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Posts posted by duey

  1. I'm guessing it's ashes from the banyan trees. In the first episode, the smoke monster wouldn't follow Jack, Kate, and Charlie into the banyan trees. There are several other examples in the Lostepidia entry for The Man in Black under the Banyan trees section. The trees appear to be Smokey's Kryptonite. Garlic and holy water for vampires, fire for Frankenstein's monster, silver for werewolves. Every monster has it's weakness.

    Very nice catch...and remember, MIB said that he's been looking for the cave of light for a very long time and was never able to find it.

  2. I took it under interpretation, but my old college buddy who works in TV said he thought ABC just threw it in there. You're right UConn, a mark or something would have been helpful.

    To me it just smacks of the network having no friggin' clue about the show, its storylines and its fans. Anyone with any interest or knowledge of the show would have understood how something like that would detract from the actual ending of the show. Dopes...absolute dopes. :angry:

  3. I'm not sure how true the UNBURIED on the island would be as while there's no proof he took her form I believe Smokey took Alex's form. As think he did so when Ben was being judged as it was his way to fool Ben that he needed to kill Jacob and she was definitely dead and buried on the island per Richard telling Ben he had buried her under the swing set.

    Your absolutely right. Alex was buried under the swing set and I believe he did take Alex's form when Ben was being judged. And don't forget what Alex said..."she" told Ben he had to do whatever John Locke said...basically setting up Ben killing Jacob.

  4. Oh...and in regards to the last scenes of the wreakage on the beach, here is this explanation from ABC. Amazing how after six years the network still really had no clue about their viewers...




    So, raise your hand if you’ve spent the past three days obsessing over what was purgatory, what was real-life, for the past six years on Lost. No doubt, for many of you, a big part of your understanding has included an interpretation of the series’ final scenes of plane wreckage strewn across an empty beach, nothing but the white noise of crashing waves cutting through the deadly silence. Well, turns out ABC just threw those final scenes in there as a “visual aid,” and they didn’t actually have anything to do with the show’s plot. ABC told the LA Times that the network – and not executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse — added those shots of the beach simply to soften the transition from the emotional ending of the series finale to the 11 p.m. news and didn’t realize that viewers who had been obsessing over every detail of every scene of every episode might have considered the series’ final images as having some meaning. “”The images shown during the end credits of the Lost finale, which included shots of Oceanic 815 on a deserted beach, were not part of the final story but were a visual aid to allow the viewer to decompress before heading into the news,” an ABC spokesperson told the Times.


    I, for one, initially interpreted those images as a sign that everyone died in the crash, which meant everything in the entire series was some kind of purgatory. When I suggested this in EW’s live, post-finale chat, there certainly those who said no, the Island was real but the Sideways World was purgatory. But it was also clear that I was far from the only one who, in trying to figure out just why the show ended with those images and how they fit into the story, came away with that assumption. I’m glad ABC cleared it up, so in my post-show reflection/depression I can just remove those images from the equation entirely. But still, Lost is hard enough to piece together and fully grasp. Kind of a weird move to end the entire saga with incidental footage.

  5. like the Gilmour avatar, btw. One of the most under-appreciated guitarists, imo.

    Thanks...I'm a huge PF fan so going that route for a post-Lost avatar was a no-brainer. And I agree...he's an amazing guitarist who does seem to kind of slip through the cracks in discussions of great guitarists.

  6. Did anyone else besides me look at the TV listings last night with a huge sense of loss? It was like driving past my best friend's house only to realize he's no longer there, and won't ever be, again.

    Yep...sucks. :rolleyes:

  7. Doc Jensen's LOST finale recap Part II: Step Into the Light




    ABC will be replaying "The End" on Saturday @ 8 p.m. It will run in 2 hours, meaning... fewer commercials.




    This photo is my desktop background. Hope to get it in better quality when the DVDs come out.

    I always love reading Doc's take on things...going to miss that. Can't see his analysis of the next season of Survivor being nearly as engaging. :rolleyes:


    That's a great picture...there was such peace at the end of the last episode, because Jack was able to rest knowing that he had fulfilled his island-given destiny and that he could now move on with those most important to him. I've made that pic my wallpaper also... :wallbash:

  8. Apparently it's gone out wider than I ever intended. And it's being misconstrued as being from the writers of the show (on other sites I guess). Which I'm not. I just wrote it up for our little community here of Bills fans and forgot that we're actually a part of a way bigger internet community. I don't want people reading it and assumming it's THE answer or from the mouths of the show. It's just my take on it. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


    Did not mean to cause a firestorm at all ... my apologies.

    SDS can't be upset about the increase in traffic though. :rolleyes:

  9. This was not explained in detail. You kind of need to combine it with some of what we saw in the Light cavern, and what we saw in the other wells that there are other access spots to the Light (tho, these do not have access to the "Cork" that contains Hell). In "Across the Sea" the MIB said something about channeling the water" which was an important part of what happened when Des removed the carrot stone --- the streams that funneled water to the pool pretty much stopped flowing. There was no outlet for the pool, either, so the water apparently drained into spots along the hole (the carrot stone didn't take up that whole space), which may have had the effect that whatever was in there couldn't get past the water and/or the stone. Might've been like having a knob lock and a deadbolt on your door. As such, the water was an important part of what kept whatever it was, at bay. I guess their thinking with the wells was to make a small crack in the Light /(and with what we saw when Ben and Locke moved the wheel, the Light is connected to Time), divert some water, and voila. Perhaps the Romans(?) in the time of Mother had observed some phenomena along the lines of the guy who died during the Orchid drilling. They had a theory, that for Mother, hit a little too close to sounding like it'd work. There was also the point made at the time that so many things on-island work by someone just believing they'll work. At a certain point, you need to take it on faith, and as presented.

