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pimp on da' net

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Posts posted by pimp on da' net

  1. Ok. I know this topic has been beaten like a dozen eggs during a Martha Stewart marathon but I just watched the replay of the Balt game and don't understand the love for Evans in this game.


    Evans Stats:

    3 receptions for 60 yards and a TD


    over 1 year that's 48 receptions and 960 yards.


    I watched every play in this game and don't understand the Evans love. It's nothing more than what he's done here over the years. His TD was 35 of his 60 yards and to be honest it wasn't that spectacular. Hall pretty much stayed right with him. He didn't bother to look back for the ball at all. I'd like to point out that a good veteran DB would have had more than a possible shot to deflect that pass. All I saw Lee do in this game is 1 deep route that was a perfectly thrown ball by Flacco and a few slant routes that went nowhere. The love for him on this board is expected I mist say nut to say he's "tearing it up in Baltimore" is exagerrated by both everyone on this board and by The announcers of the game. I haven't seen so much ball licking on anyone since last year with Tom Brady.


    I didn't want to comment on this topic until I watched the game and I just don't see what some of you see. After seeing what Moss went for last year and knthe past, what OchoCinco went for this year we got market value for an aging reciever that wouldn't be here after his contract was up. We DO have a lot of depth at WR in the young guys in Jones, Easley (I'd like to add played just as well or better than Evans last night), Roosevelt, Nelson and don't forget we have Johnson and Parrish (who I feel might also be cut or traded, scould me now). I don't believe were better without him but don't think the dropoff will be that far and it gives us a chance to get younger and see what these young kids have. So far we know Nelson runs in the middle and does very well with it, Roosevelt has insane hands and good route running and Easley showed last night he might be WR that we all hope he can be, experience and confidence will only make him better.


    Anyway, I'm done now. Have fun fluffing Evans all year if you like but he didn't show me anything he hasn't done here in the last few years. I think he will be better in Baltimore but I think career year everyone is expecting is a bit of a reach.


    BLANK STARE :unsure::unsure::unsure:


    What else do you expect in a pre-season game from the #1B WR? On what is now a team stacked with weapons #1 RB- Rice, #1A WR- Boldin & Franchise QB-Flacco. Also you stated any veteran DB in the league? Um Huh?Isn't Hall a Veteran, who made the Pro-Bowl the past 2 yrs? Dude there is so much to pick apart with what you stated,I'll just focus on your question about the "love" for Evans. Its not so much the affection of the now departed WR but the dysfunction of an organization that has been in building mode for the past decade+, in a league where good management& cap space = playoffs eg, San Diego,Saint, Patriots & New England (west)- Chief's. The idea of tearing down a WR who's talents was respected by every defense in the league and replacing with an unknown quality (this isn't a farm team) is beyond absurd and bordering the ridiculous.But for a fan-base (some) to continue to drink the kool-aid of the OBD spin and continue to believe that Evans was the problem and not a by-product of an organization that refused to compliment his talents are foolish, to say the least. I know this fan base likes to hunker down at times to defend OBD but please take the blinders off.In the words of Bill Polian when asked about not signing key players during the SB days, " you don't build a winner by getting rid of your best players."


    Best of luck Lee you are a class act and under appreciate by some. Good luck Stevie, I hope last year wasn't a fluke because once that ink dries on that extension your in the cross-hairs of some.

  2. I dont suppose the fact that Lee would not do that on this team with this offensive scheme means anything at all here.......

    I dont suppose we cant just be happy for a class act like Lee.....and tend to our own business?


    LOL... i just love when I see this statement, SMH.The issue is as a coach (which I've been for years) Its hard to imagine how you don't incorporate a talent like that in your offensive plans? With that type of speed you use to your advantage...case in point, note the first couple of short passes to Lee set-up the deep ball. This notion of he only goes for the deep ball is BOLOGNA.

  3. Who needs that game changing ability, we got like every UDFA WR in the NFL lined up to replace him and now MARTIN!!! SUPER BOWL BABY!!!


