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pimp on da' net

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Posts posted by pimp on da' net

  1. (My Wish)- The Bills start out in spread formation and show some creativity...go uptempo and attack the Jets secondary. Pound the seam with passes to Chandler early if they play cover 2, this will open up the WR's later in the game. Also I'd like to see some double moves in some of the early routes to put the Jet's on their heels...


    (The reality) - I'm gonna play the percentages with this OC and call out the first series. Two runs up the A/B gaps, for minimal gain and then a 3rd & long pass for a first down.

  2. Well this topic really doesn't hold any ground anymore since CJ got hurt this past Sunday, but the one thing I wanted to ask this board was, who they would have chosen CJ vs Hughes as far as the big free agent we keep.


    Both are in the final year of their rookie contract and both have put up some good numbers through their initial contracts. So who would you choose if you could only sign 1? Myself I would choose Hughes simply because our D-Line is historic right now and it is harder to find a solid pass rusher then it is to find a productive running back. I love CJ and I really hope we find a way to keep them both in the off season. If CJ is the team player he say he Is, he would consider what had happened to him (as unfortunate as it may be) and sig an incentive laden contract giving us the ability to sign Hughes to the contract he deserves.


    But I think before we do that and it might throw a monkey wrench in the whole thing, we need to sign Dareus to an extension before his rookie contract runs out and before we sign one of the two or both of the free agents mentioned above. Get to work Whaley!!!


    The Bills are in good shape salary cap wise, plus some others can re-structure their contracts as well...It's a new sheriff in town and he wants to win. Not saying go spend like a drunken sailor but you have to keep your playmakers (even though our OC is glueless ,as to how to use CJ) but let see how the rest of the season shakes out.

  3. I absolutely HATE your offense bro...


    Not doubting you know tons about X's and O's, but sometimes it appears that you have NO CLUE how to put it all together...


    Shouldn't a good offense be able to create mismatches, and misdirections for opponents? Why does our offense seem to rely 100% on the speed of it's players? It's like a foot-race from the coin toss, and if we're not the fastest, we barely score.....


    Where's the trickeration? -Where's the GOTCHA!?


    We have depth and talent at the RB position, but you insist of pounding the hell out of the same two backs! -News flash, Boobie Dixon is a PUNISHING runner, as well as a sure-handed receiver... Why doesn't he get used more???


    You are ridiculously predictable... You'll bring in Boobie or Tank on an OBVIOUS SITUATION, like 3rd and goal... The opponent will stack the box, and we won't score. Your claim to fame is having a daddy who coached Montana, but waht have YOU done? Besides take a sorry college team, and improve it to mediocre? Where's your imagination? -What do YOU bring to this game?


    Here's what you SHOULD do going forward... Practice multiple TE sets to help out your immobile QB... The best QB's in the business rely on the high-percentage completions that a solid TE can deliver. Peyton... Romo...Brady.. Solid TE play facilitates the success of their offense...


    Multi TE sets also create mismatches that are hard for secondaries to react to in time...Screens with Boobie Dixon are a good idea too... With a full head of steam, he's a daunting task to bring down..


    Bottom line... Don't squander Orton's experience, CJ's speed, and Sammy's atleticism by doing things the same way as the past year and a half... Pull out the stops.... By the end of next week this team can have a different future.


    I agree with most of this especially learning how to identify & expose the mismatches.


    How the hell he keeps trying to pound Spiller up the middle is ridiculous...yesterday's gameplan should have featured more Jax & Dixon, IMO. Spiller should have been used on misdirections and as a decoy, if not used on wheel routes against the linebackers.

  4. After an uninspiring start to the season, Spiller easily had his worst game in as long as I remember. I know the Lions D is good, but I watched Fred get the tough yards like always and CJ go nowhere. He missed a crucial blitz pickup and nearly cost us a safety.


    I know Bryce Brown is the alleged replacement for CJ, but the FO has expressed interest in keeping him. What are the odds now we keep CJ? Does anyone think we try to trade him? What is he worth?


    I know this has been ongoing talk here at TSW, but this was the least inspiring performance I've seen from him in a long, long time. It can't just be Hackett.



