably look OK in those games. The Ravens turned it over a bunch, as I recall, and he had a good game here vs. Sexy Rexie. But he was abominable in those other games I mentioned. And his fragility hindered his development and the team.


    He's on par with JP Losman in my mind... not a guy that can get you anywhere but where we have been.


    I don't agree that he cannot make defenses pay when they bring pressure.


    My best examples of this are last year at NYJ, at Pitt, and at Tampa. They brought people, and EJ had no answers all game long. So therefore, we were never going to be able to run it on those days.


    If DBs sniff blood in the water with a young QB, they cheat up and make it worse until you can make them pay. In his rookie year, EJ failed those tests miserably.

  7. While I totally agree he needs to be more accurate, I don't agree with your above assessment. There are some quarterbacks that throw most every throw with authority, except when it is necessary to, say, lob it over a defender on a specific play. There are great QBs and lousy QBs who play this way. Brady is usually that way. There are other QBs who throw each pass differently depending on the route and how much room they have. They lob balls so it's easier to catch if guys are wide open. They gun balls when they have to. There are also great and terrible QBs with this model. Manning is one of these types. I don't think there is one way or another that is better. EJ is one of these types, too. So it looks like he doesn't have a good arm at times or he floats passes that he shouldn't. But usually he floats it on purpose.


    That doesn't mean he doesn't need to improve his accuracy. He surely does.


    They say Bridgewater "throws people open" as a strength. I can't even say what EJ's strengths are.


    We could talk about throwing ability and what makes a good QB all day. And I was certainly hoping we had one when we picked EJ. His arm is not the issue... he is capable of throwing good passes and firing it when needed. He is timid, indecisive, and can't make a defense pay when they bring pressure. He plays like he is afraid to make a mistake.


    EJ is just underwhelming in too many senses for me to be optimistic at this point.

  8. There are several examples from this preaseason where he has done exactly what you claim he doesn't do. You are factually incorrect.


    We can agree to disagree now, before you post a clip of a specific pre-season play where he did this.


    My point is that throwing the ball with anticipation is not a strength of his. And conversely, EJ rarely fires the ball into tight spaces. In fact he throws a lot of high-lofted floaters (that often trail OB) ... to me, this indicates indecision and an attempt to be "too perfect".


    #3 is not durable, and although he looks the part, he offers no real threat as a scrambler. In fact, he missed time on three separate occasions, once because he didn't protect himself, and twice because his knee swelled up after the game.


    I'll give you this, he is good at being delusionally positive.


    Ain't nobody got time for any more enigmas!



    Interesting article on Orton, in case you have not seen it yet...



  9. Agree with everything, but IMO it's a huge upgrade and reason to rejoice. The news that they have been working on this for a couple months is also great news, if only because it means the brain trust wasn't as reckless and blind as they had appeared about a very important position on an NFL team, backup QB.


    100% agreed. Orton was waiting to see where his best potential landing spot could be. And as it turned out, St Louis and Buffalo were the two neediest teams in the QB market.


    I don't suggest he will stonewall EJ and remind us of Flutie/Johnson. But I don't think Orton will offer anywhere near the coddling and player/coach mentoring that a guy like Jordan Palmer would have. Orton is coming here because he has a chance to drive the bus on a talented team, something he has a good bit of experience doing.

  10. He wants to throw to guys who are obviously open.


    I love this point. Orton is a real leader, and will be our starter when EJ falters.


    EJ can not handle overload pressure, and does not throw with anticipation. He needs to see the guy open before he pulls the trigger. Works for deep balls, but he is poor at slants and anything timed over the middle.

  11. Easy there...Not that Kirby needs me to say anything...But that's my boy there...At least add a wink or something...Your take was valid...Is the insult really necessary to advance the conversation?... B-)


    Sorry guys, I was not intending a personal attack at all, but making a joke with reference to his username. :oops: Of course Kirby Jackson was a decent fringe/nickel CB for us, and I was going to say stick to the defensive backfield.


    And I guess it shows just how strongly I feel about what an awful LB Sheppard was in the league when he was here.

  12. Anyone else interested in bringing him back as LB depth? He was decent against the run.


    You need to have your head examined for post-concussion syndrome, Kirby.


    Kelvin Sheppard was the worst starting LB we have fielded in quite some time. Started for a year and a half, and I don't recall a single play he ever made that was of any significance. When the Dougs took over, he was their first order of business, and the jettisoning of him told me they might at least have a clue.

