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Posts posted by NoName

  1. Most overrated Buffalo Bill ever.


    He was absolutely unreal in 1998. After that, he quickly began to lose quickness and speed and declined. By 2002 he was really having a hard time getting open and he never had anything more than average hands. Bledsoe was fantastic that year and Moulds put up good numbers with an array of weapons helping open things up, but Moulds was a shadow of that WR he had been in 1998.


    Not to mention the fact that he mailed-in his first 2 seasons because he was too busy getting his freak on and slappin' his women in Buffalo around, dodging his child support payments in Mississippi and generally keeping the Bills legal counsel occupied.


    There are a lot of Bills fans who were children when Moulds was in his brief prime and I understand that looking thru the eyes of a 9 year old Bills fan Moulds was the man......but other than 1998 he was not one of the elite WR in the NFL. Not even that close either.


    I literally can't think of even ONE acrobatic grab he ever made as a receiver and as time wore on his RAC yards became non-existent. The Bills QB play declined significantly after 2002 but by 2003 he was ailing and practically every throw to him was up for grabs because he just couldn't separate. He would come back to a ball, catch it and then turn around and try to put these moves on the db that he didn't seem to realize were in slow motion. His feet just got slow.


    I will say this though, he once caught a ball, then turned around and flattened Phillip Buchanon with a stiff arm and stepped on his neck as he trucked over him and that was one of the better plays I saw from a Buffalo Bill in the decade of the 2000's.


    Most overrated Bill ever?????


    Honestly, when you reference things like child support and slapping butts and stuff, it seems like your feelings about him as a player might be skewed by personal stuff.


    As a Buffalo Bill football player I can tell you this. When that ball went up in the air to number 80, I knew we were getting the ball in the hands of our best player. No body and I mean no body snatched that ball down with more of a mean streak than this guy. And after he got that ball, watch out. Like the other poster mentioned, I do recall him complaining about flags a little too much. He was not a leaper at all. I can remember him getting forced fed a couple of lobs in the end zone and that didn't work out to well. I think the feeling is that since he was big, he was a leaper and that he wasn't.


    The guy had speed. I don't care what his 40 time was he got behind people often. Heck I remember Leavy giving Moulds really high praise on his speed. The guy had very good hands. Excellent route runner. But he was nasty as hell on the field.


    Question for you. Post super bowl era, name a better Buffalo Bill at his position better than Eric Moulds? FYI, I would rate Antoine Winfield as the second best Bill post super bowl era.


    Lastly.....let's not forget who was throwing to him......the one year wonder Flutie. the half season wonder Bledsoe (during his Bills tenure), J.P. Losman, Alex Van Pelt, Rob JOhnson, Kelly Holcomb. I mean give me a break. Just ask Larry Fitzgerald the importance of having a quality QB throwing the ball.

  2. I turned it on during him, Ben Utecht, Torry Smith and I believe with some other former players. I listened for a minute or two but they asked Moulds a couple of questions and one of them was does Buffalo have the best fans in the NFL. Without a moment of heisitation Eric stated absolutely! He then went on to say that no matter what the weather was like or our record Buffalo would ALWAYS sell out. I appreciate his sentiment and I have always felt that #80 got robbed in his career. If there were any kind of continuity or stability during his career here his numbers would even be nastier. The guy was a baller and was a big time Miami killer. I still got a dark blue jersey of his in my closet that is way oversized for me so I ended up giving it to one of my sons. I remember one time that Terrell Owens was asked during the height of his career that if he were to assemble a team what players would be choose and Moulds was the first WR of choice for him. At the time that was a pretty big compliment coming from T.O. #80 will always be one of my all time Bills.


    I feel the same way about Moulds. I think he's the best player to put on a Bills uniform from 1998 to present. the only member of the Bills since 98 who was arguably among the top 3 at his position as a Bill (unless we are counting a punter)

  3. If I run with that order, you get:

    1. Cordarrelle Patterson WRF or Tavon Austin WRS (Value)
    2. E.J. Manuel QB or Tyler Wilson QB (Value)
    3. Brian Winters OG (Reach)
    4. Vance McDonald TE or Gavin Escobar TE (Value)

    I'd be happy with that draft.


    If you take TE before OG, it'd be

    1. Cordarrelle Patterson WRF or Tavon Austin WRS (Value)
    2. E.J. Manuel QB or Tyler Wilson QB (Value)
    3. Jordan Reed TE or Travis Kelce TE in RD3
    4. JC Tretter OG

    I'd be ecstatic with that draft!


    Patterson is a big reach with number 8. Plus with lack of experience, I don't see buddy nix touching him at all.

    E.J. Manuel is a reach at the top of 2nd round pick imo

    I don't know the guards and TE's that you mention.


    I really wouldnt be surprised if the made a major reach for Nassib with the 8th pick. Some are saying he is the best qb in the draft

  4. Let's not forget about Moats. He fits an OLB in 3-4 best and was effective as a pass rusher in that d.


    I don't see the bills drafting a LB high anyway. Too many needs, invested too much on Defense to draft high on Defense.


    I see a WR in 1st rd

    I see a QB in 2nd rd

    I see a G in 3rd rd

    I see a TE in 4th rd


    This draft will heavy on the offensive side of the ball.

