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Posts posted by PushthePile

  1. I think it's obvious that the team needs to generate alot more pressure. I admittedly don't know the complete workings of a Tampa 2 in regards to the linebackers. The base is a 4-3 and plays straight up on run downs, right? The middle drops back on passing downs and covers centerfield and the outside linebackers cover zones, along with the cb's and safeties. So in order for a converted linebacker to be effective he's going to have to be blitzed, leaving a zone open. Another option would be to drop a DE into the uncovered zone as said linebacker is blitzing. I guess is this could work but how often can you do this effectively in a game? How limited are you throughout a season? My amateur opinion is that a rush linebacker is a wasted weapon in the Tampa 2 and that in a 3-4 he could be used in multiple ways. Again I'm no expert but most 4-3 bases rely on their DE's for pressure. It's too bad because these rush linebacker/undersized DE's are much easier to find in today's nfl.

  2. Paying anyone 7 or 8 or 9 million a year who is mediocre---thats overpayment.sorry. Schobel used the fact that we had fat Pat and Ted and the other fat guy in the middle...snuck in for some unimportant sacks at unimportant times....Never got consistent pressure even when he was young. Now that he has not much support on the line he has been exposed for the utter mediocrity that he is.--That being said I think he works hard--and I dont blame him for being a slow 243 pound white man who gets manhandled and is a non-factor. If I were him I'd be stealing the Bills money too.

    We know he's white no need to point it out.

  3. I think Bryant Johnson is a waste of talent. For whatever reason he has never produced to the level of his hype. With all that being said, if you have a chance to bring in a talented young player at a cheap price, you should do it. What's the worst that could happen? He gets cut. What's the best that could happen? He turns into Antonio Bryant.

  4. FWIW, this week's Sporting News projects the Bills 1st pick being Larry English, 2nd pick WR Patrick Turner, USC. They have Orakpo going to Cincy at #6.

    I saw that myself and found it interesting in comparison to every other mock. English seems to be gaining momentum and could really make himself alot of money with a good combine. I haven't heard anything about Patrick Turner yet.

  5. John Gruden owes alot of thanks to Monte Kiffin. Without Kiffin's defense, Gruden would have been out of a job long ago. Gruden was supposedly an offensive genius and it never showed in Tampa. Is it any wonder that when Monte left to go work with his son, the team decided it was time to completely start over. I think Gruden will have to pay his dues somewhere as a coordinator again before he gets another head coaching gig. He will coach again though.

  6. I think Arizona's protection is not as big a factor as you might think. The spread offense and Warners ability to get the ball out of his hands quickly is going to end up neutralizing Pitts pass rush. Warner is the perfect QB to have success against this Pitt team.

    I'm with you on that. Kurt Warner's ability to make a read and let it go is what will give the Steelers fits. The Cards are going to get their points but can the defense continue to play at a high level? I'm going to say they get pushed around a little bit but in the end make big plays. I like the Cardinals.

  7. OH, now your stating that the Bears did Indeed have talent and Jauron didn't know how to utilize it,but Lovie Smith did?

    I'm saying Jauron got a bad team in Chicago and didn't improve it enough to retain his job. My post about the players was in reference to some of the talent aquired while he coached. You can take it anyway you want to but if your hatred for Jauron masks your ability have a intelligent conversation, then we are going no where.

  8. Sounds about right. I can easily think of 20 coaches around the NFL from last season that would have had the Bills at 9-7 or 10-6. In fact, its highly likely that Jauron was severely restricting the talent on that team from performing to its potential.

    Empty speculation fueled by ignorant posters who can't come to grips with the fact that the team sucks still. Did he make bad calls? yes Do all coachs make bad calls? yes Your estimation of Jauron holding the team back comes from where? Your astute football knowledge? Your breakdown of film? Your understanding of schemes and player abilities? Your deep research into the Bills locker room and player's thoughts? I'm guessing no. In fact I'm going to say you think your an expert because you watch games on t.v. and post at TSW. I am no expert either but I don't pretend to be one. Saying you can easily name 20 coaches that could have led the Bills to a 9 and 7 record is stupid and makes you look stupid as well.

