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A Dog Named Kelso

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Posts posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. I think the fact that they dump Fitz was really the issue. They are not paying Manuel starter money yet so they could have kept Fitz and let there be the same QB competition. They are counting his salary against the cap anyway and he had chemistry with the team mates. There was no need to bring in a veteran presence you had one on the team that was more durable and of the the same if not better calibre.

  2. Any team can take a PS player from another team ---but he has to be placed on their 53 man roster--- without any compensation...teams will pluck players from other teams practice squads.


    There is a rule to prevent a team specifically plucking a player from a teams PS whom they play in an upcoming game only to get inside information on their play calling/strategy


    Right so I guess my point is that if a team really wants to get their hands on a player ... there is no "hiding them on the practice squad".

  3. I don't understand all the "hide" talk of the practice squad. If a team wants a player on the any practice squad I was under the impression all they needed to do was offer to sign them to their active roster, am I mistaken? If this is the case, passing waivers or not doesn't prevent a team from acquiring one of these receiversif they need help in that spot, right?

  4. You said he loses us 3-5 games singlehandedly. Singlehandedly means on his own, with no other factors. If that happens, then the other 11 to 13 games are not his fault. Or else they'd be singlehandedly. That's the definition. How can you blame him for playing well enough to win 11 to 13 games? I'm curious. Does 11 and 5 not get you in the playoffs this year?


    Also, try this little sentence, similar to yours.


    "With a real defense, we win 8-10 games."




    But he assisted with others :lol: . J/K

  5. The thing about Nassib is there is catch-22 if no one picks him before 8th and the Bills pass on him ... he may fall pretty far. If I am a GM looking for a QB and his former head coach and OC pass, I think to myself "If they have no confidence in him how can I trust what my scouts tell me about him". Just a thought but that may leave him there until round two.


    I don't know if I take that chance if I want him but that may be an avenue of subterfuge for the FO.

  6. People like to point to Tannehill as a rookie success, debatable yes, but he did play well at times. However, the reason for the success he did have, I think , is that he had his coach from college calling the plays. That may be one reason for the bills coaching decisions.

    Take a book from what the dolphins did, only do it better, and, hopefully, get a better result. This way you really give your rookie quarterback to tool to succeed right away. He can gradually learn a new offense(when necessary) while implementing what he knows. I don't know if this is the plan but that does increase the value of a pick, the ability to come right in on day one and run your offense.

    So at 8 Nassib would be worth more because the development cycle would be nonexistent. IMO

  7. Following along with that idea since we stole the Jets DC Pettine, might the Jets who need a QB as bad as we do try to "leapfrog" us and snatch Nassib before we can at #8




    We didnt steal him he chose to leave. If they jump us to spite us it will do them little one of the benefits is the quick start because of his know of the offence.As the jets will have a different offence for the 3rd straight season they should get a QB they have rated high not plays more games.


    If Coach Marrone picks his QBs like he does his OCs, sounds like done deal.


    There is the unlikely chance he may not be there at 8th what then?

  8. Both Marrone and Hackett have expressed mad love for Nassib, and both have made comments to the effect he "will play" in the NFL. Nothing out of the ordinary from two guys who coached the kid for four years, though. Marrone specifically addressed the Nassib question in the context of bringing in Hackett -- said it has nothing to do with who the Bills will draft.


    This was before they were members of the Bills. Since then they have not said anything and now have a plethra of choices at QB. We are the ones connecting dots but don't really know.

  9. I am 99.6% certain it's true. Teams assign roster bonuses and incentive bonuses to avoid amortizing the money. Signing bonuses are always amortized over the entire contract.....and kick in with a vengeance if the player is cut early. Example being....10M signing bonus over 5 years would mean a cap hit of 2M per year. If player is cut before year 3 then the remaining 6M(3x2M) is lumped into that year as a cap hit.


    FYI.....Cash to Cap is a spending philosophy that most teams have adopted. Essentially it means that you will only spend actual physical dollars up to the level of that years cap.

    As example.....if you sign a player to a 5 year 50M contract and pay 10M up front as a signing bonus with equal salary payments of 8M/year.....this would mean that your cap hit would be 10M per year......but your "cash to cap" would be 18M in the first year as you have spent 10M on the signing bonus & 8M on salary. Years 2-5 would however only have an 8M C2C value.


    Doesn't your example reinforce what I was assuming?

  10. You could be right....but the only thing that would explain this would be if his contract was actually a 5 year contract with the option of 2 additional years.

    I say this due to the fact that teams cannot alter how a signing bonus is proportioned towards the cap....i.e. it has to be evenly divided through every year of the contract.


    It this true? I thought that was the whole logic behind "Cash to Cap" so that you could assign signing bonuses to the year you signed the contract? Thus avoiding the amortization of the bonus.

  11. Knowing Nassib's strengths and weaknesses puts the Bills in the best position to make the decision on him. He would be in the unique situation that he knows Hackett's Offensive inside and out. It would allow him to take a leadership role as he could be instrumental in teaching the offense to veterans. Also his learning curve jumping from college to the NFL would be easier as he knows the offense already. This would allow him to concentrate on learning to read NFL Defenses.


    Brad Riter has a great take on the situation. http://www.trendingb...in-first-round/



    nice Article!



    The Bills are in a nice spot here, holding infinitely more information on this guy than any other team.

    Imagine you’re the New York Jets, holding the ninth pick in April’s NFL Draft. Now let’s assume you’re thinking of drafting a QB. Well, there’s really no reason to even think about Nassib. If the Bills take him at 8, you wanted him. If they don’t want him, neither do you.

    If the Bills select Nassib, they’re right. If they pass on him, they’re also right. <-- Exactly!

    Here’s hoping they deem him worthy.

  12. If this was all about leverage for a pay increase, why the charade?


    Couldn't Kelly have sat down with the AD and said,


    "The football team surpassed all expectations. No one expected us to be undefeated and ranked number one. We're gonna have another great recruiting class in here and we've brought this program back to national prominence. I feel I deserve a raise. What do you think?"


    It seems like he could have taken a different more virtuous approach (this is Notre Dame isn't it?) if this was simply about getting more compensation.


    The funds need to be ponied up by someone so a realistic threat of leaving(i.e. an NFL interview) will help a wealthy booster fill the coughers.

  13. Its a reach if you know you can get him in round two. You wouldn't see a GM take a guy in the 1st round that wasn't expected to be drafted, even if he thought he was going to be a great player.

    How would you know you could get him is round two? I believe they thought they could get Cousins at a different point last year and Washington grabbed him. There is know way to know what one of the other 31 teams values the different players at.

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