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Posts posted by Anzaloha

  1. I consider myself a really well educated football fan but I have never heard of this guy. Its prolly because he played for the Rams. But if he was there leading tackler than why did they release him?


    Is it age?

    Is it a cap casualty?

    It it that he does not fit the scheme of the new coach and system?


    If so many people want the Bills to sign the guy I would just like to make sure they didnt release him cause his skills are declining or he had a major injury.


    Guess your football education ain't at all wat u tink it is......

  2. Never?....really?....just one game but i will go back and look up others if need be....



    Interceptions 3 Louis Oliver (10/4/92 at Buffalo), 170 yards


    Oliver's greatest highlight of his career came on October 4, 1992, when he ran a 103-yard interception return for a touchdown from a pass thrown by Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly.


    3 PICKS 170 YDS AND A 103 YD TD RETURN?...

    Average player who seemed to play his best games against Buffalo.

    That was 1 game, albeit his career game, but that was it.


    Chew on these stats........between 89 -93, the Bills were 9-3 agst the Phins (including playoffs) and

    averages 28 pts a game agst them. He couldnt cover Metzelaars.

  3. posting rule #1: read entire thread before posting :wallbash:

    Maybe you should read the post, Moron!

    His point was, " Player:......Louis Oliver.......Average player who seemed to play his best games against Buffalo"

    Louis Oliver NEVER had a big game against Buffalo. Anyone who watched the team during that

    era other than you, Chief or Nucci would know that.

    :P .

  4. I live in SW Fla now, originally from Buffalo, so my hatred for the Dolphins still runs deep, even thought the rivalry isnt what it used to be. I love going to Miami every year for the game and there is usually just as many Buffalo fans there. And yes Miami fans still have no class in winning, or in losing. Must be the redneck mentality that most of their fans have. ( Florida Crackers as they refer to themselves )...so yeah team i still hate most...Miami, but the Cheatriots are a close second.


    Coach:......Bill Belicheat.....NO CLASS at all as evident in the famous SuperBowl defeat walk off...i want to take off his damn hoody and choke him with it, smug a$$ s.o.b.

    Player:......Louis Oliver.......Hell of a player who seemed to play his best games against Buffalo, I was torn, i wanted to put Tom Brady, but thats just too obvious, until we beat him, I cant say much.

    Louis Oliver??? Are you kidding or what? When did he have a big game against the Bills?

    They owned him. They absolutely loved playing against him because he couldn't cover anyone

    he was then what Roy Williams is today. I hitter who couldn't cover. Check the Bills record vs the

    Phinis during his career.

  5. Ok, this is going to take some time.


    It started back in Super Bowl XXV. I have always felt that that Super Bowl was won because of the Giants' secondary. I never saw Andre Reed have alligator arms until that game. I give much more credit to Belichick than Parcels for winning that game. Belichick is not only a defensive guru but a secondary specialist. That's why he is able to shuffle in and out so many DBs but he always has a guy that he can count on and that brings the wood. That guy for the last several years has been Rodney Harrison but due to age and injuries he hasn't been as effective as in years past. Say what you want about Belichick but this guy knows football. He eats, sleeps and drinks football. It's in his genes.


    Back to Chung. This player appears to be the perfect type of player for Belichick's system. Sure, he could be a bust but I don't think so. The Patriots have a habit of finding true blue football players. It's their mentality that separates them from other players/teams, not their skills. I believe that Buffalo for the first in years has found a couple of players that will bring that mindset to our roster and for that you can thank Russ Brandon for. I'll say it again, I think Brandon has shades of Polian. He strikes me as a fiery GM and is ready and willing to kick this franchise in the seat of their pants.


    Last year it was Mayo. Want to hear something funny? The guy admitted that he didn't have all that big of a grasp of what was going on last year. That's scarey. You can bash me or say that I'm a closet Patriot fan or whatever else but I respect football and the Patriots are a great franchise, like it or not. Matter of fact I'm more concern with what is going on with them currently than I have been the last few years. In the last few years we were all waiting for them to run the gamut and be done. Well, they're not done yet, not by a longshot. These are the type of players that will carry the torch for them and I think that the torch might even burn brighter than before. Oh, by the way, did anyone notice that they quietly, at least to me, took DT Ron Brace with their second of four 2nd rd pick? C'mon, they are relentless! I know that I am going to hear a lot of sh-- about all this but I did last year too when I posted about being wary of the Dolphins. How'd that work out? Whatever.


