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Posts posted by DCbillsfan

  1. I bundled my Internet and TV with Cox. I lowered my bill by $65 per month. I've haggled with Dtv before and just got fed up with them. Plus we got a lot t storms down here. No service.

    May be a new customer price. What about a loyalty credit for long term customers? I was with them for 17 years.

  2. uh, he is right...Bills defense couldnt stop the run, couldnt tackle and gave up way too many 3rd down conversions


    and the offense didnt run the ball enough....Thurman was the best player on the field that day and simply wasnt used enough

    All that plus the Giants held onto the frickin ball for 41 minutes. Simms is right otherwise the Bills would have won the game!!

  3. OJ was the best Bill. Anyone who saw him play on a consistent basis would probably agree with that. In terms of being illusive in the open field no one who ever played the game came close, including Jim Brown. How many times did two defenders come from two different directions to tackle OJ and he faked out both of them at the same time such that the two defenders smacked hard into each other and ended up on the ground while he sped through them for a touchdown. When OJ got past the line of scrimmage a thrill used to go down my back because of the potential for something amazing to happen on every play.


    I loved Cribbs and Thurman and of course Kelly and Bruce but OJ was a one time only in history NFL talent. Other RBs may have had better numbers and better strength, but no one did what OJ did on the field.

    I would have to agree. That no good human being was the best talented Bill. Teams would game plan to stop him and they couldn't. Bruce was a true force and teams game planned around him as well. Kelly made those SB teams great and was a true competitor. Cribbs and Thurman were great Bills as well.

  4. Losman's long ball is far more accurate. In the short game, it's pretty equal (bad) - though Vick did look a little bit better the few times I saw him throw in Philly. That's not saying much given his body of work.

    You do know that you are comparing Vick to a guy who is playing in the UFL now. Dogs aside, it seems ridiculous to consider bringing in Vick. He is nowhere near the QB he once was and when he was in his prime people were pretty divided on whether he was that good.

  5. I saw this quote from an article by Mark Gaughan in the News this morning:


    Loyalty is one of Marv Levy's strong traits. Here was Levy this week speaking about the Bills on Sirus XM Radio: "Personally, I was a little bit surprised and unhappy that they let Dick Jauron go. You can't just keep shaking it up, shaking it up, shaking it up. He's a good coach. He taught well. He related well with the players. Yes, he'd gone through several 7-9 seasons but I think if they would have stuck with him that was their best chance to really get the ball rolling."


    I loved Marv as a head coach, as a GM not so much. I understand that he really liked Jauron and is loyal to him (he also has a personal stake as he was the one who hired him), but to say that Jauron was the Bills best chance to succeed is just too much.

    Marv is a good guy but his loyalty and defense of Jauron is too much. Marv did the right thing by retiring. His two year stint of draft picks and free agent signings along with hiring Jauron have contributed to the organization being in its dismal state.

  6. Just curious what people think about Nix. When he introduced Gailey he was a bumbling fool that didn't even know how many coaches the Bills have had. A 70 year old goofball. So progressive! Typical Bills.

    No. I'm not embarrassed that he didn't know that Chan Gailey is the 15th Head Coach of the Bills. Is that little fact very important? I think not. If you focus on what he says about football he comes across as rather straight forward and a guy who has been around football quite some time. In his first press conference after being announced GM, he stated that he was looking for a HC who had been a HC before and had experience running an offense. Chan Gailey fits that description. You may not like Gailey as his choice but the guy didn't BS us during his press conference. How about giving the guy a break or find something of real substance to gripe about?

  7. This was the final straw for me. Now naturally the logical choice with me living in Indiana would be the Colts. I dont want to jump on a bandwagon though. So I have a few requirements. I want to root for a non 2009 playoff team in a small market. I will not root for Chicago Detroit or Cleveland. So help me out. Pick a team and give me a case for them.

    Here we go Steelers. A 2009 non playoff team that has won the Super Bowl 6 times. Even in a bad year they aren't nearly as bad as most Bills seasons. :thumbsup:

  8. As long as the Vikings keep winning, Frazier's prospects grow dimmer. The Bills are in the drivers seat as all the fresh new meat rolls in off the tuna boat. Four more teams were eliminated this weekend, leading to more opportunities for the brass to be wooed by pretty faces, short skirts, and soft voices. Dallas and San Diego are now squarely in the pit of coaching Hell, time to let the others squirm...crack open a cold one, the fun is just beginning. B-)

    Frazier is one win away from making it to the Super Bowl. The ultimate accomplishment in this league, for those who try to win. For some strange reason, I don't think he is sweating it out. He may be even enjoying his recent success and dreaming of commanding an even higher salary! Sucks to be him. ;)

  9. I don't buy any of this. Ralph's money is just as green as any other NFL owner's money. Any coach with intelligence would jump at this opportunity given that Ralph is finally willing to open up his wallet and pay top dollar for a decent coach. If a coach doesn't want that then screw 'em. And who gives a rat's ass what the media thinks? I really don't care. The media has to have a whipping boy and that's just how it is. The only way to get away from that is to BECOME A WINNER. Buffalo got plenty of media love during the Super Bowl years. We're just an easy target for them right now. If any prospective coach out there would actually avoid this job because of media reports (and I really doubt that would even happen), then I wouldn't want a coach like that around here anyhow. Buffalo WILL land a top-notch HC. They are just taking their time -- and they SHOULD take their time. There's no reason this hire has to happen immediately -- just has to happen in the near term -- within a few weeks.

