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pimp on da' net

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Posts posted by pimp on da' net

  1. There is something to be said for strategy, for game plans, for calling the right plays - for baffling opponents. This is an issue I'm having early on this year with the defense. I am a thinking man. I remember the early years of the Bellicheck NE Dynasty, when the defense was so unusual at times - I remember a game against Buffalo where New England's D-line spent a large part of the game standing up - it was like they were all linebackers. It was so unorthodox it took us by surprise. A good coach can set up a mediocre defense with original game plans and play calling.


    What bothers me is the belief that football is simple - only 3 gaps, for instance! - and that it comes down to players playing. Yes, players must play, make tackles, hustle, etc. But, if those things were the big part of it, then all the teams would be running similar systems. There just has to be more of an emphasis on game plans and play calls, at least to the point where it balances out the players play. It's worrisome that what it reminds me of most is Edward's defense of last year - it seemed so simple, so behind, so unprepared. Maybe Wannstedt had more input than we thought? I don't know - the season will tell us all we need to know, I guess.




    I've said these very same words the past week...of course not verbatim,

  2. On the Howard Simon show today Buddy talked about how Alex smith Stunk and was a bust but when Harbaugh got there they went old school with relying on the run to protect Smith and now he is great. He was making the supposition that we can do the same with Fitz.


    However Chan is not run first, use the Fullback and TE to block to set up the pass kind of coach. He uses the spread to set up the run and relies heavily on the QB to make decisions out there, which is Fitz's biggest problem. Even though Fitz went to Harvard his on field decisions are killing this team weather its a poor read or noodle arm he is not an elite QB, never has been never will be.


    So If Chan was this offensive genius that people claim he is, he would emulate a smash mouth run first Offense, but he loves his spread and come hell or highwater he's sticking to it.


    If we bomb out this year Nix might pull the plug and get someone more like Harbaugh in here,




    WGR 550's The Howard Simon Show.

    "We're in with Fitz,






    I have been thinking & saying this for awhile now. It would be more effective for Chan to adjust his offense to a play action format (especially when Fred comes back) to make the offense & Fitz more efficient. Chan seems to view Fitz's intelligence as on par with his ability...and its not there. Team have squatted on the routes of our receiver whenever we go empty backfield, if Chan is determined to stay this course,IMO they're going to have to change the route combinations weekly to keep the defense off-balanced. Also its easier to teach Fitz ball fakes in the play action format wouldn't you think? But my #1 problem with him is when he throws a pass, he rarely leads the receiver to the open field. They often have to adjust or stop for the ball which allows the defender to gain ground...come on David Lee, this is just fundamental QB'ing. But I guess he can't make chicken salad out of chicken scraps.

  3. Couldn't have said it better myself.


    He has nothing left to lose, and with Thigpen as our backup, neither do we.


    There is no--REPEAT, NO--harm in this.




    I really don't understand the hate for him as a backup to Fitz???? I see Chan using him in the wildcat sub-package and red-zone if need be. Also what's not to like about a backup QB with starter experience and a winning record to beat.IMHO, Some of these posters need to get off their high horse because i'm pretty sure they have made mistakes in the past....prolly not I forgot everyone here seems to have lived the model life. :unsure:

  4. Buffalo tried to fit Maybin into a 34 scheme and he could not set the edge which OLBs in the 34 have to do. Additionally, when rushing, Maybin had to beat the size and strength of the OT which he, most often, could not do. In a 43, Maybin may have been good. But Maybin was a one trick pony speed rusher and likely would have been bad in coverage which a 43 and 34 OLB must be able to do. With the Jets 34, he's only in on obvious passing downs for a reason.


    Brown is a much more complete LB, able to cover, run defend, and rush. He's always around the football. And, again, we're talking 43 scheme here. With 43 DEs going head to head with the OT, the 43 rush linebacker need only to manuever around the big bodies to the QB. Most early draft boards have Brown going in the top half of Rd. 1 and being the first OLB off the board,(sorry Courtney Upshaw fans).


    The 4-3 doesn't have a rush lb, thats the 3-4. The role of the linebacker position in the 4-3 depends on the scheme but mostly they're instinctive in nature and quick to the ball. Usually in the 4-3 the DE's are the pass rushers and the DT's are gap penetrators trying to make plays in the backfield while LB's makes tackles in front of them & diagnose screens & draws...but it depends on the scheme of the DC. With Wanny I refer back to the set he had with Miami with the 2 big DT's in the middle and quick DE's for pass rush, sprinkling in situational blitzs from the WLB& SS. But this may change because he did state that the league has changed since he's been away. Because of the pass he may tend to use small quicker LBs to cover in space ( we do face Brady 2x/yr).

  5. :lol::lol::lol:




    What about Heard? I would put him ahead of everyone except Dareus and Williams

    Not a fan of Heard, he plays to high out of his stance (that's what I saw when he played the NT) maybe he's better suited for a 3 technique but we have Williams for that and Dareus when needed. IMO for Heard to stick he'll have to play the 5 and beat out Troupe for depth..plus he has mental lapses that will kill a team (he doesn't watch the ball which leads to off-sides)but it could've been 1st yr jitters.

