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Posts posted by Wacka

  1. The Code Pinkos are a radical lesbian group. Most of the group looked like they could have or wanted to beat the crap out of me or any other man.

    Their idea of free speech is speak as long as it agrees with their whacked out views. If you're opposite them, they try to shout you down.

    I also got in an arguement with Medea (Medusa) Benjamin, their leader. She was yelling that Arnold was an idiot. Well, if he is such an idiot as they think, let him speak and everyone will see what an idiot he is.

    Medusa is really whacked out. I found out later that she was one of the "useful idiots" (a term used by Stalin) that tried to be human shields (grease stains) before the Iraq war.

  2. Even though we detest him, us on the right are praying that he will be OK.


    The leftist media is even using this to try to slur Bush.

    There was an AP story that Bush was at a rally in Wisconsin and when he announced that Clinton would be undergoing surgery, people booed. Well, thre were no boos. Tape of the rally cleary shows there were no boos. AP then retracted the story.


    The leftist press in this country will stop at nothing to make Bush look bad including outright lies.

  3. Today I saw a close up picture of that Code Pinko disruptor from last night.


    I realize I almost decked her last fall at the local Arnold Schwartzenegger rally just before his election.


    We had to go through a metal detector and here comes the Code pinkos trying to cut in line with signs. The crowd of people told them to get to the end of the line and go F themselves because no man would.


    When Arnold started talking, they took off jackets that they had covered thier pink t-shirts and started yelling their stevestojan about Arnold groping women (no one would grope them!)

    I happened to be standing near Brashares (the one arrested yesterday) and she was pushing through the crowd to try to get nearer the stage. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: They wouldn't shut up and several of us were very tempted to deck her. Lucky for her, the cops were out in force.

  4. A reporter at the scene stated that the cops/ Swat/military was setting up for an assault near dusk. At noon, a group of children broke away and escaped. The Muslim terrorists started shooting at the escaping children and then all hell broke loose. The terrorists blew up the gym where at least 150 kids were.


    If all these Muslims are against this terror, lets have them start doing something, all they do is sit by and say nothing.

  5. I've seen him 6 times.  The best was when I went with a group of about 80 people to the Merriweather post Pavilion outside Baltimore. 


    Got to ride on an elevator with him and his band there in the late 80s. I was standing up for a friend's wedding and were staying in the same hotel they were (right by Merriweather Post). Didn't realize it was him and the band. We're in tuxes and theis "scraggly" group of guys get on. realized it was them when we got to the ground floor. There were a bunch of people in the lobby tring to get autographs.


    The day before, some friends tried to Rosen the concert while I was at the rehearsal but they couldn't get in.

  6. Matthews is a slimeball. Asks a question and cuts off the answer with another question or saying they didn't answer. Miller did what every guest on his show should do: Tell him to STFU so that they can answer the question he asked.


    Kerry is going down for the count. You can see it in the hatred in the left eaning commentator's faces.


    The truth sucks, doesn't it , Kerry?

  7. So why didn't the peace and love left grab the guy and not let him escape?


    The lefties are a bunch of intolerant thugs- free speech only when they agree with it.

    I saw it firsthand.


    I was at Union Square in SF the day after Thanksgiving 2000 to take part in a Freep for Bush (during Gore's attempt to violate the law).

    There were about 100 of us-we had a permit to march around the square and then to various media outlets, including marching down Market street. At the same time the anti-fur wackos (AFW) were out - Union Sq. is where Neiman-Marcus, Macy's, etc are. We marched around the square and when we passed the AFW, we shut up as not to inflame them. Otherwise, we chanted Bush won, Gore lost, etc and sang patriotic songs.


    A woman was spit upon, an elderly woman was shoved and we got so many birds flipped at us we lost count. About every other word out of thier mouths were swear words.There were tons of cops (mounted, motorcycle, and the paddy wagon) for the AFWs as they had broken windows the year before.

    When we went through the streets, everytime I got a middle finger, I blew them a kiss and said "Thank you, yes Bush is #1!" Got them even madder <_< .


    We followed every order of the cops, and when done gave them three cheers. A cop told us he wished that all the marchers could act like us.


    Also, the AFWs looked to be an average age of 16, almost all with ski hats, pants falling off their butts and enough metal in their faces to set off 10 metal detectors.

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