    Look, feel good about what we did in this draft but make no mistake about it, we still got a ton of ground to make up in terms of catching up to these bastards. Hey, I guess that you got to take one step at a time, right? I do love the strategy of moving Brad Butler over to ROT and then drafting a couple of blue chip interior OL. THAT was ingenious! I'm shooting for us to make it as a wildcard this year and these pricks get knocked off in the play-offs either by us in a one game elimination or by someone else, I really don't care which.


    Chung could probably make this team just on STs but he's not, he's going to make this team because he's good, real good and he brings the serious lumber, especially on RBs. Speaking of STs, I was listening to Sirius radio a few weeks back, just before we traded Jason Peters, and Bobby April was on, matter of fact I think that it was his birthday, well anyways he went on and on about the Patriots' new ST coach Scott O'Brien. I guess that this guy and April know each other well and have gone toe to toe with each other in the past and the impression that I got from April is that this guy is as every bit as good as he is. I check out his bio and he looks it. When we play the Patriots don't count on our STs as being a big advantage. This O'Brien guy might very well be able to counter it.


    I'm not being an alarmist, I'm just evaluating. I'm evaluating our team, our division rivals and their players. This Chung, keep an eye on him. I just got one question, Rodney who?

    Can't believe you are getting a boner over a pat draft pick article in "boston.com". Please.

  6. you are wrong


    we added a DE that weighs 237 - (but he's really really fast)


    we added a S that weighs more than Maybin- that we think we can convert to LB but he sucked playing there at the Senior Bowl


    we totally ignored the DTs.


    clearly we are aggressively making the front 7 bigger, stronger and tougher




    Shows how much you know Asparagus......He didnt play in the game.


    or not ;)

  7. Typically I would, but here's what I'm looking at. Oher is the only LT on the board at 11 and I'm not a big fan of his. Thinking he might be another Mike Williams with his soft demeanor and questionable work ethic. I thought about Britton at 28, but with Pettigrew there he would be too much to pass up. Beatty has a chance of being on the board at their next pick.


    Now, another reason why I didn't take an OLineman is because, do you honestly think the Bills would have given up Peters and Dockery if they intended on replacing them with a pick? That's not a good idea. I think their gameplan is to go out pick up a couple playmakers early then fill depth. Besides Kendall Simmons is still a viable free agent option and Waters is still a trade possibility.


    Write that down

    We will see on Saturday.

  8. How do you not have the Bills taking an O-lineman in the first round after we lost our entire left side?

    The chance is very good that they take an O-Tackle at 11, if they don't trade up even to get the guy they want.

    If for some reason they can't trade and that player is not there, they will take one at 28. (Britton or Beatty maybe)

    Write it down.

  9. I kinda agree, but we have been saying for over a decade that the Bills aren't going anywhere this year, go thru the draft, but how has that worked? The NFL has turned into a "Win Now" league, with the salary cap and free agency, teams for from last to first every year.

    You just don't get it. He does NOT want to come here, despite what we want. Why would he? KC is in

    better shape than we are.

  10. Posted from before...relevant because it's a hot topic again.


    I didn't watch the game. I saw the YouTube "Ayers vs. Alabama" video. It's 3 minutes and 36 seconds and it shows a total of 15 plays.




    I audited the plays:


    1) Pass play, lightning-quick inside pass rush past statuesque guard. Ayers whacks the quarterback (you can hear the hit) who dumps off for a short completion.

    2) Slomo replay of above.

    3) Same, different angle.

    4) Run play, unblocked, crashed down the line, buries ball carrier unassisted for one yard loss.

    5) Run play, Ayers beats Andre Smith (345 lbs) off the snap pushes him back one yard to set the edge, ball carrier runs inside and is tripped up by pursuit.

