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A Dog Named Kelso

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Posts posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Do not draft Nassib unless its 4th round or later...


    Sorry but the majority of the Professional talent scouts can't get this right why would we believe have more knowledge then they do? If he gets picked with a first or a seventh that will be his value. Not what we or any team that doesn't selects him believes. If a team feels their pick is who they want and they don't want to loss out then that is where that player should be picked.


    Especially now when the cash layout has dropped so much there is no reason not to take a flyer, if you have faith in your choice. IMO

  2. I think this discussion with you has run its course. I can't even begin to explain how simplistic it is to look at 2 coaching records (6-10 and 5-11), point at one and say, "this coach is better."


    LOL No it was after comparing how the two teams played against Seattle this season .... OH WAIT?! :doh:

  3. Exactly what I was thinking. If his intent is really to leverage Oregon, he's playing a dangerous game of chicken with the NFL which just may close that door to him for quite a while. He also runs the risk of the bloom coming off the rose in college. If he's going to make the jump, this seems like the time.



    Has either of these teams picked up the phone and talked to Tampa? IIRC He really screwed them over last year. Maybe that is why the Bills said it was token interview, they called to find out the skinny from the Bucs, if so, kudos to Russ.

  4. Mike Freeman of CBS Sports says the following at the CBS website:


    "Kelly is doing what many people do when trying to get a new job. He's attempting to get the best deal possible by playing one team against another. One league source said Kelly is playing 'the best game of hardball he's ever seen.' It's believed Kelly is attempting to get as much power over personnel as possible, and that might be an issue with the Browns. We'll see.”



    After what happened with Reid I'd be surprised to see the eagles allow this.

  5. Lovie scares the heck out of me. He does not manage the game well. This is depressing.

    He manages it well enough to have a winning record. I love this ... here is a winning coach(a better winning percentage than Gruden BTW) and people hate the idea.



  6. His won loss record against winning teams is certainly scary enough to reconsider him but not at the expense of hiring Whiz instead.


    As apposed which other candidates NFL win/loss record against teams with winning records? What is Whiz's record against winning teams? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere for any other candidate. And no one else was a head coach in the NFL to compare that stat.



    If you are going to use it a reason that he is a bad choice you should show the other candidates stats side by side.

  7. We hated Chan because he only focused on calling plays on offense and didn't know what was going on with the defense. However people are choosing to overlook the fact that Lovie has historically been clueless about the offense for his teams?




    He wasn't clueless ... also a DC or OC has to have a good understanding of the opposite so that they can coach against it. Anyone who believes that they don't have a clue or don't know is being naive.


    Someone cannot create a defensive plan without knowing exactly how the offensive plays and vise versa. One certainly cannot create a Tampa 2 defense without knowing how offenses work.

  8. @ByTimGraham

    Don't know about Lovie Smith being the favorite for Bills job, but have been told Friday's interview went very well.


    I wonder if they would say it didn't go well. I think this is the problem with twitter not really using common sense before tweeting.


    TG: Hey source, how did the interview with Lovie go?

    Source: It went really well.


    Is that really worth a tweet?

  9. Sigh... If they are using analytics to rate coaches, I wonder how they feel about Lovie's poor clock management and 17% challenge success rate. The last thing we need is another coach who can manage the clock and make sound decisions.


    Head coaches rely on people in the booth to quickly tell them if the challenge should occur. I think he may have had the wrong replay watchers more than a problem with know when to challenge.


    Late last night I got a strong hunch that if Kelly declines it wll be Lovie. I bet they decide by Monday. Trestman as OC?




    Boy I hope you are right I am still worried it will just be the Whiz. I would hope, since they have interviewed all of the choices that were listed, we would hear new rumblings by now.

  10. Bill Cowher, that's who.



    Lovie Smith could too. Look at the QBs he had! Why is it when a Coach has a bad record with a bad QB its an OK excuse for a bad record. But when a coach has a good record with a bad QB it is claimed "well they only did that because of the Defense", or" they can't find the right OC"? Seems like silly reasoning to me.


    All things being equal choose the one who has won with bad QBs! :wallbash:

  11. If we hire Whisenhunt with the full well knowing that Lovie (A proven veteran consistent winner) would love to coach here then I am done with this team.


    I may be ... it would show they are doing the same thing they always do. They are trying to find another belicheat. They need to do the pragmatic thing right now. Get a proven winner, someone who won even with the with the obstacles that were present in Chi town.

  12. The guy wants the Buffalo gig how do you just ignore that. Didn't Brian Billick say he wanted the Buffalo gig 3 years ago and Chan was hired instead? Hindesite says maybe Billick might still be the coach.


    LOL ... this can't be true because all I have heard is that Chan is the only one that would come here *cough* B#llSh@t *couch*.