    :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    I have been saying it for years...put Evans on a team with a REAL QB and this guy will be a stud...He has been in Balt 2 weeks and has been the best WR on the field for the Ravens in both preseason games despite no history with Flacco...


    Buffalo, the place to go to waste careers, Bills don't seem to understand how to build around your talent

    Who needs him he can only catch the deep ball...Just wait Stevie J hopefully last year wasn't because of him because the fanatics will be planning a lynch-mob after you once the ink dries on your extension. I can hear it now..."Defenses are over-playing him","he can't stretch the defense" :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


    And the saga continues...

  4. Yeah, it seems that many Bills fans are still under the delusion that the "football transactions" the team makes (or doesn't make) are actually about football and not about economics. I posted twice in the Evans trade thread that the move was clearly about cost cutting but was drowned out by the standard "Lee wasn't any good" responses. I think you're absolutely correct that the team is being run more as a profit-maximizing business franchise than as a record-maximizing sports team. Very sad for us the long-suffering fans.


    Very true. I still rem the look on Nix's face while being interviewed at Prior before the charter flight after the annoucement of the Evans trade...very telling. Theres truly no explaination for the trade at that time except for cost cutting and Nix tried to spin it but the expression on his face, told it all. I know their paid well but I really feel bad for he & Chan because they're literally p@ssing in the wind. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  5. Curious how you see making the team weaker (the premise of this statement, I presume) is better for Buddy? If anything, I see it as the opposite...that Nix has big enough balls to make the hard decisions to dump the past mediocrity, even if it negatively affects the team's short-term results, in order to build a solid long-term foundation.


    If anything, Donahoe and Marv were the 'shifters' since they tried to dazzle fans with a magical slight of hand...


    NICE TRY...In a couple of year insert blank GM & Head Coach and we'll hear the same mumble jumble.

    Just for sh*t's and giggles, the Bills front office. Whatcha think who's accountable for this mess.




    This is just my speculation from what I know, have heard from very good sources, and have surmised,. I think that since Overdork handles all of the salary cap stuff and all contracts, he has power over Nix on some aspects of the typical GM job. Overdork has been here forever and he's Ralph's man (who happens to work from behind the curtain). We heard he has cut players before, like Troy Vincent and others, and has that power.


    So if he thinks he can save 7 mil total this year and next by jettisoning Evans, he can do it and Nix doesn't have much say. But Nix is not going to jeopardize his job, or the organization by publicly announcing it. It's my belief that Nix and gailey were very likely told before they came on board that Overdork holds that power, and there may be times when they are powerless over personnel decisions. It won't happen all the time but it could happen. That may be why a bigger name was not hired, maybe they wouldn't work under those conditions but that is total conjecture. I have not heard that anyway. It seems possible.


    100% in agreement with you...


    I also believe that Gailey and Nix are both very qualified for their jobs but they likely weren't going to get this opportunity anywhere else but Buffalo. Nix very unlikely. Gailey probably not either. I think, rightfully, they thought to themselves can I live with this? And at their age, and what they want out of life and their work, they decided yes. Maybe if they were a little younger they could have taken a stand against it. Maybe if they had a little more power or opportunity they could have walked away.


    All I know is if I were either of them, I would have very likely taken the job like they did, knowing it wasn't ideal. But better than not having a GM job or NFL Head Coach job at all, and never realizing your real dreams.


    Again, that is just my reading on it. And I can't blame them. But it explains a lot.


    It also explains why, perhaps, they didn't offer Clabo more. Overdork does the contracts. All of them. I can't honestly say that I know how other NFL teams operate behind the scenes but I doubt any one of them has a bean counter making these kinds of football and personnel decisions as opposed to a GM and talent evaluator who learned how to work the cap and negotiate contracts. Overdork never was a talent guy or football guy, he is a glorified accountant. And he is making football decisions like getting rid of Lee Evans. It is no wonder we are where we are.


    It's possible that Nix and Gailey can overcome this handicap. But it surely makes it much harder. And not all of the grumbling by guys like Fred Jackson can be put on them. Look for the Man Behind the Curtain.