    Oh I believe just fine. I just thought the way the donkey wheel construction was presented in the Jacob/MIB episode was kinda lame.


    And FYI...we're at over 33,000 views. That's an increase of about 15,000 since yesterday morning. Why do I think we're getting "Others" visiting this board and thread for a peak...hmmm?

  10. Not me! :lol:


    BTW, I'm not a big stickler for plot incompatibilities, but could someone explain how the Donkey Wheel was attached to the 'light' source in the cave of wonders? Locationally, they seem to be on differnt parts of the island. Or is the Donkey Wheel something else altogether?

    Damn it Lurker...stop lurking! :lol:


    That whole donkey wheel thing made no sense to me when they brought it up in the episode with Jacob and MIB. "Oh yeah...I'm going to hook this donkey wheel up into the rock here, then attach the golden light and throw in some water and off we'll go."


    I accepted it as a means to get off and move the island in previous episodes, but how it got there just didn't take with me.

  11. Further to when I'm going to change the avatar.... Still, I don't know. I'm still basking in the afterglow, two days later. This feeling really hasn't let up. I don't know when it will. The ending was beautiful. I feel like I'm sitting in the church with these people, and I don't really want it to subside or leave. LOST is like a new religion.

    And I agree with you as well brutha. I made the change here and on facebook, but I continue to think about (and obviously discuss) the show wihtout an end in sight. I was so moved by the ending...I almost felt like I too was being enveloped by the same light as Jack and the rest of our friends. The feeling of peace, happiness and contentment washed over me like a gentle wave and I still feel embraced in its warmth.

  12. I've been one of the lurkers. What is the deal with tgregg? I've never been on this thread until yesterday. Is he really a writer for the show?

    That's what he tells us. He's given us cryptic little hints and messages from time to time as the series has progress and indeed fessed up to be a writer on the show. You're right...it's pretty damn cool that he's one of "us." :lol:

  13. Is this possible?!? I just checked the number of "Views" this thread has and I believe it has increased by about 7,000 since yesterday morning! What's really funny is that there are only five or six of us posting...is everyone else just lurking?! LOL

  14. I think you could look at the reign of Hurley as the potential fulfillment of all the things aimed at by the Hanso Foundation, Valenzetti Equation, Dharma Initiative, etc... They were trying to identify and change something fundamentally flawed about human nature.


    Look at the fact that Hurley’s destiny was shaped by the numbers. These are the same numbers in the Valenzetti equation—they’re supposed to represent something self-destructive that has been constant about human civilization throughout history. Jacob, in his search for a solution to his MIB problem, apparently came to realize the importance of the numbers too. Each of these six numbers stood for one of his final batch of candidates. It’s no coincidence then that Hurley is the one to finally take his place as guardian of the light of humanity for a new era. Remember that Ben mentions towards the very end that “that was Jacob’s way of running things.” Hurley is free to invent his own rules and it seems he is the right guy for the job of making a better world.

    +1 Excellent post. :lol:

  15. I'm very intrigued by the idea of Hurley and Ben doing there thing for God knows how long. As I said above, at some point you would think Hurley gave Ben the gift of eternal life as Jacob had given Richard. And without a mortal enemy to battle ala Jacob and MIB, one would think their time on the island was a lot less exciting and aggravating.

  16. IIRC, he asked to leave the show very shortly after getting a DUI in Hawai'i and went back to the UK. I guess whatever happened really soured him.

    Wow...wasn't aware that he had a DUI out there too. With Libby and Ana Lucia each picking up one of those as well, it makes one wonder what the environment was that might have caused it. Like the starts said in the warm up show the other night, conditions at times were pretty brutal. I guess some people might just blow off some steam a bit too enthusiastically.


    Maybe tgregg can shed some light on this...how dealing with situations as this hampered the flow of the show. We all had heard about Libby and Ana being killed off because of the legal issues. And what of Paulo and Nikki...at what point did the writters realize that they guys weren't going anywhere and had to be dealt with?

  17. Funny video, regarding the unanswered questions.




    While I agree that the show didn't NEED to answer every last detail to be excellent, you have to wonder why the writers included so many sub-plots and mysteries that were left unaddressed.

    Ah...that's great! Hey...when you have six years of writing and literally hundreds of different characters to deal with, a few details are sure to slip by. :worthy:

  18. ....and exactly what is Mr. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje doing with himself these days? Tearing up the movie & TV industry?

    LOL According to IMDB ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0015382/ ) he didn't do a damn thing for three years after he was on Lost. Now he's involved in a few movies.


    I remember hearing that he wanted off the show after he was killed by smokey ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BurUNDYqirc ). I loved his character and was really bummed when he died. That scene that I posted the link for is one of my favorites.

  19. No Mr. Eko in the finale?


    There's another wormhole that goes unexplained. He was a huge part of season three if I recall.

    FYI...Eko was invited back, but wanted too much money to return this season.





    Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje reportedly turned down the chance to appear in the series finale of Lost.


    According to E! Online, the actor was asked to reprise his role as Mr Eko in one scene of the episode.


    However, Lost and ABC sources have now claimed that Akinnuoye-Agbaje wanted a fee five times higher than the one he was offered and negotiations broke down.


    Akinnuoye-Agbaje was reportedly originally intended to appear on the show for four seasons but was released from his contract when he decided to leave the programme.

  20. That was because when the MIB went into the light, he was sent there by Jacob -- who, according to his mother's godly rules, was not allowed to kill him. Thus, the light did the only thing it could do: make him Smokey. That way he wasn't dead, but he wasn't "alive" either. He was trapped in an eternal state of flux.

    Read your post after I posted mine...good point...and I have to concede because your da man in da know. :worthy:

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