  13. Courtesy of Big Lots, I own it on DVD, but have yet to be so down in the doldrums about the Bills that I have made time to take the plastic off and watch it.

    Which reminds me, I need to go put some Orville Redenbacher’s in the micro and give this baby a whirl. I mean, Jon Voight is the Bills HC… that fact alone sounds like cinematic gold.

  14. I found the video...Its so funny cuz the reporter is saying that the GM said the Bills are a playoff contender yet you have a bad backup. It starts at the 3 minute mark. He is so funny.




    Thanks for posting, I loved how he patronized Jerry Sullivan in answering him at the 2:55 mark. Jerry tried to paint him into a corner about what Marrone had already said about being unhappy with backup QBs.


    Professional, yet disrespectful to Sully in front of his peers... I could almost hear Sully's blood boiling.

  15. I could care less what is said in an interview, I personally like the way he coaches and think he gets it. If the Bills keep changing coaches every two years they will never build a winner. I think DM and DW are to the point where they have the good players in key spots to fulfill their vision. The big question is the QB


    "Great football coaches have the vision to see, the faith to believe, the courage to do... and 25 great players." - Marv Levy



    Great post. Two years is really not even enough time to judge how good a HC is, but I will wait until at least after this year is well underway to pass judgement on Marrone.


    I like that he seems to really push his players, and expects a lot out of them. Win 8 or 9 and he's on the right track. Win 6 or less and I don't think he or Whaley will be back.

  16. I don't doubt that Palmer will be a good on-field peer coach for EJ, but is anyone else worried this kid (EJ) has too many people in his ear telling him what to do, how to do it etc. etc. ??


    Exactly. EJ needs to let it rip, already. Hackett's telling him one thing, the new QB coach is in his helmet speaker saying another, Jordan will be telling him what they called that in Cincy and Chicago ...


    He's already indecisive enough!


    Geez, take him out and get him laid. Or let him play some freeplay Grand Theft Auto for a few hours. Destroy some stuff. Live a little.

  17. I think that was a busted play or (heinously) a called run, and there were guys downfield that wouldn't allow him to just throw it out of bounds.


    OK, I sure hope it was a busted play. Because if a called EJ run is true, this means that Hackett called in essence a bootleg left/designed run by their ultra-fragile QB (who at that point had yet to deliver a preseason TD) at about the opponents 20 yard line.


    In which case I'd recommend Marrone pull a Jauron/Haley and FIRE Hackett's 5-hour energy infused OC arse right before the opener just like Schonert/Gailey.

  18. EJ does deserve this year, my concern simply lies in what happens in 2015 if EJ doesn't make forward progress....


    I know it's only preseason, but against Tampa, what did you think of EJ's forward progress when he trotted out-of-bounds to lock in an 8 yard loss in the red zone? As opposed to tossing the ball at the feet of anyone near him for an incompletion?


    I am starting to really think he might have half a box of rocks in that helmet.

  19. Total nonsense. Palmer will be fortunate to make it past Saturday's cutdown to 53.


    I disagree... unless they can wrangle away a Ponder or Schaub.

    Unless he draws a crude image on the white board, I have to believe Palmer is making this team at this point.


    I am having an alarming case of deja vu right now.


    Shame on you, Mr. Whaley. This is like buying a snowblower just as the first snowfall is coming down two years in a row.

  20. I know. I was hoping for the golden bear.


    I assume you meant Arnie, and I agree that he would bring some moxie and a really good "compete" level to the QB room.


    But his throwing mechanics are probably not even on par with a Fitzy double-cheeked 15-yard out pattern.

  21. Brown (a starter) and Rogers (our 5th(?) cb) are widely different discussions

    In both cases, they were inherited guys that the staff saw some things in, enough that they got on the field.

    When a new regime takes over, they have to undertake the process of mining through what is already there. Ex: they saw zilch in LB Kelvin Sheppard, and got Hughes for him. I’d rather highlight the fact that once they realized these guys just couldn’t cut it, it was not long before they were out of here… in Colin Brown’s case, right after week 4 or whatever. Same goes for the punter Powell.

    Anyway, this year’s "team that Whaley built" is the result of two drafts and two offseasons, so these are his guys. I like what has been developed everywhere except QB. I have to believe they sign a vet in favor of Tuel or Lewis.

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