    But in all seriousness the Bills got calls from several different coaches they just didn't care to talk to them. IIRC, Schotty said he wouldn't interview because they wouldn't even pickup the phone for Marty, Hasslett, was calling along with Billick and of course there was Perry. So they had other choices besides Chan they just decided the recommendation from Cowher was all they needed.


    To be honest I think any one going into Pittsburgh would have been successful ... including Chan, however, Buffalo is not Pittsburgh and requires different leadership. I wish the FO would get that. The problem with saying you want to be like Pittsburgh is that you have to build up to it not expect it to just happen with one coaching decision.

  13. I think his biggest strength is that he has coached teams to winning records, SB appearances and playoff wins with very poor QB play.

    That's a major plus and fits the Bills quite well as whoever comes in to play QB is probably at best a Fitz equivalent for a year or two (I'm guessing a rookie). So you will need a very good defensive coach.

    I'd be happy with Lovie. Players absolutely love him an I think he would fit Buffalo very well. Both the team and the city.


    Nicely put! if you can win with subpar talent you are a better coach than those who can win with elite talent.


    But I am afraid the more I see this process unfolding Lovie is not the choice :censored:

  14. I think this a internal management issue. I think most likely they all want something different and in the end the loudest voice in the room will prevail. I think given our roster and current condition of the franchise the most logical choice would be Lovie(not the necessarily the best choice). But the fact that they didn't even meet with him till yesterday shows they are pulling in several directions, IMO. I could be wrong but I have a feeling that Whaley wants Whiz and, if he is the future GM, his voice carries the loudest.

  15. Wisenhunt 18-30 coaching the past 3 years in the NFL. Career NFL coaching record? Loser.

    Perfect for Nixs continuity comments.



    Thanks for your important contribution to the discussion.


    The first three sentences are actually a good point to consider.

  16. Good for Philly.

    They probably know it is just for show. And that Kelly has pretty much decided on the Browns, therefore why make it appear you lost out on him.

    Bills should do the same.

    The more you stop and think about it, the more you have to question hiring him for the NFL.

    Is his offense fun and exciting to watch? Sure. Can other coaches watch tape and pick things up on it? Sure. I mean why does everyone think only Chip Kelly can run that up tempo style of offense? It not like he has smoke and mirrors.

    The main theory behind it has been around for years. Heck during the Bills glory days the K-Gun, used a similar principal.

    Keep our 11 guys on the field for an entire drive and make you keep your same 11 guys on the field. Do not huddle, call plays from the line of scrimage and make you stay in a base D.. The Bills would not use it all the time but when it was needed. Maybe to start the 3rd quarter if they were down. Or after they got a first down and a little momentum going.

    Kelly may have a lot of success, but his over all resume does not add up to handing him the keys to the vault.

    Need i remind you that Schneider did the EXACT same thing with Spurrier soon after buying the Skins.

    New owners of a struggling franchise want to show the fans they are going to change things drastically.

    They take gambles.

    Like i said earlier besides the Bills the Browns are due for a good HC. I hope Kelly can adapt to the NFL for their sake.



    All great points and I agree. In fact the only reason I think I would want Kelly is to show we are relevant in the NFL, him being the hottest name(and that is not a good football reason and would probably hurt us in the long run). But with so many candidates interviewing and saying the want the job I think that actuallys show we are still very relevant and a place to come work.

  17. philly will NOT be meeting with Kelly....



    Kelly was also supposed to meet with Philadelphia. However, a person familiar with the interviews says the Eagles are ''heading in another direction.''

    The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the team isn't discussing its negotiations publicly. The person added the Eagles planned to interview several other candidates regardless of any conversations with Kelly.




    If this is true and the rumors that the bills were only a token gesture may change his mind about his viability in the NFL. Just a thought.

  18. Its funny all the love for Gruden ... basically because he is the new Madden. But Gruden record is very similar to Lovie's. Strange how with the superbowl with someone elses team get you so may accolades. I am not suggesting he is bad coach his Oakland teams were great. But his Tampa teams were worse than anything Lovie put together ... lol may not worse.


    Thought this was good:


  19. If they're thinking to go toward a defensive minded HC, then it'll be Horton or more likely Lovie with Norm Turner as their OC.

    Buddy's ties to SD are as strong or stronger than Whaley's to the Stealers.

    But, if they're going that route, maybe they should revisit with Perry Fewell.


    I have seen this a couple times but as Buddy was actually here when Perry was the interim coach so I don't think this will happen. He saw everything he needed to when they were in the building together back then. Probably the reason they had no interest last or this time around.

  20. C'mon people. Stop with the hype and look at the facts. We aren't getting Lovie. All signs point to Whisenhunt. We all know its true. And that's why I'm depressed today. Same old Bills


    You are probably right and a stated in another thread they probably made up their mind before they started and are just going through the motions. However, the point of this thread is to talk up ... or down a specific candidate not complain about the FO ... lol well I guess you can do that here too. But there are plethora of other threads for that :rolleyes: .

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