  6. The way I see it, there shouldn't be fans filling the stadium supporting this team if come regular season the O-line is as pathetic as it is now, and we're still a terrible, boring team to watch. Why? Because we're something like 30 million under the salary cap! It's one thing to have money invested in guys who aren't panning out. It's another thing altogether to have everyone in the football world saying last year that the O-line is not even close to being good enough to be competitive, and then to ignore it altogether. And how about trade your best reciever for a 4th round draft pick - money saved!


    One of only 32 teams in the world, making millions in profits, shouldn't be anywhere but near the limit on a yearly spending budget. This team acts as though it can put a cheap product on the field and hundreds of thousands of people will continue to pay for it, support it, no matter that the owner - the only one making money here - is making that money at the expense of fielding a competitive team, whose objective is FIRST and foremost the winning of a championship.


    If the O-line isn't working, and they knew it wouldn't, they should've fixed it, or at least brought in players to make it better - and not just UDFA's.


    What he said ^^^^^

  7. Im sorry John, but the problem in Buffalo was never Lee Evans. Say what you want about him being the stereotypical number one receiver, but a guy who puts up 70 or so yards in the first quarter of a preseason game a week after joining the team is ok in my book. Unfortunately we will all see what he does with a respectable QB, and a solid franchise like Baltimore. Call me a pessimist, but its tough to get excited about David Nelson, Namaan Roosevelt, and Donald Jones. Its actually borderline embarassing. Draft Lee Evans in your fantasy football leagues if your smart because this guy finally has broken away from our horrid franchise, and can finally show his true abilities. I am very sad to see him go. This team is not loaded with stars, and Lee has been one for us for several years.





    I know its a defense mechanism for fan to defend the decision from OBD but history tells us different. We've seen post of the ineptitude of this organization spelled out many times on this very site...I really chuckle at times when fans drink the kool-aid that's spewd from OBD. OBD seems to resist the fact of ever building around the limited talent on-hand or need I ask/demand that they acquire a bonafide nfl talent to compliment said talent. They gets a pass from fan outrage because Ralph has us by the short & curly's and know that if we stop supporting his bumbling front office decisions and demand accountability he'll sell the team. I just don't see how they can continue to sell the idea of not competing against bigger markets with revenue from TO & continued savings from being on the low end of the cap. I don't have a problem with cash to the cap model because other teams employ that tactic ie. NE, Tampa & KC. 2 of the 3 made the playoff and the other won 9 gms. So IMHO its not the concept but the evaluators and decision makers who needs to be accountable to the fan base.

  8. Well, the few plays troup played last year, he certianly isn't the best for the position. as a 2nd rounder, he is almost disappointing, but he certianly still has plenty of upside.


    The front 3 linemen are fine. it is the linebackers that look iffy. kesely isn't a olb, batten and merriman are injury prone, and davis has a history of recent injuries as well. Shepard, a interesting rookie, hasn't been able to hit the field in preseason yet and is unproven. then after that, there really isnt much depth. If only one of them gets a major injury this year, it would be a miricle. A lot of people are saying the defense is set, but those linebackers are very iffy. Almost as iffy as the oline.


    Good point.Lets just hope with a bigger more physical DL it'll protect the LB's & keep them clean.

  9. Ok. Complain then. I assure you NOBODY IS LISTENING. I think Marv Levy once said that the quickest way out of a job in the NFL is to listen to the fans.





    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that we were entitled to a winning franchise. I got a better idea pimp, go strap on some pads, go to St. John Fisher and try to make the squad.

    What a LOSER's mentality...why do you want me too strap up and try-out, my day has come & gone. But I'm still 6'2" 235 lbs not far off from my college ball days, the issue is with keeping OBD honest with their approach to building the team and not constantly drinking the kool-aid.

  10. The question was "this front office..." as in Nix and Gailey. Have they been here 10 years?


    What is strange is how the same people complain about everything and yet they are still here every year. The NFL has 31 other teams. Pick one.




    Maybe their here because they have grown up a Bills fan and want their time to resemble an adequate organization as opposed to the laughing stock of the league.I never thought id get to the point where the Bills are just a team from my hometown and I really don't expect much from them.


