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Posts posted by duey

  1. My Sunday is going to consist of manipulating the day so that both kids a tucked happily in beds well before 9 pm. Ideally, they'll be out of our hair before 7, but that's going to be tough. A 2 1/2 hour episode...wow. There is no way sleep is going to come easy that night.

  2. Bingo. Going from Lost to V is like going from Hitchcock to Pauly Shore. Or something like that.



    My wife and I tried too, but to no avail. Discussing what we just witnessed and reading Doc Jensen's immediate reaction were far more rewarding and entertaining. :worthy:

  3. Bills since mid-70's


    Sabres since mid-70's


    Mets since mid-70's (became a Mets fan because all my friends were band wagon Yankees fans from that late 70's run)


    Not a big basketball fan at all, but the Braves briefly before they left town, then when I moved to the NYC area I began to follow the Nets


    Cornell since I was but a babe (grew up in Ithaca and was going to Lynah when someone named Dryden was in goal)


    UB since 1983!


    SU football and basketball

  4. MrJ...this is what has made this show so special. After the hour is over, you don't just switch to something else and forget it. I for one usually sit in stunned silence for a few minutes as I start to digest what I've just seen. Then my wife and I rehash the episode for another hour before we crash for the night. The next day brings the start of post-episode discussion on this board which usually carries through to the following week. I've never watched another show that inspired such thought and discussion.


    As I mentioned up the thread a bit, this banter is one of the things I'm going to miss the most. I'm hoping that a Lost thread will always be up and active, because as many of the other posters here have pointed out, there will be lots left over to think about, discuss and analyze.

  5. Dude...that's exactly the way it is with my wife and I. We both gave FF and V a chance and bailed on both. Unfortunately, Lost has completely spoiled me and I imagine I'm going to be holding new shows up to its high bar for some time. I like a few of the half hour comedies (Two and a Half Men, Big Bang, The Middle, etc.), and I like House, but when it comes to dramas, Lost is going to be the be all, end all.

    I've held out on buying any of the previous season on DVD. I always felt that I had seen it all once, that would be good enough. But now I know that I do want all the seasons, so I'm hoping for all six in a sweet BlueRay box set just in time for the holidays. :thumbsup:

  6. You know.....I don't think I've ever been this engrossed in a television show. At least, not for this long. Same for my wife. I feel sort of embarrassed admitting this, but the ending of this show is going to leave us both feeling a bit......uh....Llllll.....nope, I'm not going to say it. This series was so thought provoking, frustrating, enthralling and enjoyable, it really is going to leave a void, at least for a while. I had high hopes for Flash Forward and V. FF got nuked and V apparently stands for "Vapid" (yeah, I know that was snotty). I like Fringe quite a bit, but it's not in the same league with Lost. Gotta love Walter Bishop.


    Lost was THE television show that my wife and I really looked forward to. Honestly, everything else fell into the "meh" category. Well...I guess I should qualify this with me and Bills games....that's a given priority that needs no explanation.


    But after Sunday, there is going to be a period of time where my wife and I look at the TV guide and say, "Well, NOW what?" It's a little like losing a friend, for crying out loud.


    Or is is just me?

    Dude...that's exactly the way it is with my wife and I. We both gave FF and V a chance and bailed on both. Unfortunately, Lost has completely spoiled me and I imagine I'm going to be holding new shows up to its high bar for some time. I like a few of the half hour comedies (Two and a Half Men, Big Bang, The Middle, etc.), and I like House, but when it comes to dramas, Lost is going to be the be all, end all.

  7. JP moved into the City of Buffalo ... he worked hard to be part of this community becoming one of Western New York's biggest boosters on the national scene. In every interview he gave to out of town media you had a sense that the guy really loved the place most of us call home. Something we complain that other members of our professional teams fail to do.


    And yes, he failed on the field. Another in the list of many first round quarterbacks selected by another group of professional scouts from almost every team who make choices that go bad. Oh wait, who does Kiper like in the first round let's get him ... or boy I hope the Bills fail this year so we can pick a quarterback with next year's pick because those first rounders always bring in Super Bowl victories just ask the people in New Engla ... oh never mind.


    So, JP didn't work out. He had such offensive minded coaches here who were absolutely dedicated to scoring as many points as possible with an attack offense ... oh wait ... we had Dick didn't we.


    But to wish bad things for a guy who tried. For a guy who cared about our community. In fact, to mock what he did here. It's just another sad day realizing how sad it is that there is a significant group of people who thrive so much on their negativity that they just won't take a moment to appreciate someone who tried but just didn't work out.


    To me it was great news when JP won with Las Vegas and if he can make it in Seattle that would be a good thing.


    But, now is the time to be hopeful that one of the four in camp is the guy. I am a Bills' fan and I want them to win not to lose so I can complain.


    GO BILLS and Thanks JP for being a young man willing to care about the community you work in and being williing to volunteer your time to help your neighbors (hey, that's a novel idea. Wonder how many on this board give back to their community at least once a month by volunteering to clean up a neighborhood or help kids with disabilities?)



    Well said.

  8. Yep...I understand what you are saying. It's just contrary old me....I have the impression that those words are more metaphorical than literal. A "feel good" about humanity if you will....like "there's some good in everyone." Or maybe I'm just looking for curve balls on every pitch.

