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Posts posted by duey

  1. I would have liked to know why MIB turned into smokey for being thrown into the cave, but no one else was affected by it (save for the skeletons at the bottom).

    It may have had something to do with MIB just having killed the protector of the island (and the woman who raised him)...I don't think Desmond or Jack were on that level of evil. And don't forget...it wasn't just that they were in the cave...you had to actually go over the waterfall into the light cork pit.

  2. Just a quick question to all..how much time have you spent on work vs Lost today???


    It is now 2.PM, i have been on the PC since 8.15AM, and I believe I have spent appx 10 minutes of that time on something NOT Lost related LOL.


    Great show, loved the ending, while still would have liked some more "answers".


    Man, I can still so vividly remember watching the first season, seems crazy it is over. I joined here the same year as Season 1, in fact my first avatar was Sawyer.

    I've been here at my desk at work since 7:30 am...seven hours ago. Of those seven hours, easily 6.5 have been spent on this board and on other sites reading all that I can. :blush:

  3. LOST is an ABC production, which I believe is owned by Disney. If I'm still correct on that, I wouldnt be surprised if something LOST related was added to a theme park somewhere.

    Oh great. It can be right next to the Country Bears. :blush:

  4. 1. Boone really wasn't a huge character, so I believe the writers just left us to assume that Hurly had enlightened him at some point and time, when wasn't relevant to the story.

    My wife and I were talking about this. When Boone was talking to Hurley outside the bar (while Sayid and Shannon were kissing) he said that it was difficult getting Shannon to come back from Australia. This made us think that Boone had to have been working on this before Des got involved.

  5. Where did Kate get her change of clothes inside the church? :blush:

    Scott...Locke just had major back surgery and Sun was recovering from being shot and both were able to just get up and walk away...and you're wondering about where Kate got a different outfit?! It's friggin' heaven for Gods sake! Hurley could have snapped his fingers and a bucket of Mr. Clucks would have appeared! :blink:

  6. but just like those living in the Matrix, when you believe it's real only then do the real world rules apply.

    There it is...I was waiting for someone to make a Matrix reference. And in that regard, I thought Jacks leap at Locke on the cliff was very Matrix like! LOL

  7. what you are missing is probably the hardest piece of the puzzle for the human mind to comprehend, so forgive me if i cant explain it that well. basically, there is no "where" they were in the sideways world, and there is no "when". the two stories (main time line and sideways) are not occurring at the same time. if you want to try to define it's chronological occurrence, it would probably be thousands of years from now. but since time is relative, it's just a few days for Jack within the sideways world.


    the sideways world is a purgatory illusion created by the LOSTIES so they could all find each other and move on together. some were already dead when we started viewing it. some died while we were viewing it. others died much later after the finale (kate, sawyer, hurley, etc).


    so they are all dead eventually. and now they were able to find each other and (thanks to Desmond) remember why they were all there together. so their souls could move on together.


    just like how an entire life time of time can occurr in an instant for someone else. the rules of real world time do not apply.

    My thoughts exactly. I think they all had to "wait" until the last of them died, which I imagine is Hurley or Ben or both (given that I'm sure they protected the island for a time frame of similar length as Jacob and Richard did).

  8. Before I forget, duey, I would just like to thank you again and to all of the other frequent posters to these threads over the years who've put in your observations, theories, etc. Some don't seem to have stuck with the show, and hey, it's a free country, but I think the payoff of following this show has been worth it and then some. It was really life-affirming at a time when I have needed some affirming in this area. Like I said, I took my dog's (and some close relatives') death really hard. And there've been times when I've said to myself that when LOST is over I may be ready to check out. I haven't been in that frame of mind for a while; I am better, I feel better even tho certain aspects that drove it are still there, mostly with the employment situation. But I'm glad to see this show end the way it did... with love and affirmation. A professor of mine once said that pretty much all of fiction can be reduced to "The Search for Family." That's right, and here were a group of characters who found a family even when their own biological family situations left a lot to be desired. In a way, a number of us now have a connection. This is what makes TBD such a great place. SDS is like our Jacob/Hurley.

    It's all good brutha...thank you. It's been such a great ride. So many times I come to TSW and pass over the main board to come here...hoping that someone has added to this discussion. Hang in there and you know you can always find one or more of us lurking about and more than willing to talk. :blush:

  9. from what i can put together, there was no submerged Island. just like there was no David. that was all part of their purgatory illusion that their souls created so they could find each other and move on together.


    i assume that Hurley was able to find someone else to pass the Island too, and they are currently protecting it. if they werent, id imagine there would be no light and after life for them to go to.