  5. Someone explain to me how some voted good for #1 WR when we don't have one


    Stevie Johnson is a good Number 1 receiver. He's not the best but he is good. Imagine if he had a decent QB. and he still managed to put up 1000 yard seasons in 3 consecutive years. When was the last Bills receiver to do that? Over the last 20 years, the only two Bills receivers that we've had better than him are Eric Moulds and Andre Reed (Lofton was old when we got him).

  6. Why are you guys judging him exclusively on the draft. What about cap position. That's a big part of his job as well. Do you remember the Donahoe error and how he left us in cap hell!!!! Heck Butler did to if I am remembering correctly. And lets not even look at the Jet's cap hell. Buddy always left this team in a healthy cap position. He had to over pay for Mario. It happens. And you know what, Mario did what he does 10 - 12 sacks but not dominant.


    Also, what about judging him also on his ability to find hidden good players on the cheap. Like other posters mentioned. Chandler, Urbik, Moore, Barnett. Good finds on the cheap.


    The draft wasn't the best but he drafted better than the other Bills GM's prior to him


    Coaching was a complete failure. Dave Wanstedt was probably the worst D Coordinator I have ever seen walk the Bills sideline. Gailey was a recently fired offensive coordinator that no one wanted as a head coach and the Bills picked him up. so coaching was a flop so far but hopefully marrone can have something to say about that.


    And as far as the meatheads who want to beat him up for passing over Dalton and Gronk. Look at the other 30 something GM's who past them up as well.

  7. Most of you guys are so short sighted. The same stuff that you are saying about Nix could be applied to most of the GM"s in the league.


    The dude has never left the Bills in a bad salary cap situation.


    The guy made solid draft choices. Not the best but certainly not the worse.


    And all this bitchin and crying about Fitzs' contract. Did you think about this??? When Fitz signed the extension, most of you on this board was HAPPY that Fitz was signed because at that point he earned the extension and the contract was not huge. Remember, Fitz was having a Pro Bowl caliber season at the point he signed the contract.


    Everybody wants to throw the guy under the bus because Fitz hit a downward spiral, who would have forseen that???


    He drafted C.J. Spiller one of the most dynamIrc players in the league


    Urbik, Chandler and Barnett were good finds.


    Getting Gilmore and glenn was a great 1 2 punch.


    Not paying Bell the big money cutting Florence etc. This guy has done a solid job.


    Of course there have been some blunders (no one is perfect) but he has been the best GM that we've had since who ever we had while Wade Phillips was coaching (I don't remember but I think it was Butler)

  8. I for one am really hoping that Marcus Easley has a breakthrough year.


    Remember Eric Moulds was a bust until his third year.


    Stevie Johnson was invisible until his third year.


    Marcus Easley I get it is not anywhere near these guys but I just hope he can prove to be a viable option for the bills this his third year.

  9. This is not an either or deal. Look at the potential backups for Byrd and Levitre. The Bills DO NOT have a serviceable backup for either. Answer SIGN BOTH!! They have the cap space to do it. If one has to get franchised first then franchise Levitre. His durability and level of play are very valuable to this franchise. And if you go back to my post, since his rookie year (when many people were saying how bad he was) I always thought he was every bit as good as Wood.

  10. All speculation at this point. They are trying to get a deal done with Byrd so I would imagine he is their number one priority.Franchsing him is a lower number than Levitre so I don't think Byrd will be flying anywhere soon. Locking up Urbik makes Levitre, a little (emphasie little) more expendable. But my guess is that they'll keep both. Donald jones will stay and Mckelvin will probably leave.


    Side note: Why is it that our D looked horrible last week for the first time in a long time.........A williams was on the field for the first time in a long time.....conincidence????/hmmm

  11. .....This is who the Bills hired.


    2007 - Gailey was dismissed from Georgia for having 6 consecutive underacheiving seasons.

    2008 - K.C. good season as an offensive coordinator

    2009 - Fired as and Offensive Coordinator during pre-season and was out of football for the rest of that year.

    2010 - Hired as Bills Head Coach?????


    Ladies and Gentlemen, you get what you pay for.


    The guy is probably a good off. cord. but I don't see head coach.


    Is it true that this is the final year of his contract?

  12. Like I posted in another thread. The Stache DOES NOT deserve to be fired. After the first half of the Patriots game, you probably said to yourself, wow, we only held the Pats to 7 points. And we forced a few three and outs. The Pats made the adjustments at half time and we didn't and that's what it comes down to.

    Did he do a poor job on the whole? No question about it. But he does not need to be fired after 4 games???? That's just over reacting.

    If the front 4 doesn't get pressure then you see the results of what happens.

    Why isn't Mario Williams being lambasted? I was never big on that signing. And he has been the most quiet DL of the Bills starting four.

    Also why isn't the players being blamed. The blown communication, the poor coverage. Do not lay it all at the doorstep of the stache. Not based on on half of football against the best QB our Bills have faced during the 2000s.

  13. I know we all want to overreact to today's game. But let me ask you this. Did you feel that our defense was impressive and keeping our team in the game at the end of the first half???


    I know I did. They had the Pats to 7 pts. We were doing something right.


    It was the adjustments made at the half which changed everything around. Don't toss out the stache after a few games. Give the guy a chance.

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