    6) Run play, Ayers lines up wide, surges inside, meets and plays off the tight end, stops ball carrier for no gain.

    7) Pass play, Ayers lines up uncovered blows through the running back block (like a fly on the windshield, you can hear this too), pressures an incompletion.

    8) Pass play, lines up at tackle, blows past guard, QB throws ball away to avoid sack.

    9) Run play, takes inside angle, spins off guard block and gang tackles ball carrier (5 yard gain).

    10) Run play, lines up wide, delayed rush, blows up tight end to set the edge, ball carrier cuts inside and is stopped by pursuit (2 yard gain).

    11) Pass play on 1st down, lines up against Andre Smith, blows past him, QB checks down and completes pass under pressure.

    12) Run play, destroys tight end and piles on ball carrier, 1 yard loss.

    13) Run play, dances around Andre Smith (no contact) and takes inside angle, ball carrier bounces outside for 10 yard gain.

    14) Run play to opposite side, no involvement.

    15) Run play at Ayers, drives Andre Smith backwards to set the edge, redirects towards sideline in attempt to catch ball carrier who has a full head of steam, ball carrier turns corner on Ayers pursuit for 1st down.

    16) Run play, lines up wide, destroys tight end and blows up ball carrier for 2 yard loss.

    17) Run play, drives Andre Smith backwards 3 yards to set edge, ball carrier cuts inside, no inside-out pursuit by defense, ball carrier lunges into end zone.


    Fifteen plays. At times it looks like he has little help. On 11 run plays he could possibly be faulted on two plays (13 and 15) for being overly-aggressive in his assignments. That would be quibbling. One play was away from him. On the other 8 run plays he was excellent.


    On four pass plays he had 4 pressures.


    It's a small sample size but he was generally dominating in those 15 plays. Here's 6 minutes and 18 seconds more of Ayers:



    You have WAY too much time on your hand. Get a life.
  11. wow, 6 foot 5 290 lb player who run's the forty in 4.76 with a 37 inch vertical, who was co defensive player of the year with 22 tackles for loss and 9.5 sacks doesn't fit our scheme.


    You just love his stats, but remember the conference he was in.

  12. If we didn't draft him at the #11, I would hate to miss out on Pettigrew. I absolutely believe he is a perfect fit for our team, division and QB. I wouldn't want to risk not drafting him and trying to wait it out. Maybe package a couple picks and try to trade back down into the latter half of the first round to pick him up.

    He'd also be a perfect addition to our teams police blotter!

  13. Listen I like JP, he did everything possible to be a good QB for Buffalo. He always worked his ass off for the team on the field and worked his ass for the community off the field. He just wasn't good enough to be a QB in the NFL. So maybe he could get a job at one of the area high schools, it's a pointless job that he can't screw up. He can later be seen at local Country Fairs checking the experiation dates on milk and for the best pack of eggs.

    I think your post shows why you belong in Utica.

  14. [quote name='Tipster19' date='Apr 10 2009, 06:07 AM' post='1382124']

    It was late and I was tired but let me elaborate on the comment.


    Listen folks, Brandon is not doing a good job, he's doing a great job. Expect more changes, especially in the draft, to come. I wouldn't be too surprise if Brandon does make a move on one of our DEs (Kelsay?) but I would imagine that it would depend on what could be done with the Peters' situation and what the draft can afford us. I'm still thinking that we get Kalimba Edwards after the draft and he and the draft pick would be the replacement for Kelsay.


    Are you Brandon's brother in law? How could you possibly say he is doing a GREAT job? Read your own post, cut alot of firnge players, made 1 big trade and signed one above avg free agent. I have no idea of how you can declare last years draft as great? Right now we have one starter from that draft and thats Mckelvin. Most of us on here, could have made that pick. Hardy, Ellis, Bowens, Omon, Johnson, Bell, Fine .....have not done anything yet. Potential does not make it a great draft, production does. While we all hope they do produce, they haven't done squat yet for you to declare this a great draft.


    And with all respects to Mr. Russert, why even post that there like it had anytning to do with Brandon? If Brandon does make moves this offseason that improves the team, he will get his due, but please dude you are reaching pretty far here.

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