    I agree. :blush:

  10. I believe that scene was the most intriguing of the night. Both Jack and Flocke wanted to extinguish the light, but for completely different reasons. Flocke wanted it out so he could leave the island and Jack wanted it out so Flocke would become mortal and could be killed. The look on Flocke's face when he saw blood after being hit by Jack was priceless.


    Kate was outstanding in the black dress last night, but I have to give it up for Charlotte as well. She looked beautiful!


    It took me a little bit to appreciate the ending. I really didn't like it at first, but looking back ,it was a good way to honor the characters and story. Normally I am not for a sappy ending, which is ironic in itself that an ending in which everyone is dead is considered happy, but this somehow worked. Everyone let go...

    Good post. +1


    And I had jumped off the Kate bandwagon a few years back, but I jumped back on Kate big time last night when I saw her in that black dress. :blush:

  11. and it was so great and fitting for Hurley to end up with it. loved it.


    i wonder how long Hurley and Ben ran the Island? do i smell a spin off show?!? except in 30 minute Comedy format?!? :blink:

    What a great buddy show concept! LOL I like all the calls for a buddy cop show with Miles and Sawyer. :angry:


    You get the idea from their exchange and Christian's comment (about how some people died very long after Jack did) that Ben and Hurley did their thing for a very long time. As such, one would imagine that Hurley bestowed upon Ben the gift of youth as Jacob did for Richard. But oh wait...that's another unanswered question! Damn this show...damn it all to hell! :blush:

  12. im back quick with one "funny" thought...


    for as great as Jack was, was he not the WORST protector of the light the Island ever had?!? Jacob protected it for 2500 years WITH a mythical being trying to kill him. Jack let it go out about 1 hour after he took the job...


    i was cracking up at that last night.

    LOL And he did exactly what Jacob told him not to do...let MIB into that cave.


    Well, when Jack asked Jacob how long he would have to do this job, Jacob did say "As long as you have to." Clearly Jack's destiny was only to be a "temp" until Hurley took the job. :blush:

  13. In fact I accuse some of you of being so in love with the show you gloss over some significant flaws in the telling of the story.

    Six seasons...hundreds of different storylines...people came and people went...honestly, I'm shocked at what people consider flaws in the story-telling and what can just be left up for interpretation. I am in love with the story...but there's a big difference between "glossing over" and accepting things as they are and just enjoying the ride.


    There are thousands of questions that weren't answered about this show...how did the Army find the island and why did they bring a bomb there...what was this disease that people were being innoculated against...what was the origin of the DI...where did all the characters take a crap...why didn't their clothes ever fall apart...when did they eat? I mean come on people...maybe you should take Rose's advice and let go. :blush:

  14. I am fine with not everything being answered, but it's not satisfying that most and even the most important questions are not answered. It was OK that the Sopranos didn't show what happened to Tony in the diner. But we knew what the point of the show so leaving that one detail open was not the end of the world.


    Basically, no one can explain the point of LOST. Or the island. Or the sideways. No one. It's not like all they left open was why some people didn't get into the church or weren't ready...they left open the biggest questions. We spent multiple season with Dharma. No one knows WTF that is. We spent seasons teased by Others. No one can explain them. There's a stopper in an evil opening. No one knows WTF that is. Sideways is...who knows? Flash forwards were...who knows?


    It's not as if *some* of the breadcrumb trails led to home...they almost all lead to nowhere.


    And the only thing that makes it OK is that the writers made the characters OK with it.

    Dude...the bottom line is that each person saw the show a little differently and as such has differing opinions about how it ended. I loved the show, appreciated the intricacy of the storylines, and am very satisfied with how it ended. You see things differently and that's fine. But I do feel it's a bit of a shame to be more focused on what you didn't get out of it rather than what you did.

  15. Let's get something straight: The writers created a legion of breadcrumb trails that lead nowhere. That's annoying.


    The only reason it "worked" last night is because the characters where satisfied with what was happening. From a storytelling perspective, that's good. But they did not give answers to some of the biggest questions. For example, not a person here can explain the island light and stopper. Or the island itself. Or the Dharma initiative. Or the flash forward season. Or the Others. Or Jacob and MIB and guardians. Or the smoke. Or what the pre-church sideways world was all about. Or what was Jack doing at the end in the bamboo forest (seemed to be gearing up for the Island part of the show to start again, not end). And on and on.