  6. Thanks for all your points on a great discussion. I would like to add one subjective point from watching this team play this year.


    I think the overall defensive schemes were too complicated. Losing our veteran leadership, forcing guys out of their natural positions, and having too much marginal talent helped magnify the problem.


    Even though the defense could play ok in spots, what I realized really bothered me is the lack of situational awareness. I lost count of how many times the opposing RB ran right by one of our front seven who was looking the other way. Often there was no defensive flow to the ball.


    I think our guys were thinking too much or even unsure what they should be doing on certain plays. Don't get me wrong, we definitely need more talent with our LBs, but I think poor scheme had a significant impact on effectiveness.


    Hopefully Wanny can get the D on the same page and playing together, whatever scheme he decides on.


    I totally agree with you about his scheme & calls at pivotal moments in the game. Edwards was trying complicated schemes when the basics should have been re-inforced, IMO that would allow players to play more instinctive. I used to cringe everytime he'll rush 3 and drop 8 in coverage as if he could generate pressure upfront...the team also didn't have any exotic blitz packages to confuse opposing QB's when needed which totally fell on his situational awareness...the defense never seemed to establish an identity under his leadership. To bad cause he seems like a good guy just not NFL ready

  7. I think Williams/Dareus/Barnett in the middle is an excellent core. And while a lot of people disagree, I think Kelsay is a solid 4-3 DE. No, not an all pro, but neither are most of the DE's in the league. I also think Carrington/Johnson/Edwards will be excellent depth at the position.


    No matter if we stay with the 3-4 or go with the 4-3, we'll still need upgrades at both OLB positions and one DE. We'll also need another DT to rotate with Heard, unless maybe Carrington can fill that role?


    Upshaw in the draft and 4-5th round DT goes a long way to fixing the D now that Wanny is in. I have a feeling DE will be back burnered for now.


    If going to the 4-3 a rush DE is even more a necessity and a strong side OLB to jam the TE...so hopefully I see pick 10- Rush DE and a FA- OLB and this Defense should be decent in 2012.


    Starting Front 7


    DL- Carrington-Dareus-Williams- 1st Rd Draft Pick (depth Kelsay,Troupe, Edwards,Johnson, Merriman)


    LB- FA- SOLB Shepard-MLB Barnett- WOLB (depth Moats,White& 3-5 rd pick)


    Decent start IMHO for Wanny but we need at least two playmakers for this front 7 to work properly. Git er done Buddy you can't be asleep when FA starts (Hey I can dream also, lol)

  8. I live in NYC and get to see all their games and I agree, he gets to clutch and grab all he wants after 5 yards. I'm surprised opposing WRs aren't complaining.


    I have been saying this evertime he's one arm jamming WR 10 yds down the field. Sometimes it questionable when he cuts them off right before he's about to get burnt but they never call it on him... so I guess its why stop it, if their not calling it.

  9. This defense is PATHETIC. Letting a rookie QB throw almost 300 yards on them and destroy them in the second half is rediculous. This defense can't even put pressure on a rookie QB when the game is on the line?!?!? Time for Wanny to take over and have some creative defensive game planning. Not this high school BS that Edwards runs. Let Edwards coach LB's like he did in Miami. He is way over his head being a DC.


    You do know that Wannstache's philosophy isn't creative blitz packages but rather what you'll seen thus far out of the Def...His track record as a DC is a good pass rush with four and play zone coverage behind them. The problem here is our LB aren't good enough and they're not active...I like Barnett because he's at least active, when was the last time you've heard Davis name associated with a play in the backfield. Merriman is struggling while trying to reclaim himself, Kelsay made a play today but we need more active LB's and more pressure from the up 4 for this def to function effectively.

  10. Seriously. I'm trying to think of the logic here. I'll admit, the Raiders are showing signs of promise. I think they may just prove to be the best in their division. But I just can't understand how you can say "Well I like these guys, but I don't know about the guys who beat them along with one of the best teams in the league"

    He hinted about a former teammate in R Seymour, he was one that didn't agree with the trade of him at the time. There's a Pats connection there if I gamble to take a guess but I do agree as an analyst he should be more professional...save that tone for a night out with the boys not network TV.

  11. I think anyone would agree, Buddy and Chan have done a pretty good job shaoing this roster into the team they envisioned before they signed up for their tour of duty at One Bills Drive, however, how long do you think it will take until they cry uncle on the CJ Spiller choice? I don't get where he even fit's their M.O. of what they want their team to look like...he is simply a poor man's Reggie Bush and will never be anything more than this... Sure' he has done infinitely more than the Aaron Mayhem pick, but considernig all of the needs we had/have and the clear vision for a team they have - we missed the mark greatly taking Spiller where we did. I would argue that Chief's second round pick McCluster is more electrifying and is doing what we had expected from Spiller-time....


