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Posts posted by drinkTHEkoolaid

  1. ;)


    BTW, anyone get the feeling that Chloe and Morris had their final goodbye just before she walked into the FBI office?


    Oh, Billy Walsh .... !@#$ you.


    +3 for Aaron awesome to see him back!


    word, here is my prediction, the mole in FBI will find out chloe is on to him and have his people kidnap morris and their baby and blackmail/threaten chloe with it...


    i feel bad because i like chloe but after watching just about every 24 episode ever (most multiple times) it looks like chloe is going to have a rough season... chloe's awesome too, i hope they dont mess with her kid

  2. Let me preface what I am about to say with this;


    I REALLY want to like Marshawn and LOVE BEASTMODE.


    But WTF is he thinking. Seriously. Learn from the mistakes of others and yourself man. What are you doing with an unliscenced handgun. (i have no problem with LEGAL firearms).


    Even if you use your illegal weapon 100% in self defense, it still does not change the fact that you have an unliscenced pistol and you WILL STILL go to jail for using/possessing an unliscecned weapon.


    you have all the money in the world, pay some guy to fill out the paperwork for you to make your gun legal or hire a bodyguard. Marshawn you make it so hard for the average fan to support and cheer for you...



    Did the cops know he was worth millions??



  3. Let me preface what I am about to say with this;


    I REALLY want to like Marshawn and LOVE BEASTMODE.


    But WTF is he thinking. Seriously. Learn from the mistakes of others and yourself man. What are you doing with an unliscenced handgun. (i have no problem with LEGAL firearms).


    Even if you use your illegal weapon 100% in self defense, it still does not change the fact that you have an unliscenced pistol and you WILL STILL go to jail for using/possessing an unliscecned weapon.


    you have all the money in the world, pay some guy to fill out the paperwork for you to make your gun legal or hire a bodyguard. ;) Marshawn you make it so hard for the average fan to support and cheer for you...




  4. ya know what i hate about being a bills fan? its always "NEXT YEAR"....


    but in this case it's even worse than that...


    we are hoping they implode and throw up on themselves...again... NEXT year, so the FOLLOWING year we will have a legit coach....


    whatever happened to NOW? i'm just saying....




  5. DJ has a proven track record of losing. he is a career loser.


    its not his fault here i dont think. the organization has not put DJ into a position to succeed. i dont think it matters who our next coach is because 3 years from now we will be complaining about the same garbage. the problem comes from above coaching. from the organizations management and the owner.

  6. look at dick jaurons CAREER record. he is a career loser. hes a great guy, good person, and well liked and respected but his philosophy doesn't seem to be supported by the numbers. you cant argue with that. Can things turn around? possibly? will they? based on his established pattern of failing, probably not.


    do i think jauron is the biggest problem? absolutely NOT. he is insignificant in comparison to the blunders the organization has made.


    we have a senile out of touch meddling owner. thats a good place to start identifying the problem. after that there is not clear cut GM as a "football guy" with any significant power. They need a strong personality there, and most of them seem to get run out of town.


    Our scouting staff is below average at best. somehow these guys survive regime after regime... possibly wilson's saving?

    why is our team built with a bunch of undersized quick guys who dont like to play in the cold? we have home games outside in winter (when we arent in toronto :wallbash: ) that "should" be an advantage... we dont have intense guys on our team, we have "character" guys who hit and run.... (but all things considered i would have a team full of marshawns if i could because at least he brings it every play)


    lack of overall vision and direction by the organization etc...


    it doesnt matter if jauron gets fired tommorow. we will just bring in the next coach of the week, hail him as a savior and 3 years from today we will be complaining about the same situation.


    jauron might be the result of the problem, but he is not the cause.



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