    CJ is akin to a wideout and a terrible QB. He needs a coordinator that has some freaking ingenuity & competence !!!!


    How can an OC not design his offense to the strength of your game breakers? If he wants 3 yds & a cloud of dust, that's idiotic to even design that for CJ. We've seen what he can do with someone who knows how to design an approach.


    Case in point, Andy Reid goes to KC and continued to design his running attack around the strength of J. Charles. Hackett needs to go, IMO. His approach and playcalling is so pop warner-ish it's ridiculous. He doesn't have a clue how to setup or attack a defense at all. CJ needs to be in a multi- WR set or used as Sproles, Charles or even Forte mold...


    On that pick 6, the OC never set up the deep pass to even try that curl by Watkins. Hackett has a birds eye's view from the booth but still didn't recognize or understand how to setup the DB to make that play work. He's in way over his head, IMO.

  5. wow. just wow. No, no and a side helping of no. Schopp is an idiot. He's the same moron that suggested in the Tampa game to have our defense let TB score on every single play just so our offense can get more work.


    I totally agree with you. Everytime he gets on this rant I change the station...it's an obvious attempt at shock jocking to spur discussion (which isn't that bad of an attempt but get over it!). But he's just SO smug that he really believes his own hyperbole...


    Analytics are numbers and stats that don't account for realistic situations ie., weather, opponents strength & weakness or the strategy within the game. It's like the fantasy nerds way of affecting the reality of the game. It should be put into perspective. I can see that in specific cases where it may apply ie. red zone & goal line situations and the opponents trends in certain situations, that's about it!!!


    How about having a good game plan & finding the right match ups for your team to be successful & leave the virtual game for fantasy football leagues?

  6. I just watched the 49er's dominate New Orleans, after they had just dominated Chicago. That team was a mess two years ago, with Alex Smith as a quarterback who looked like a bust. I don't think the niners made a change at GM but they did with the headcoach by bringing in Jim Harbaugh. They went deep into the playoffs last year and look like they may be the best team in the NFL right now. Alex Smith is no franchise quarterback. Maybe Kaepernick is but that will have to be determined in the future. The bottom line is that you have to have a top flight head coach who brings in the right coordinators. They put in a system that brings out the best of the talent they have and build from there. It starts with the headcoach. This is another lost season for Buffalo. I don't know about Nix but Gailey has to go.


    My point exactly...I don't think the GM has to be replaced unless he fails see the need to replace this coaching staff. Let hope he has an awakening :doh:

  7. I agree with everything you have noted. The problem is the content of what's being reported to RW in the so-called weekly updates. For all we know, RW can't remember what happened the week before or that these jokers are telling him their on track for the Superbowl. I guess this world is about self preservation....and at all costs!


    Ahhh haaa. Good point! More evidence that RW is incapacitated but we as fan are stuck between a rock & a hard place. We need new blood (no pun intended) at the helm.


    5 wins and 14 losses in their last 19 games. Those results would get a coach (in the 3rd year of a rebuild) fired anywhere else in the league. Fire the terrible GM, fire the terrible head coach and fire the terrible qb. The AFC is so weak this season that a .500 record would have us firmly entrenched in playoff run and the fact that Gailey has us nowhere near that is disgusting.


    I agree


    Gailey has gotten worse and worse as time ahs gone on. He is regressing as a coach as is our team


    My point exactly! Not sure if Buddy will do it but he has to see this as well.

  8. It is hard to come to grips that this experiment with Chan Gailey is flawed after 3 long & tiring years. Here are my exhibits:


    1. He's won just two games against divisional opponents under his command. Seems to be il-prepared strategically against the top two head coaches in our division.


    2. He continues to snatch defeat from the grasp of victory...with his play calling at crucial moments in the game. The games won this year besides KC have been nail biters because of his decision during the game...


    3. He hasn't realize that the opponents defensive strategy is to make Fitz the focal point of the offense but he continues to be blind to the fact. And he continues to not understand why the defensive fronts, shows heavy run patterns to make fitz audible to the pass or worst empty the backfield (think in basketball leaving the self-check guy always being left open on the court) making the QB the play-maker instead of the RB's.