    PTR you propose picking a new team. What about more of a demand from the fan base to OBD for quality NFL caliber players & developement? This is a con game and they continue to take the money and run.

  11. The only thing I am dissappointed in is the 4th round pick for him. Thought it was a bit low (3rd sounds realistic). But other than that Evans is a one dimensional WR with fly route capabilities that can't run the crucial underneath and timing routes in the NFL. He does not make or break our offense and has pretty much been invisible for a number of years now. Did we really lose a leader? I dunno, I never seen it on the field. Was he a class act? Sure.


    However, I don't mind dumping his salary for the sacrifice of the rebuild, locking up guys like Williams and Stevie long term, hopefully have a top 3 draft pick next year and make a splash next offseason in fa to polish the turd into one shiny one. :)We are not winning this year anyways. Its not that bad people.


    Some how this sums up the pathetic organization from top down. Insert said player and wait til next year...have we really come to this conclusion? Keep rotating the coals like this is some farm/ Triple A system, I guess if we continue to support this turd. Its gonna continue to smell FOUL!!!


    What salary saving??? Their 20 mil below the cap...this is a con game & the fan base needs to demand more from OBD.

  12. Did he say he got her done wtih Clabo?

    CG sez he can't discuss about posible FA's until 1800 hrs Friday July 29,2011.


    Quick recap of Chan's conversation on Sirius.


    1) Wishes Poz well, chance for someone to step up and fill in. May or may not be on the current roster.


    2) Can't wait for Fitz to assume control from day 1. Total leader in the clubhouse and team has his back.


    3) Couldn't talk about pending free agents sighed, Tyler and Brad Smith until 6 tomorrow laugh laugh.


    4) Camp is going to be work in progress and very fluid, will do what needs to be done including fundementals.


    5) Excited about the receiving corp. Plans packages for Roscoe, said he is ready to roll.


    6) Merriman is busting at the seems to play ball. IF he remains healthy, he will be a force to recon with.


    7) Spiller has to be more learned in past protection packages and holding on to the ball. Will work hard to get him

    more involved and many more touches to do his thing.

    8) Maybin has been told what he needs to do, if not, he will not get on the field.


    That is about it.


    Good re-cap. I was listening also...

  13. Clabo is a mauler who excels in the run game, can struggle at times in the Pass game. That is why he is a RT.


    Bell is an athlete who is better at pass protection than in the run game. That is why he is a LT.


    They won't be switching positions


    Your missing my point, I recgonize each skill set. My reference is to overpaying the RT in relation to the LT (see L Walker & J Peters contracts)usually the LT is the highest paid member of the OL, im not referring to them switching positions (although D Bell can make the switch).


    With Fitz seeming to have a level of comfort in the spread formation, it seems pass blocking is valued more. So IMO overpaying for a starting LT will offer more value & flexibility for this team or atleast a Tackle that has the upside to playing the blind-side...

  14. If the Bills were willing to give Langston Walker $5 mil in 2007, they should be willing to give this guy $7 mil, which should do it, I think. They were willing to pay Poz 7 mil, so spend it on the good RT and then sign a Burnett or Siler et al for 4+ and we're good to go. That would be a solid FA season without breaking the bank at all. Plus include in the offer a huge deal five years from now that we will never pay.

    I do agree with the premise that the Bills will likely have to over-pay but wouldn't it be better to overpay someone to play left tackle and play D Bell at RT? Since Claybo doesn't have the skill-set for LT, thus over-paying him is gonna cause slotting (contractual) with the LT...rem L. Walker and J Peters a few years ago?

  15. Well, making excuses for his play isn't exactly a great argument to build around either. His injury wasn't the entire season either. Over half the season was already over. Besides, other players play through injuries and often do well. Maybe that's another knock on him, who knows. No excuses just the facts ( you seem to exclude them I see.)


    Otherwise we can sit here and mince words, but I wasn't as impressed with him at Clemson as most were. Yeah, he "took it to the house," but name a big game against a good opponent where he did that? You might find one, but that's about it except for returns. see the link provided it give 4 yrs of game stats...oops I forgot stats doesn't matter with you.


