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Bad Lieutenant

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Everything posted by Bad Lieutenant

  1. Apparently this wasn't enough for Crowley. For the millionth time-He wasn't "mouthing off" or "swearing" or "acting belligerent" or any of the other things that are floating around in the imaginations of the angry middle-aged white man brigade.
  2. So what you're saying is that you want an authoritarian police force which hauls in anyone that they perceive is addressing them with even the slightest disrespect or exasperation to their intonation? Hilarious. I'm surprised guys like you spend so much time railing on socialism and communism since you always go out of your way to excuse police brutality, want to give the government the right to torture, don't believe we should live up to our treaties, and condone invading sovereign nations that have never attacked us. It sounds to me like the U.S.S.R would be your wet dream! And by the way, how can you predict something that already happened?
  3. When did asking for an officer's name become "swearing"?
  4. Asking for the officers name is "mouthing off"? http://www.theroot.com/views/skip-gates-speaks?page=0,1
  5. Would anyone care to make any inferences as to why this thread is over 10 pages long in less than 12 hours?
  6. It's funny how the "Dow Jones-Official Barack Obama Report Card" talking point has faded away. Perhaps the liberals should consider co-opting it from the conservatives.
  7. Didn't London Fletcher take some ridiculous penalty on that final drive as well? I seem to remember him trying to be slick and keeping a Jag pinned to the ground for an extra second or 2 and he got called for delay of game or possibly unsportsmanlike conduct.
  8. And people still claim that no FA's want to play in Buffalo.
  9. Actually he was too busy being the first burglar in the history of burgledom to enter his target through its front door in broad daylight, while wearing an ugly striped shirt tucked into dressed pants, who rather than pillaging through the house began making phone calls and then upon his apprehension he was capable of providing a Massachusetts driver's license proving he did in fact live there. Great police work Officer Crowley!
  10. I'd bet on 1 considering he was just returning from China when the incident occured.
  11. Aren't conservatives supposed to be all about limited government and personal freedom? It's amusing to me how they'll decry government "tyranny" over an issue like a cigarette tax yet an actual intrusion by an agent of the government into the life of an American citizen is no big deal.
  12. He was. I remember how everyone was giddy about how good Willis was going to once he got his top end speed back. Turns out we're still waiting!
  13. Completely unverified rumor that I have no idea where I heard it from- his kids were taking alot of crap at school.
  14. That game was maddening. In retrospect it's not quite as bad now considering the careers that Willie Parker and James Harrison have enjoyed but Brian St Pierre? Seriously?
  15. With our luck watch Michael Crabtree and Knowshon Moreno hold out until early September.
  16. What's so unreasonable about questioning Ron Paul's unparalleled popularity in the White Supremacist/Nationalist/Separatist community?
  17. I agree. Nowadays Letterman can't finish a monologue without going off on a riff about the nationalization of another American industry, ranting about the need for slave reparations, or voicing his support for the unequivocal reversal of the Second Amendment. So help me god if I hear him mention his weekly brunch with Noah Chomsky and Howard Zinn for the thousandth time I'm going to have to start watching Conan.
  18. Of course Ron Paul stands for something! Sincerely, Don Black
  19. And exactly ONE right-wing extremist assassinated an abortion provider. And exactly ONE right-wing extremist was arrested for soliciting the assassination of federal judges. And exactly ONE right-wing extremist murdered several Pittsburgh cops because he believed they were coming to take his guns. But according to you we're not living in a violent right-wing zeitgeist. 1) Bush did issue a report on left-wing extremism but guess what? Liberals didn't throw a hissy fit and politicize it. http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/wp-conte...anuary-2009.pdf 2) If you're going to comment on the report can you at least do us the courtesy of reading the thing first? Here you go- http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf It's only 9 pages and in bullet point format so I'm sure it will only take you at least a week to finish. I'm dying to know where exactly in this report does DHS recommend that the Federal Government start monitoring conservative blogs and mainstream conservative activists.
  20. First of all I just want to remind everyone that DHS was completely in the wrong for publishing a report on the dangers of right-wing extremism. Now lets get to the fun stuff! In the words of his ex-wife http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2..._him_alive.html Anti Federal Government? Check. http://www.holywesternempire.org/bio.html He was a "Freeper" AND a "Birther"? I'm shocked! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2141655/posts
  21. A right-wing extremist resorting to wanton acts of violence? But that never happens!
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