    4. He's now something like 10 games worst than D. Juaron at this time in his coaching tenure with the Bills. And I don't see any improvement in any shape & fashion with any phase of the team...there should be some progression after 3 years & I don't see it.


    What do you guys think?

  9. Graham ran the wrong route. He was probably in there because Jones and Jackson were on the sidelines woozy.. That interception is on him. Speculation on whether that throw is on the mark for the "correct" route is just not productive. For all those that will use any thread to post a "Fitz sucks" note... I don't think you can do it here. He played extremely well. Including that last drive. Graham said it himself.. It was his fault.


    Jones was in the game at that time if you review the video. Btw he's open as well & a better option (then CJ) because he could get out of bounds if not score IMO.

  10. I'm not an economist, or an MBA, but I recognize that giving your product away for free is not a practical business model.


    I subscribed. It's not that big a deal. If I decide after a year that it's not worth the price, I won't renew.


    For what it is, the News is a pretty decent newspaper. It's not a great newspaper, but I've seen many worse newspapers in cities that are bigger than Buffalo.

    Bottom line, it all boils down to choice. As Rubes said, If you don't like the News? Don't pay for it.



    Well said. I subscribed also just because when I travel it's easier to follow what's going on back home.

  11. You don't see any of our guys doing national TV commercials do you? Brady is a star and we are, well.............................................buffalo


    So sick of this argument...We're our own worse enemy with that. Can we please drop the whoa it's me attitude.

  12. Gailey isn't a baby-sitter or a grief counselor. Not sure why people expect him to "know" all the goings-on of his players. He expects them to show up and do the job they've been paid millions of dollars to do--doesn't seem like an unrealistic expectation.


    It's part of the job of being the coach...not saying he has to know all but you'd think he'd know a little more about core players on his roster. How would you think Bellicheat or Rex would handle one of their core guys? It's been said that the Patriots Organization is very astute with each players on & off field dealing. Ex- Bills (S. Morris & S. Aiken) players have commented on how the Patriots is about running a first rate organization. There is an article where C. Wire said the same...

  13. I heard the post game comments from him. Sounds like typical frustration after a bad game to me...he basically said he didn't care what expectation others had of him because he has expectations of his own. Shouldn't read too much into post game frustration, especially when the expectations may have been inflated because of the off-season pick ups. Which begs to question, how does a perennial pro-bowler and up & coming passer rush (Anderson) suddenly become ineffective? Does Scheme, coaching & timing of defensive play calls have any effect upon performance? Fans are quick to point out the big payday these guys receive but forget the drive and recognition these guys crave from their peers. Coaching, strategy and timing of the calls has much to do with a player's success.Do you think the Saints would have struggled out of the gate with Peyton at the helm? How bout Wade in Houston, Harbaugh...these guys have basically the same players the previous coach had they just made better use of the talent. Flame away boys...

  14. I totally agree with the OP. In the preseason the excuse was that the defense was not game planning but they have looked il-prepared so far. Chan & Wanny have NO idea how to adjust or strategize the opponent during the game, IMO. There is no other way to explain how we make every mediocre QB we play look like a superstar. Chan, IMO doesn't call games that great either, he's at a crossroads with how to play Jackson & Spiller...I'd like to add my 2 cents.

    1- create 2 offensive packages one with spiller using run & pass plays which he excels with. Do the same with jackson. The position on the field is important because it will dictate which player would start that series. These plays for each player would only add up to a handful but they would come from multiple variations just to keep the defence off balanced.

    2- In red-zone & goal line situation I'd actually would line up both players. I'd line up Spiller off-set with jackson in-line where he's good with finding the hole between tackles. This would put spiller in position to threaten the edge and hold the DE/OLB to contain. This set helps open up the entire offense because it 1) slows the pursuit from the edge. 2) take a defended out of the hole between the tackles 3) playaction for quick slant to Stevie or Jones 4) seem pass to Chandler or swing pass to CJ.

    Now this all depends upon how the defense begins to over play each set but that's film study and coaching but I'd rather attack a teams weakness to our alignment. IMO, this is not a practice by our coaching staff at this time.

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