  9. Really? Dick had NO personnel input at all in Chicago? His work was done once the Bears' season ended? They gave him draft weekend off? Told him "thanks, but we've got this under control" when Dick expressed interest in potential free agents?


    Chucky will have trouble finding work? :wallbash: Super Bowl winning coaches - even ones who lucked into the perfect storm of talent and destiny that all they had to do was stay out of the way and not !@#$ it up - are still fairly rare and will get another shot.


    I really can't tell if this is Dick, Dick's wife or mother, or a spurned ex-TB player cut by Chucky posting under Alphadawg's screen name.

    Players brought in during Jauron's tenure in Chicago include Mart Booker, Rosevelt Colvin, Brian Urlacher, Lance Briggs, Mike Brown, Charles Tillman, Anthony Thomas, Marc Columbo, and Alex Brown. I guess by your estimation the guy knows talent, huh? He also took over a team that went 4-12 back to back before he came in. It seems to me that maybe you should look into these things before posting. He also won coach of the year while in Chicago. The team he lost to in the playoffs was the Eagles team that went to four straight NFC championships. Lovie Smith did an outstanding job with the Bears superbowl team and alot of those players came from Jauron's time in Chicago.

  10. Eric Moulds dominated beyond the measure of statistics. He made his living with a whole bunch of no help. I'll probably get crushed for this but when he was in his peak years he did it better than Andre. Andre was great for longer though. As far as Edwards not hitting recievers in stride thats troubling for a guy whose second best attribute is accuracy. Behind poise and confidence of course.

  11. Talent ? The guy had 5 years in Chicago to bring in talent.


    That 13-3 team didn't win any playoff games which still leads me to believe that Jauron was simply lucky that season and didn't gain that result because of his coaching skills.They lost that game 33-19 AT Chicago.


    I'd bet Bill Belichick and Jauron could swap teams and Belichick would still beat the Bills every single time they played. The Bills are lacking talent alright, in the coaching staff. B-)

    Save your money rabbit you don't seem like a very good gambler. Besides Belichick has had his chance to show his skills with a less talented team. Take a look sometime, all his pre-genius records haven't been erased yet.

  12. The Bills have one player in the top ten of any position, and alot of you want to trade him. Not including special teams, Jason Peters is the only player to crack the top ten. If you really wanted to be clever maybe you could make a case for Terrence. Anybody else, and you are just grasping at straws.

  13. Hmmm...I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the Bears had HALF the talent TB and Oakland had...and the current Bills arent much better...

    C'mon, Alpha talent on the field has little to do with record. Everyone knows Belicheat could lead any NFL team to the superbowl (well besides that Browns team he failed with). What about Mike Holmgren? Now there is a total bum, did you see what he did in Seattle this year? Remember when Joe Gibbs called a timeout and essentially gave us a win? That guy's a hack! Andy Reid can't win the big game and his late game calls are always questioned. He belongs in the loser HOF next to Marv Levy. Remember when every other post after 2007 was about how Jauron should be considered for coach of the year? It was Jauron's leadership that got us through the injuries, remember? He also had us in contention for a deep playoff run this year at 5 and 1. I remember and so do most of you. It's really too bad that the guy can't even tie his shoes anymore. Ahh well, the Bills just ooze pure talent and maybe they can win despite him. B-)

  14. great post. i was going to post a similar comment. i was wondering what everyone thinks of going de in round 1 and 2. personally i would be fine with it. i know we could use a te and center, but with our lack of pash rush the past few years, i would def be all for it

    If things fell the right way, I love this idea. Hopefully we spend a little in FA and can afford to make a move like this.

  15. I think Lee Evans has had the best start of any Bills' receiver in history and has played with suspect QBing to say the least. Plently of smaller receivers dominate - Steve Smith, Torry Holt, Marvin Harrison.

    I watch Steve Smith and I see a powerful player. He breaks tackles, blocks downfield, and creates for himself. He does all this with an average to poor QB. Lee Evans would be a star like Holt and Harrison in those systems. Steve Smith gets it done in any system IMO.