    LOL Well, either way we should find out in four days. :thumbsup:

  9. I don't think that extinguishing the island light has that big of an influence. I think it influences the people connected to the island, not all of humanity. It may be that since MIB was essentially created by the log flume of light, if that light is extinguished, so is MIB, as well as the island.

    I disagree. Remember, Jacob and MIB's mother said that there is a little of that light in all men...I'm pretty sure she didn't mean just those on the island. And I have to believe that the light's importance, as stressed by the mother, is much more far reaching than just the island.

  10. Desmond isn't immortal. He was shot by Ben and iirc, by Penny's reaction in the hospital, it was touch-and-go... so to speak. I think it's just another case of "The island isn't done with you yet." You're correct about MIB not being able to kill him, but it's clear that other of the candidates can, which is why FLocke tried to order Sayid to do the deed.


    It will be something to see what the Light does to him, if that is what Des is meant to do. As I said last week, the last two electromagnetic events... he's not "immune" to EM energy. He survives it. But there are consequences to such exposure. Consequences of the space-time-travel sort. What was the sacrifice that Widmore was talking about? Can the Light actually do some harm to Desmond, and yet, it won't matter b/c of the consciousness transfer to the Sideways world?

    Points well taken.


    We're yet to know, and perhaps we won't ever, what makes Des special. We know he's got something pretty good going on, and it's not to MIBs benefit, but what it is and why he has it is still left unexplaned.

  11. What if the internal light is the actual power source (for lack of a better term) of the island? If the light is extinguished, the island physically disappears and MIB/Flocke is a thing without a jail? Instead of figuring out a way to break out of jail, figure out a way to remove the jail.

    I think you're right...that destroying the island would release MIB.


    Does the light being extinguished mean that the good in all men is extinguished as well? I think that's the big implication here. MIB getting off the island while the island is intact is bad because he's a mean and dangerous evil entity, but the island being destroyed has even more terrible consequences.

  12. Did Hurley mention Ana Lucia by name when he first saw her?


    Yes...yes he did. When he approached the back of the police van and saw her, he said "Ana Lucia?" And then asked Des if she was coming too, to which Des replied, "No...she's not ready yet." It's clear to me that both Des and Hugo have a complete recollection of their island memories.


    Let's talk about Des. Clearly he is going to play a major role in the final episode. I'm starting to wonder if Des isn't something of an immortal himself. Does anyone remember from his back story how old he was when we first saw him? Wasn't it just before he went into the monestary? If so, I wonder if he may originally be from the island just as MIB and Jacob are. Perhaps he has been reliving his adult life over and over (see Stephen King's Dark Tower, which I've referred to here previously), with as Jacob said, each time making progress but not quite achieving his goal (of killing MIB). He is immune to the effects of the electromagnetic field, doesn't seem to be able to be killed (he was blown clear of the hatch when it exploded and suffered barely a scratch after having been thrown down the well). MIB can't kill him for some reason...putting him at least on the same level as the candidates. I think Des is the biggest threat to MIB and it seems that MIB may just now be realizing that.


    And for what it's worth...I think Richard pulled Des out of the well after he was thrown into the jungle by smoky.

  13. OK, to backtrack a second (but, it's still relevant to this ep):


    From Doc's Totally Lost video, he chats with Marc Pelligrino and Titus Welliver (I'm transcribing it here):

    That was a great video, btw.


    You saw that moment of epiphany on Jacks face after the drank from the cup...it was fleeting, but you could see that, for a few seconds, he saw something or realized something awesome.

  14. Perhaps the true mystery of the island is how it keeps getting all these super-gorgeous ladies to hang out on it. Electromag-daddy!

    Nah...the true mystery of the island is now Hurley hasn't lost a friggin' pound after being on the island for all that time. <_<

  15. yeah, but i think we've known (or were expecting that) since season 3. im truly fine with it as it leaves things open to discussion after the show is over.

    I was just thinking about the post-season life of this thread. You have to figure discussion of the finale and related topics will continue for a while after the show ends. I'm looking for the six season complete package in BlueRay in time for the holidays? That might inspire further discussion. I guess I'm going to have a hard time letting go. :D

  16. As for MiB's obsession with getting off the island, wouldn't anybody be obsessed with it? You find out, from your ghost mom, that who you thought was your mom had been lying to you for ~12 years about who you were and everything you knew. You discovered she killed your real mom, too, so you totally turn your back on her and the island, wanting to get away. When, 30 years later, you are so close to achieving your goal you can taste it, she dupes you into trusting her one last time before destroying everything you had been working on for all that time, your one goal, and kills all your friends. Then, you get back at her, only to get your ass kick and your body destroyed and turned into a monster, forced to live for eternity on a place you hate with someone you hate. I think his obsession with getting off the island makes complete sense.

    I still think MIB is overreacting. :rolleyes:

  17. glad you brought this up. they were not speaking english, the were speaking latin. the producers showed this, and then transitioned into english so we would not have to read subtitles through the entire episode. but you can assume that they were actually speaking latin to each other the entire time. i thought it was a cool way they did that.

    My wife brought up the same question as it happened and that's exactly explanation I gave her. :rolleyes:

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