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Bad Lieutenant

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Everything posted by Bad Lieutenant

  1. I promised myself I would never use one of those gay LOL emoticons but reading this almost made me break my no emoticon edict-almost. You really live some exciting life there don't ya- Teabaggings, Sundays wasted clapping, bobbing your head and tapping your toes to "incredible contemporary, uplifting music in praise of God", and last but not least message boards! You're livin' the dream!
  2. Good one! With hilarious quips like these you're a lock to be at least the 78th funniest person at your 4th of July Teabagging!
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090607/ap_on_...ortion_shooting Doesn't this sound like the "ticking time bomb" scenario that right-wingers use to justify everything? Well then lets go people- Bring on the waterboardings! First Scott Roeder and then Randall Terry! A warrantless wiretap for every Baptist church in the Bible Belt! Let's win the War on Christo-facism!
  4. Seems he's specifically asking for the assassination of these judges. http://turnerradionetwork.blogspot.com/200...held-court.html Then he continues with pictures of the judges, pictures of their offices, their home and work addresses, and maps to their homes.
  5. You can't be serious. Since I can't spend 20 hours a day on this forum like you I'll just briefly mention a few- -The torture and killing of women suspected of witchcraft -The torture and killing of "heretics" during the Inquisition -The Crusades -Turning a blind eye to rampant pedophilia in the priesthood -Turning a blind eye to the Holocaust If you need more I'm sure I can come up with about 1,000 more examples. But I suppose I should get all warm and fuzzy over some huckster refunding 50K to the same gullible dopes who had already given him millions.
  6. 1) 60,000 late-term abortions? It's good to see you've been watching O'Reilly because that's where that talking point originated. Too bad your pea-brain couldn't even parrot it correctly-It's 60,000 total abortions (which is still highly unlikely). For that to be accurate Tiller would have to of performed an abortion every work day for the last 36 years. 2) What's your evidence that Dr Tiller ever performed a late-term abortion on a viable fetus or in a situation where the mother's life was in jeopardy? (I'm sure I'll have to wait until after O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo tonight for your response)
  7. "Slicing and sucking a 27-week old fetus" is heroic when the fetus is horrifically deformed and delivering it jeopardizes the mother's health, while performing this procedure instantly makes you a target of the idiotic hordes of white trash Christianists. Unfortunately for the majority of us who still retain their sanity there is still a significant amount of morons like yourself who spread the propaganda that Tiller was performing these procedures out of mere convenience and he was dumping perfectly good white babies with blond hair and blue eyes into the trash bin. But keep it up, you need to master your right-wing talking points before the 4th of July Teabaggings.
  8. Absolutely! This 50 grand is more than enough to make up for all the hideous things Christianity has been responsible for.
  9. 1) Nobody is preventing you from starting a thread about the Arkansas shooting. Knock yourself out. I'm sure it will have over 100 references to Obama's middle name in under an hour. Sounds like some good reading! 2) Where did I eulogize Tiller in this thread? The only reason I even started this thread was to bait idiotic right-wingers like yourself into rationalizing Tiller's murder while trying to explain how a thoughtless pinhead sized lump of cells should be afforded the same rights as a sentient human being.
  10. Well now you're just not trying. You were much more amusing about 5 pages ago.
  11. Actually it's not a "partisan hit site" but rather a "left-wing hate site." Get your talking points straight.
  12. Didn't we already establish that Islamic fundamentalists reside on the right end of the political spectrum?
  13. And if someone ripped Bush for taking AF1 to Crawford 77 times I'm sure you'd throw a hissy fit and dismiss them as Bush-haters.
  14. Look at yourself. You're engaging in heated exchanges with the most blatant of trolls in at least three separate threads. What's wrong with you? Get a life.
  15. Because the far-right is only about abortion, right? What about the kook who murdered the cops because they were coming to take his guns away, or the assassination of the Arkansas Democratic Committee Chair, or the guy who shot up a church because he thought it was too liberal, or the neo-nazis who planned on killing Obama at the convention? Looks to me like the far-right Christianist sleeper cells have all been activated!
  16. That was Tiller's specialty. He wasn't just aborting fetuses in the late 2nd and 3rd trimester because the mother wanted to go on a cruise the next week or something.
  17. And Hamas and Hezbollah view Israelis as little Hitlers-what's your point? Are you giving them a pass as well? But anyways... Now that Tiller is toast and there are only 2 other guys who will perform late term abortions will you be lobbying your representatives to raise your taxes to pay for the insane medical fees of the upcoming glut of severely deformed babies that are going to be brought into the world? Hopefully more children like Julianne Wetmore (who was born without a jaw, nose, eye sockets and cheekbones) can be sentenced to a lifetime of incessant surgeries and unending medical bills because of your idiotic religious beliefs.
  18. Thanks for not disappointing me. I knew that you for you in particular it would be impossible to articulate a well thought out introspective response that explains your creepy devotion to the kooky cult of conservatism and you'd resort to some boilerplate response you probably copied from that John Birch pamphlet you got at a Teabag rally. I love it. Do you do requests? If you can respond to this post with a global warming reference crowbarred into it I'd be greatly appreciative.
  19. But I thought DHS wasn't supposed to be concerned with right-wing extremists? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/us/01til...ref=global-home http://www.earnedmedia.org/sftj0531.htm
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