    It has nothing to do with the city and all to do with Ralph, his cheapness, and how the organization is set up (or not set up). Any previous HC who has some leverage is either going to go elsewhere or make certain demands regarding the Bills organization. Is Ralph going to stand tall or is he going to blink? Throwing out a potential big salary is only part of the answer. Having authority on personnel, free agents, drafts, and other decision making is what Ralph is going to have to concede on if he is going to succeed in hiring someone like Cowher. If not, then the Bills will hire another coordinator yet again and we will all hope for the best. Sound familiar??

  10. Yeah I know, but he was off the radar until the Steelers had their "mandatory" interview with him.

    The Rooney rule is named after Rooney who owns the Steelers. He is the one largely responsible for the rule hence the "Rooney Rule". Don't you remember when he was presented the Lombardi Trophy last year and he thanked President Obama for some odd reason after the Steelers won the Super Bowl.

  11. I would like Brian Schottenheimer as well especially if he brought Marty with him as a coordinator. Also I just read this on Adam Schefter's twitter "I love Buffalo, tremendous fans, and don't mean to disappoint. But Bill Cowher will not wind up as the Bills coach this season. "

    The Bills should consider at least interviewing Brian Shottenheimer. He did a nice job calling the game yesterday and mixing things up. Kept the Bengals defense guessing a lot. Bills need some creativity on offense.

  12. sorry for not memorizing every coordinator for every team in every year of nfl history. i actually have a life.


    billick rode a great defense to success. he was hired because of his offensive prowess. remind me, how good was his offense in baltimore?


    yea, that's right, it pretty much sucked

    Give it up! He won a Super Bowl. That's all that matters!

  13. Report: Billick to interview with Bills

    Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on January 2, 2010 4:54 PM ET

    Fans that don't like listening to Brian Billick announce games could get some relief next year.


    Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports reports that Billick is expected to interview next week for the Buffalo Bills' head coaching job. Billick didn't exactly deny the claim when asked:


    "I have not had any contact with the Bills so far," Billick said. (But maybe his agent has.)


    Buffalo is expected to enter phase two of their head coaching search next week after the first group of big name coaches turned them down.


    Judging purely on record, Billick has a resume that merits more coaching buzz than he's received since getting fired by the Ravens. In nine years with Baltimore, Billick went 80-64, with four playoff appearances and a Super Bowl title.


    His failure to develop a quarterback on the Ravens could be a big negative to a Bills team desperate for help at the position.


    Florio passed along the news that the Bills are also expected to speak with Chargers defensive coordinator Ron Rivera.



    I think Billick would be a good hire as HC. An overall winning record, a Super Bowl, and 4 playoff appearances in 9 years. Yes he was arrogant while in Baltimore and yes Ozzie Newsome made a lot of great picks on Defense. But Billick has more experience as a head coach than anybody else out there. I'm not counting Cowher, Shottenheimer and Shanahan since they don't appear interested in the Bills. Maybe he learned from his mistakes in Baltimore and would be an even better head coach in the next go around. Certainly beats the likes of Jauron, Mularkey, and Williams. Everyone misses on talent and his biggest miss was convincing the Ravens to draft Kyle Boller. Think of all the misses the Bills have had.

  14. This media el foldo is particularly odd in that the basement at OBD is to some extent pretty opaque as there is really one ulimate decision-maker Mr. Ralph and he has had destructive relationships with pretty much every alternative info source such as the fired Polian, the walked away Butler, the fired TD, Wade, etc and he has shown a penchant for hiring fellow Golden Boys like Marv and potentially now Nix. I mean the modern NFL team is designed to give info to the public. The media has the place set for them and they were totally unable to squeeze out the barest hint of additional info.


    I believe that you answered your own question. Wilson is the ultimate decision maker and if he doesn't tell anyone prior to the press conference then how is it going to get leaked? In some ways, the Bills are not a modern NFL team. They went 4 years, sorry Marv doesn't count, without a bonafide GM. For years, Wilson has been criticized by the media and fans for being cheap and making bad personnel decisions regarding coaches and the front office. His reaction to it is essentially, I'm the owner of the team and I'm going to do it my way.


    This organization has been in a decline for quite some time. Some people point to it starting when Kelly retired in 1996 i.e. no real solution to the QB position since his retirement.


    Others point to the playoff loss to Tennessee on Homerun Throwback. As a result of that game, the Bills fire special teams coach, Bruce DeHaven, and Wade Phillips hires his buddy, forget his name, who knew nothing about special teams. After one season, Wilson wanted Wade to fire the guy and Wade refused. Wade was fired by Wilson which has since triggered the coaching carousel every few years.


    Others point out that the Bills have always been a dysfunctional organization yet inexplicably made it to 4 straight Super Bowls.


    There may even be other thoughts on when this decline began. I look at the Tennessee playoff loss which triggered a series of bad decisions. In addition, the Bills had lost all of their on the field leadership by this time which has never been fully replaced. They have had some good players and leaders since but not enough of them and not enough talent.


    Hopefully, Buddy Nix as GM is the right answer and will get this organization turned around.

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