    Aaron Maybon did the same thing at PSU. He "BAM, took it to the house with a sack" often in his last season there, but against whom? C'mon really? Your comparing Maybins abbr 1 yr start as a basis to CJ's 4 yr career? Really...


    I mean if he had 4,000 All Purpose Yards in some B or C league would that impress you? NO but he did it in the ACC not Div 1 AA. If that was the case I would agree, I'm just saying lets not label him a "bust" after 1 yr.


    IDK, we'll see, but I'm just not seein' it. He doesn't have anything close to optimal size for a rushing RB, (- see the other CJ...Chris Johnson 5'10"- 200 lbs.) and if we can get him to simply return kicks well and as a top returner, and simply catch 500 yards worth of passes, I think that's about all that anyone is ever going to get from him.


    I just don't think you're being objective. ... imagine that in a fan forum. HONESTLY!!!! YOUR LABELING THE GUY A BUST AFTER ONE YEAR!!! WITH A HAMSTRING INJURY... LOL


    ; )


    I tried to answer some of your queries above ^^^^I'm done with this topic, can we agree to disagree? Lets let the season play out & see what CJ does in his 2nd yr with CG.

  16. Thank you!


    But believe, me, I've scrutinized Spiller's stats more than this entire forum combined.


    You need to break down the information, not simply look at singular numbers and decide he's great or going to be great.The stats in college does not lie as for his total offensive output. The only NFL data point that we have is that he's thus far been a bust.I thought most draft picks were evaluated generally after 3 yrs, not 1 :rolleyes: . If he does not seriously break out this season it will be all but impossible to argue that he has BUST written all over him.


    Otherwise, we do disagree, as I stated as well, but again, what are the most important parts, the most pertinent to his success in the NFL, of Spiller's NCAA stats? Just tying to give some prospective on your previous comment of 5 ypg (which didn't include total offensive output).


    Would they not be how he performed against the top Ds, let's say top-50. I mean if he can't play well against the top-50 collegiate Ds, like Maybin, then why is there anything in those stats to suggest that he'll succeed with the cream of the crop of players that make it from that level to the next creating even more challenging Ds? I AGREE.


    I appreciate your fandom and hopes for Spiller, but don't let them taint reality here. :D


    Can you name one bright spot, one asset, one of anything significant that Spiller showed last year that he even has a shot at starting in the NFL? Look the guy didnt start out the gate the best but what were your expectation for a rookie? Also after highlighting his modest output with the next sentence below, did you factor in the hamstring pull that sidelined him a game or so afterwards. I rem CG stating that CJ was really catching on and they had a good gameplan for him in the game he got injured.


    Other than his early season what was it, 95-yard KR for that TD, he was nothing but a footnote the rest of the season. He averaged a well below average 21.4 ypr otherwise and even with that long run his average of 23 ypr was still below average. He didn't prove that he can run the ball even to an average level, and he's supposed to have blazing speed, his only asset as he's not a contact runner. His open-field moves were supposed to be electric, and in college they may have been, but in the NFL the NFL speed caught up to him and will continue to. He showed no moves whatsoever, not even once that I recall. This is a story that rewrites itself every season in the NFL for those players drafted that have speed as their sole asset, like Maybin and Spiller.


    So again, hope all that you want, I'm merely suggesting that your faith and hope are misplaced, I wouldn't expect it to happen, there's absolutely no evidence that suggests it will unless you consider his performances against some of the worst defenses in college ball to be that evidence, but none of those players are even in the NFL, so it would not seem wise to use that as a baseline.


    Otherwise, there was no evidence of speed by Spiller last season. None. He's too small to be good apart from having such speed, and if he didn't have it last season relative to NFL players/defenders, it's not going to magically grow on a tree since then. If he bulks up, he certainly won't get quicker.


    Do you still disagree? YES!!!



    Look IMHO CJ will be one of those backs that will frustrate you during most games and then BAM! he'll take it to the house... using his collegiate performance as my basis is how I come to this conclusion. And I will not use his injured rookie year as a guide to future success in this league.

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