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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Overreact? You have to be kidding me....this team is stuck in mediocrity. We've been a year or two away from the playoffs since 1999. <_<<_<

    so true... i am SO SICK AND TIRED of ALWAYS being in a state of eternal rebuilding. im sick of saying "next year is our year" knowing full well they will let me down.... agian....



  2. stick with the bills all you want despite their record, no in is questioning that. What people are upset with is the way this team has been run/coached/organized. Fans are angry at the organization for putting this team in a position to fail repeatedly. I still sort of "love" the bills (they do make it tough to love them now a days) but i am trying to fight FOR the team and hold the front office/owner accountable. I refuse to suffer through another decade being fed this hot pile of garbage.



  3. 2001: 3-13

    2002: 8-8

    2003: 6-10

    2004: 9-7

    2005: 5-11


    Wins: 31

    Losses: 49


    Great record that a "true football guy" Donahoe had with us. <_<


    Mort is a dumb ass!!!


    as terrible as he was dealing with the fans, as abysmal as his overall record shows, as bad as his decisions were.... he DID give us our only winning record this decade..... i'm just saying that how BAD things really are




  4. Thank you - I am stunned at the depth of hatred expressed on this board by others. If people think things suck so bad then they need to move on to something else. Nice to know you are hanging in there.


    we love what the organization "can be" not what "it is". we are trying in our own small insignificant way to beg the organization to change their ways while they still can.



  5. Every fan has the right to do what he/she wants. Maybe a walkout won't help or maybe it will, who are we to judge unless we try? I can't stand the idea of a sh!tty product being stuffed down my throat without saying something about it, maybe you don't mind. Maybe you can live with a "I can't do anything about it so why try?" attitude but some people can't. To call an idea of someone's "idiotic" just because you don't agree is ridiculous. There are 31 other teams in this league and

    fair-weather fans may be able to switch up their team but not everyone is fair-weather. Some Bills fans would rather boycott their team in hopes to make a change instead of whining and bitching that there's nothing we can do. Remember that the first step to taking away the people's power is leading them to believe that they have none.


    oustanding. stole the words from my own mouth

  6. I posted this in another thread, but apparently this is the one to put it on, so here goes (and I don't care if people get mad at it, it's the truth):


    Grow up. This walkout idea is idiotic and ineffective. Most importantly, you should realize that most people won't do it. Sure, some will, but most won't. Almost as important is that it will have zero, I repeat, zero, positive affects. But, for arguments' sake, let's assume you and 19,999 other people actually do this...do you want to know what it will accomplish?


    1.) Bills "fans" leave 30,000 New England fans left to cheer at a long-distance home game.

    2.) Bills "fans" give every other owner about 1.2 million reasons why this town doesn't need a football team.

    3.) Bills "fans" once again look like a bunch of whiny cry-babies that the rest of the football-watching world already wants to label them as.


    so to play devils advocate (because i disagree with your point)


    are you content with the team generally sucking for the past decade, happy with more of the same, like "eternal rebuilding mode", want to support the team even when they have continued to alienate their own fan base?


    because by supporting the crap product we have been fed the past decade only indicates to the organization that we are content and will continue to support the crap they put out.


    on the other hand,


    if we show our discontentment with what our beloved organization has become 1 of 2 things will happen. The team will leave and go somewhere else (which might be inevietable regardless of what we do or dont do) or second, they will react and try to produce a better product.


    either way i think we are better off to show them we are not a herd of sheep blindly approving of this franchise out of fear that if we dont they will move.


    if the bills dont improve their organization within the next 5 years they will lose even more fans making a move even more likely. look at how many younger bills fans now know nothing other than failure? many are at their breaking points and if the organization doesnt finally let us know what its like to cheer for a winner they are in big trouble a few years from now. its tough love now, or cya later.

  7. i think there is more going on then the organization is telling us... which seems obvious but with the current state of affairs and general fan disgust you would hope they would try and save face and be honest about their players. but since they cant give a straight answer on jaurons contract extension that does not suprise me...



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