  16. It is interesting to wonder how much coaching would change things. In 2007, Jauron did about as good of a coaching job as you can possibly do given the injuries, the Everett situation, and some heartbreaking losses. However, he took a huge step back last year.


    The best and only real argument can make in bringing Jauron back is based on the past. We have switched coaching staffs every 2 or 3 years for the last decade. What has that gotten use??? Trent's entering his 3rd year and will be in the same system for the 2nd year. Our defense will be in the same system for the 4th year. Our draft and free agency period will tell alot if Jauron and company understand the weaknesses on this team. We need big people, big time.

    That is a great point, referring to the general opinion of Jauron after 2007. It's funny how a coach can literally have a bad season based on a few bad calls. By no means am I defending his coaching, so don't get me wrong. I am torn whether or not I feel he deserved another shot with this team. The players seem to think so and that says alot. Players throw coachs under the bus without hesitation today. Some say it's because he is easy on them but that seems a little far fetched to me. These guys are pros and I'd like to think winning is what matters most to them, not practicing indoors. IMO with every year this team doesn't make the playoffs each coaching season gets harder and harder. Jauron has had much less forgiveness from a soured fanbase, than alot of coachs get. With all that being said next season is it for him unless this team gets to the playoffs.

  17. I have always been a Kelsay defender; he's shown flashes of brilliance, but obviously hasn't been a very consistent pass rusher.


    The question is, I guess, what do we expect out of him? What would be a good season statistically, that would satisfy people?

    I don't dislike Kelsay. I think he is a good backup and is being payed like a really good starter. If it weren't for that complete and total lapse of judgement by Marv and CO., he would probably be a rotational backup. I would even go as far to say that he might even be a fan favorite. If Chris Kelsay didn't get that payday, I think we would have gotten another DE somewhere else. If grasshoppers had machine guns would the crows f&@! with them?

  18. If neary half of our team would start for the two bowl teams, why are they playing and we were 7-9 again?

    It's easy to fill holes on two teams with our best players. It isn't really all that flattering to the Bills considering no team is stacked top to bottom. The Bills aren't as good at Qb as the two superbowl teams and thats the most important position. The Bills aren't as well coached as either superbowl team and that starts with the HC but trickles all the way up and down the organization. Lastly we do not have difference makers on our team. The steelers have playmakers all over on D and we don't have any. They have a Qb who can get it done in the clutch and underrated wideouts. The difference between Holmes and Evans is not as big as you would think. Hines Ward is similar to Josh Reed in style but superior in every way. Nate Washington is better than any wideout on our team not named Evans. At tightend you got Heath Miller v.s. Robert Royal! The cardinals roster is littered with stars and players building a case for Canton. Even the Cardinals defense is playing at a level we haven't seen in a long time. They create pressure and turnovers. They take chances and disrupt game plans and at the very least hit hard. We are young and some of our players might develop into great players but don't fool yourself we lack in the talent department.

  19. Both teams:


    Lynch, Peters, Stroud, Greer, Whitner, Posluszny, McKelvin


    Steelers but not Cardinals:



    As you can see, our DBs are extremely elite. I feel like Stroud could definitely help both teams, and Posluszny would be a beast on the Steelers(he's already a beast, but you know what I mean). Lynch would have about 2000 yds a year on either team, and peters is clearly a stud. I don't know too much about individual special teamers or lineman, but I'm assuming a few of our linemen could be useful somewhere.


    So, to the thread starter, the Bills have the !@#$ing players. Watch Lynch run or Peters block or Greer cover and you'll see it. Or watch ESPN and think that having a new TE that would start on BOTH SUPER BOWL TEAMS WILL LEAD US TO THE PROMISED LAND.

    The Poz would be a special teams beast on the steelers. Right now he is an average player and they have above average backups at that position. Our corners could be starters for both teams but it is honestly pretty close. Lynch would be lucky to have better running stats on either team let alone 2000 yards. The steelers actually struggled running the ball this year and the cardinals just don't run. I agree that Peters would be a starter on both teams and so would Stroud. Lynch would definately be the featured back as well but no 2000 yards.

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