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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. The Houstan Texans have never been in the playoffs

    The Carolina Panthers have only been three times

    While all of us proclaim how much we love their D the Ravens have only appeared 4 times

    Three teams have have six playoff appearances the Cardinals, the saints and the Jags among these keep in mind that through all of their iterations the cardinals have been in the league since 1930.


    Teams on the opposite side of things:

    Dallas 55 playoff games but have not won one in the last 11 years

    Pittsburgh 28 playoff games (5 SB rings)

    Cleveland (no sb rings), Oakland and the Rams (LA & St Louis) 43 playoff games (one SB ring)

    The Vikings 42 playoff games (like our beloved Bills 4 SB losses)


    The point behind all of this is that as bad as it looks for us very few fans can claim much better. By this list I would say the Steelers fans have it best - most playoffs and SB rings followed by Dallas fans (makes me sick but keep in mind they lost 3 SB's)


    The only other point is that it is hard for any team to get to the playoffs and even harder to make it to a SB much less win one


    We have a long way to go to get back but so do many others.


    this might be one of the single worst "feel better" posts ever.


    i would rather be a fan of every one of these organizations than the bills. they all have direction, they have all (except houston) had success at one time or other, and most of them have championships.

  2. all i can say is the truth hurts. from an unbiased outside opinion in the national spotlight telling it like it is that our beloved bills organization is a trainwreck. It bruises our already crushed egos and it digs the salt deeper into the wounds. It makes us more hostile and resentful of the "media" and "outsiders" who just dont "understand" buffalo... well we just dont want the truth. the truth hurts.


    if 99 people tell you the sky is blue, and you think it's orange, your probably wrong...

  3. what a waste. this game won't even be worth watching unless you find humor in embarrassment.


    This reminds me of the old expression of watching a train wreck, you see something awful about to happen but you cant help yourself and you keep watching even though you wish you didnt. Thats the bills.


    at least play hamdan. Losman is as good as gone see what hamdan can do.

  4. Considering the pressure is completely off and the bills are now seen as an easy game to the mistake prone jets, I think it is possible that the bills play very well. We are good enough to beat the jets even with losman. I dont think we will because I felt our offensive approach last game did not give our guys a chance to win, and our coaching staff does nto made adjustments.


    When we line up in about half of our offensive formations, i can guess the play 70% of the time. When I do film study after the games, the defenses do a better job than I do at guessing the play. Miami was especially well prepared.


    you realize JP is most likely playing right?


    i'm just saying....

  5. Teams go up, and they go down. Ralph was at the helm when we had Kelly and Smith and Thurman, too. Where was the talk of viruses then? He was at the helm when we won the two championships.


    He made the mistake of hiring Donahoe, and that has destroyed us for a lot of years. But the main problem is that many people actually looked at last year's Bills and said "Gee, this team is surely going to the playoffs next year." It takes time and good luck. This was never going to be our year. Next year, who knows.



    are you kidding???? that was 15 years ago...


    what has he done since? Has he gotten mentally sharper or is he more out of touch than ever before? What has been the general direction the team has taken in oh.. say the past DECADE and a half (minus a few decent years in the late 90's)

  6. Really? 18 losing seasons out of 19. One playoff appearance and that was a loss in the first round. Give me Buffalo over the Bungles any day.


    YES. REALLY. Thats one more playoff game than we have had in recent times. They were showing promise and potential before they imploded and half the team is in the klink.


    Sure they are the bungles.... but guess what?.... we have become the 'ILLS....

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