    Sometimes it puzzles me when a coaching staff out-think themselves...In this case you have two electrifying players handled entirely different by the OC's- offensive scheme:


    A- KC elects to go on the attack with McCluster using him to his strength (which stand to reason with his college production) they leave little doubt for why he's in the game...swing pass, wheel routes and the slot. They don't ask him to block opposing DE or blitzing LB's they rather put the defense on their heals and make them cover this water-bug.


    B- Buffalo for some reason wants the Def to not stereotype Spiller's role when in the game and want to make him a complete back focusing on developing his weakness (blocking and running between tackles) think Tiger working on his swing back in his prime...In this latter case the learning curve is gradual and instant returns are minimal hoping for long term gain ( I dunno). Chan keeps saying that they want to give him the ball in space but it seems once the game starts he loses his place or get caught up in the action but he calls the same run plays for him as if he's Jackson :thumbdown: .


    This scenario is very frustrating to fans and CJ. If they want success for their top 10 pick IMHO alternate a series or so with CJ with a list of plays designed specific to his skill set (swing passes, wheel route and draws) to attack the Def and let him get a feel for the game. Hell they drafted a situational back within the top 10 stop trying to fool yourself into believing otherwise.Don't get it twisted I think Spiller is a special player just not being used properly.

  12. gailey schemed it to have a rb or te constantly helping bell. pears was left 1 on 1 a lot more. buffalo rumblings will do a nice breakdown of this during the weak im sure.

    wood whiffed a few times at C on run plays and had the botched snap early. levitre and urbik both looked very solid

    C'mon dude !!! Bell played a helluva game, obviously Chan identified Hali the speed rusher & schemed accordingly minus the one sit when he flipped sides that 1 play but Bell was in 1 on 1 with Hali alot & held his own. When you scheme for the chip block on a speed rusher, the back goes to whatever side he lines up on. I watched that match-up in passing situations and Bell dominated whoever lined up against him...I will say there were a few stunts that he & Levitre need to work on. Levitre on the other hand had a shaky start & then hit his stride. Pears did OK with only 1 major wiff and a couple false starts( 1 was very questionable early on but the crowd noise played a factor)but it seemed the snap was late.

  13. Try 38 catches for 578 yards. Maybe his 44 catches for 610 yards the year before was more impressive for you. We don't need Lee Evans!!!!! Any Tom, Dick, or Harry WR in the NFL can get those numbers ALOT easier than Evans did.


    The Only thing Lee Evans was capable of doing is waiting the whole game for a safety to cheat off his deep assignment and burn pas the corner. It shows in Lee's yards per catch 15.6. That's a nice number. It's not so nice when it 3rd and long and you need someone who can catch the ball just short of the sticks and make A play.


    When Donald Jones, Parrish, Easley or whoever cream Evan's stats this year maybe you will stop your whining. I can almost guarantee whoever are other starting WR is will have more yards than Evans just by wiling to do run the routes that Evans wouldnt.



    This statement here sez it all!!!! I try to stop but you pulled me back in...Why do you assume that just because you have a new toy its better than the one you just got rid of???? Haven't you learned anything from past moves by OBD?? Let's see L Walker- J peters; C Brown or Green (whatever he made me Blue...LOL)and so many other replacements for past starters. I won't put them all on Chanix watch but the bean-counters are the same. Hey I wish for the best but reality has set in with this org, the 50 yr track record proves otherwise.

    Some bash Evan because their assumption is that he's only a deep threat but by having over & under coverage slid to him allowed players like S Johnson the room to succeed (shown in the coaches tape at hlftime of this last game with C Brown). What amazes me is that fanatic complain that he's a one trick pony but damn he is a very good one. Here's a novel concept, instead of loading the team with gadget & KO returner (which seem fruitless with the new KO rules :thumbdown:) , how bout aquiring a power running game with timely play-action to utilize his talents off-set this with S Johnson abilities and there's something to get excited about...Now we have SJ being cast in a new roll (best of luck) sprinkled with unproven talent only makes a 25th ranked offense weaker IMHO.

  14. So they do not want to sign better players that could make them a better team now. Instead they want to save the money now so that they can resign the key players from the 4-12 season last year? Even though if they spent the money this year on short term veteran improvements they could cut these players in the future when they needed to in order to fit under the cap? This is your logic? This theory makes the Bills front office seems so stupid that it makes you look like a "gloomer" in my opinion. LOL :)


    I am not privy to the inner working of OBD, but I sure as hell hope you are not correct for the sake of the Bills future!

    What he said ^^^^ :worthy:

  15. Brett favre could come out of retirement and pressure bell for starting LT. Not sure of this says anything about Hairston

    I know D Bell is in the cross-hairs on this board but to be honest he had one bad outing against the former sack leader of the league. I watched Den v Seattle last week and their OL didn't fair well either. Not saying Bell's the optimal LT but he's far from the worst...

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