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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. Hey if you don't care about winning, DJ would be great to play for. Imagine having a boss who lets you do whatever you want and doesn't give a rat's ass if your performance is horrid? Even better than that, you can stink up the joint and he'll take responsibility for it and say that he's disappointed for you. Sign me up.


    that puts it in perspective

  2. i made a whole write up on this before... heres the abbreviated version;


    im a mid 20's bills fan. all i have know with following this organization is epic failures, heartbreaking defeats and horrendeous mis management. i was too young to appreciate the success of the early 90's. sure i know about it and have seen the clips and highlights and occasion re-run of games (greatest comeback) but i didnt appreciate it.


    there are MANY people in my situation that are giving up because this franchise has broken their hearts one to many times and is no longer worth it. this team is going to be in serious trouble because they are losing many future fans.

  3. I feel the same about Crowell, he isn't bad.. I hate to say it but it appears the Bills treat white players; Schobel, Kelsey, etc. different than Black players like Crowell, Peters , Greer, etc.. McGee is an exception. I wish it wasn't true .

    the bills are not racist. they ARE incompetant. big difference

  4. Wow, it's about time somebody said that. I'm in the same boat as you. Aside from vague images of good teams back when I was a kid too young to appreciate the game, all I've know from the Buffalo Bills is failure.


    I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I'll say it again. The past few seasons of heartbreaks have caused me to start hating football. I can't talk to my friends about the game without getting upset. There are some Sundays where I come home in such a horrible mood that it ruins the early part of the week for me.


    I am not willing to tolerate this forever. There is a point where I will break and not come back. Ralph Wilson had better get that point and quick.


    I'm still in favor of the boycott.


    FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT BROTHER! i figure we as fans must show our disgust and contempt towards what this organization has become or we will just continue to be fed "more of the same"


    i would rather not be a bills fan than to follow the bills if this is what they have become. As a dedicated fan i am willing to give this team some "tough love" in the vain hope my weak individual effort will somehow alter a decades woth of continued blunders... at least when i finally have had enough and start looking for an NFC team to support I will know that i tried to fix my beloved bills in my own little way.


    seperate our voices are weak, but organized we can get out message out to the organization

  5. im so sick of having one more season down the drain and not showing progress on a clear path towards continued improvement.


    its the SAME questions EVERY offseason.


    a- who is the QB of the future?

    b- will we be happy to go 8-8 next year?

    c- who is our coach next season?

    d- will next year finally be the year we beat new england?

    e- who are we drafting at #10

    14- will the bills be here next year

    62- what terrible personnel moves can we make in the offseason?

    2340- what good UR free agents are we going to let walk?

    0923356- what mediocre player will we bring in and hail as the missing piece of the puzzle?

    10297403957035- how many guys will be on IR next year? whats wrong with their conditiong?



    EVERY single off season its the SAME story. i am sick of it. this organization needs change and it needs direction.

  6. The Bills are a mess. The glory days of the Bills ended when Butler bolted for the Chargers. Hindsight is 20/20. I honestly believe Ralph got lucky hiring Polian, Butler and Marv. They developed into football knowledgeable people and gave the Bills their greatest success.


    They are gone. Once again the Bills are bottom feeders of the NFL. We’ve gone through GM’s, coaches and many, many players. Nothing has changed. Only two things have remained consistent in Buffalo: First, Great fans who bleed Buffalo red, white and blue and Second, a me first, bottom dollar owner who has never even lived in Western New York.


    Face the facts. It has become clear that Wilson will never again go after a big name GM. Probably due to the fact he was so burnt by Tommy D. It is also very clear that Wilson will not hire a proven, winning coach (History has proven that evident)..


    Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the Bills will never be a serious contender in the NFL until Wilson is gone and out of the picture.


    We can debate coaches, GM’s and who to draft next year. But the result will be the same. Sad, but true.


    What bothers me the most is that by the time Wilson is gone the Bills most likely will be finished as well.


    Thanks for the memories Buffalo. They were great while they lasted.




    its time fans demand change and to hold the organization acountable. see the thread for the patriots protest if you want to hear more disgruntled fans

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