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Posts posted by duey

  1. First photo glimpse of the Hurley epilogue. Seriously, dude.


    And, obviously, it's spoiler-y.



    OMG!!!! I can't believe it!!!! That picture tells so much and yet tells us nothing!!! :angry::w00t:0:):P


    Counting the days until the BluRay release. :angry:

  2. I'm very happy about the shows Emmy nominations. I'll take any remaining shreds of publicity and tv time for this show. It will be nice seeing the cast at the awards ceremony. I'll be rooting for as many wins as we can get! :rolleyes:


    Reading over Doc's second installment and then watching the Totally Lost finale (all eight!), I'm again left with a feeling of sadness and longing. It was always tough getting through Lost's off-season. Now knowning that these characters won't be telling us any new tales is tough...(sigh)

  3. good choice! the version i got from best buy was a special edition that actually came as a small book with the disc in the back jacket. not sure if there is a "regular" bluray version or if theyre all like that. either way, its pretty stellar.

    Actually that's the one I got. I'm very excited. :thumbsup:

  4. That's on Blu-ray? Sweet!


    They definitely used the tunnel rowing song with purpose. I think it went over most peoples' heads.


    To further the comparison, in WWATCF, for the people who complain that LOST didn't give enough answers, what did we get out of Wonka? Did we need to know how he found the wherewithal for the Everlasting Gobstopper? How does his elevator work? Entering the factory, they went in a door and went out the same door into a completely different room. We never find out so many things. That doesn't detract from the essential story. The essence of Wonka was trying to find a kid who could move past wanton behavior and make a morally right choice.

    Willy Wonka has always been one of my favorite movies...and Gene Wilders performance is, IMHO, absolutely magnificent. And the comparison between WWATCF (yes...we can acronymize anything!) and Lost is quite striking...good call UCJ. :thumbsup:


    And I too found Doc J's timeline analysis re: the wells to be very enlightening. During my one and only viewing of the final episode, I did try to figure that out myself but shelved it as the episode moved on.


    Son of a B word I miss this show!

  5. they played the Langoliers on the SciFi Channel over the weekend, and I caught it for the first time...


    man, what a bush-league version of LOST that was! its like JJ and Co. saw it and said "Let's do this story. But do it really well."

    I loved the book/short story but I thought the film was pretty weak (which tends to be the case with most Stephen King TV/movie adaptations).


    Speaking of Mr. King, I think I might have to pull out the Dark Tower series and read it all over again. I saw so many parallels between that story and Lost.

  6. Best of all, Neil Frogurt is in the pilot and is killed off with relish. Poor guy must be typecast to play "unlikeable dweebs that we wish to see die."



    And thanks for the tip on Firefly...I'll try to check it out.

  7. Tuesday night television will never be the same. Sigh.....what's left, "Dancing with the Biggest Losers?"

    Yep...sounds about right. I feel like the air has been totally let out of my television watching balloon. I'm usually not a big TV guy during the summer anyway, but this Fall/next February are going to seem VERY empty without our island-bound friends. <_<

  8. So after taking the long weekend off from Lost analysis, it sure was nice to come back and see the discussion continuing with lots of new blood. Welcome new and seldom-posting Losties...your opinions are just as interesting and insightful as those from the hardcore thread-mongers that post herely seemingly on an hourly basis. <_<


    I did not watch the rerun of the finale. This sounds odd, but I really needed a break. I'll be rewatching it via DVR in a week or two. I'm curious to see what a few weeks separation from the show will do when I watch the finale again. :D

  9. good catch on the Hurley timing. wonder if that had something to do with him being originally "on the list" in season 1, but then sent back?

    I think Hurley was touched a different way. That guy came back from the Pacific with the numbers in his head and then he told them to Hurley. The rest is history. Perhaps Jacob made sure that guy heard the numbers so that he could get to Hurley through him.

  10. One would hope that the quality of LOST will always draw people to it.

    As I believe that this is truly a show that will live on in the hearts and minds of current and future viewers, scoring the full Blueray set is a must for me. I have a 10 year old who is dying to watch the show but Mrs. duey and I figured is a still a few years away. And then of course there's my four year old daughter. I'd love to sit down with both of them and watch the series from beginning to end. It will be great talking about it all over again...and God knows what new observations and insights may arise. :angry:

  11. As if I needed another reason to buy the Lost Six Pack on August 24...




    'Lost' DVD Set Will Feature Hurley/Ben Epilogue

    Star Michael Emerson says bonus feature will show 12-14 minutes of the duo's Island adventures.

    By Adam Rosenberg


    Hurley: "You know, you were a real good number two." Ben: "And you were a great number one, Hugo."


    This brief exchange between Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben (Michael Emerson) in the final stretch of "Lost" series finale "The End" suggested that a lifetime of adventures unfolded for the Island duo before they eventually moved on and reunited with their friends in the pre-afterlife. And fans will actually get to glimpse those adventures when season six of "Lost" arrives on DVD and Blu-ray.


    "For those people that want to pony up and buy the complete 'Lost' series, there is a bonus feature — you could call it an epilogue, a lost scene," Emerson said during an appearance on G4's "Attack of the Show." "It's a lot, 12 or 14 minutes, that opens a window on that gap of unknown time between Hurley becoming number one and the end of the series."


    The revelation was greeted with gasps of surprise from the studio audience. Additional answers had been promised for the "Lost" season six DVD release, but no details had been revealed before Emerson spoke. Asked if he regretted making the reveal, the actor replied with a smile, "I'm rolling over that in my mind."


    The follow-up question, of course, is if this footage might hint at some kind of "Lost" spin-off, something that showrunners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof have sworn time and again won't happen — at least, not with them at the helm.


    "It's self-contained," Emerson replied. "Although it's a rich period in the show's mythology that has never been explored. So who knows what will come of it?"

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