    Why do we need every single question answered? Is it because we've become so accustomed to simplistic stories with neat and tidy endings? I don't understand why so many people have a laundry list of unresolved issues and are so incensed that about it. Do you also feel screwed over because you don't know what happened to Frank, Kate, James, Claire and Miles after they got off the island? To me it's the same thing. Just accept that some things are part of the story and that the writers don't owe us any further explanation.


    I probably felt like you do early in the series but eventually I came to respect what was being given to us so much that I'm more than willing to take it all as it comes.

  16. Good morning all...


    Here I sit in my office, sipping what's going to be just one of many cups of coffee today as I try to stay awake after a short and fitful nights sleep.


    I woke up this morning feeling, first and foremost, sad. As the last few minutes ticked away last night, I reflected for a moment on what was about to end. I became emotional not only because of the poignant scenes and storylines, but because of my feeling of loss. Six years we have been blessed by this show. To not have another season or another episode to look forward to...to no longer be able to rely on seeing our friends each week...I know I never felt this way about another show ending and I doubt I ever will.


    I feel very satisfied with how things ended. It was a steady and even-paced episode where we weren't really shocked by anything (I wasn't anyway), but I was made to smile and sigh with contentment often. The "reunion" scenes were beautifully acted, filmed and scored. Each being so unique and so emotional. It feels so right to have had each of those couples come together for their final journeys.


    A few other random observations:


    Michael Emerson brought his curtain down on Ben Linus in amazing fashion. His scenes in the creek with Hugo and then outside the church with Locke were captivating and a honor to watch. Ben apologized to John was a beautiful moment of redemption.


    I loved the person that Locke became after his surgery. So at peace with himself.


    When asked by Hurley how he was going to take care of the island, Ben’s response of “Do what you always do. Help people” in a few words summed up Hurley’s character for the entire show. All he ever did was help and care about people. He never did a thing out of malice or selfishness. That is why it seems even more appropriate that he be the protector of the island rather than Jack.


    Vincent coming out of the jungle and making it so Jack didn’t die alone was great…my wife really lost it at that point. I’ve read a few places that Vincent actually represented God as he was with many people at the times of their deaths. I don’t know about that…I can’t remember and I also doubt something so significant would be made to appear so random.


    I loved Rose telling Des that basically, “After you finish breakfast you have to get the f&%! out because all you and your people do if f%$! things up. Then sure enough, here comes trouble times two! LOL


    Favorite funny line of the night…a Sawyer line of course when he picks up the walkie talkie and calls over “Hey Chesty…what’s going on?”


    The thing that struck me was that we were watch two stories end last night. For five seasons, the show focused on one primary storyline. Then, at the start of this season, and entirely separate storyline began. Looking back, I'm amazed that we were actually following two stories this season, each as important as the other. And last night, these two stories both ended. It's like the sideways story was a spin-off within the main show itself.


    I've already read a few headlines by where the episode was called “disappointing” or a “let down.” Rubbish. I think too many people are too used to neat and tidy endings like in the movies. This was an epic show, with more storylines and plot twists then any show in history. Did everything get tied up with a bow and handed to the viewer with all questions answered…of course not. But a viewer who has accepted the show as the uniquely told tale that it is will likely look at the finale as something that brought closure to the heart of story…and will of course give us all something to chew on for months and years to come.


    That’s it for now…lot’s more discussion to come!

  17. Also have to go back and point out the comedic value after Richard was thrown into the jungle by Smokey. Some of Michael Emerson's best acting on this show has been silent (see: guilting Hurley into giving him half an Apollo bar). Here, Ben sees the ageless wonder flung into center field, he turns around calmly, and sits on a Dharmaville porch chair. No dying on his feet, huh? Terrified look on his face, just waiting. And then it doesn't happen.

    One of the best scenes in the episode. Richard hears the chick-a-chick-a of the smoke monster and next thing he knows he's tossed a half mile away. Maybe he landed near the well..."Can you give a brutha a hand...or a rope...brutha?"


    And agreed...so much of what Michael Emerson does is accomplished through facial expressions. Him seeing Richard discarded and then calmly taking a seat to wait for you know who was priceless. :thumbsup:

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