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A Dog Named Kelso

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Posts posted by A Dog Named Kelso

  1. Everyone keeps talking about the team being sold at auction based o nthe comment RW made like maybe 15 years ago that his wife doesn't want to own the team. But in the past 5 to 10 years there's been no comment on that at all. Meanwhile Jim Kelly/Thurman Thomas keeps saying don't worry implying they know something that we don't. Maybe Mary Wilson doesn't want to own/run a team but if I were her, I could think of one thing much much worse than owning the team, and that's having to part with around $400 to $500 million in taxes where as if she inherits the team no taxes due now. She could be a silent partner/owner someone like a Kelly is the president, in exchange he and a group of people buy small shares each year 5 to 10% to keep the capital gain tax bill down, and this group has the right of first refusal to any eventual sale upon her death. I'll believe the team is put up for sale when I see it as there has been no comments from RW around this in years.


    Another option along the original lines of this thread, while the NFL prohits public ownership, what if RW left the team to a charitable foundation again run be some one like a Jim Kelly or someone else. While the NFL would hate the idea, trying to stop it would likely take years in court, and would be a very bad publicity direction to go in, stopping a gift to charity.


    This may be why Brandon was put in charge(made president). Basically allowing Mary to own the team, keep it in Buffalo but really have no interaction with how the team is run.

  2. The way around it, is it creates stocks that are then sold but not publicly traded. There are rules regarding this. they could initially set it up ast has a total of 10,000,000 shares valued at $70 = $700M.


    probably 60-70% of it is owned by single large investors, and thus have voting power.....and the other 30-40% are for smaller scale stock holders with no voting power. It is a way to raise money to purchase a team and it legally follows the NFL rules.


    You may not be able to be an owner of the team .... but how about an owner of the team's home. You could buy share for a free new home for the team to play in an essential keep them in a location for a time after the the new owner takes over. That is basically what a publicly funded stadium does, but no one wants that so, create a company to build and maintain a stadium w/these funds.

  3. I think we're forgetting that we play the Falcons in Toronto and then a Tampa Bay team on the road that seems to be doing good things in recent weeks. Atlanta is the game of the season for us. If we get a win in Toronto, I will accept any playoff discussions there are to be made.


    I'm more concerned about playing Atlanta at "home" than I am the Bucs in Tampa. One game at a time folks, one game at a time...

    I think everyone posting in this thread is aware that in order to have a chance the Bills need to win at least 4 more games (meaning every game is the "game of the season" for the Bills). The point is to see what else needs to occur for them to have that shot.

  4. San Diego still plays Bengals, Chiefs and Broncos.

    The Chiefs team they just beat at Arrowhead? We can hope KC gets it together but the Bills played them and know they are not as stout as their 9-2 record suggests.


    Was flipping back and forth between MIA vs CAR and Jets vs Ravens. What I see is a wide open AFCE. Miami was tough today, but not so tough to win out and make the playoffs. Jets are in trouble. Any team playing them just has to bring the heat on Geno and he will win the game for the opposing team. Everyone seems to have this notion burned into their brains that NE is going to win the division. I'm not impressed with this year's version of the Patriots at all. Here is who they have left to play:


    Broncos at home

    Texans away

    Browns at home

    Dolphins away

    Ravens away

    Bills at home


    The nearest game to a gimme for them is the Browns. Other than that, they could slide fast. The next two weeks will be telling. If they don't win one of their next two games, the vultures will be circling. And so will the wagons.


    Have you been watching the Texans this year? I think that is another Gimme game for the likes of the Pats.

  5. After today, I would agree with you. if we are looking at us against Miami, we control our fate. Just beat the fins.


    The Bills just need to beat Miami and hope that New England beats Miami too. As for the Jets I believe Miami will beat them … and perhaps twice.

    Right now it looks like Pitt and SD are the two to be most worried about.


    As for the Bills TB is looking far more challenging then they were a few weeks ago.

  6. Sounds like a real dick move with Richie Sambora. If you treat your lifelong partner that way, I don't like what it says about you.



    Sambora leaving has nothing to do with an attempt to get a franchise. They have had issues for years … most likely split because they were bickering again. I don't believe you don't pay a band mate for studio time, I believe they get paid based on the royalties, sales and contract of the album and the money from the tour.

  7. 4) If we get to the New England game with a realistic shot of making the playoffs in the final week, I don't care what anyone says, I'm counting that as a playoff game and declaring the end of the playoff drought.


    They are playing one and done games from now until the end of the season. That will create a very scary team if they make the playoffs. This is why the Giants do so well in the post season when they come on strong at the end of the year

  8. They need to tell him to "take a chance or two. If you throw an int so be it ... we understand and so will the fans". He seems to be Risk Averse and that is where "Checkdowns" come from.


    Now is the time for him to make mistakes and learn from them not for him to play it safe and never take a risk. I do not believe this is the coaches. You don't tell your Third and Fourth stringers to take risks and not your number 1.

  9. Heard Chris Brown talking about Cam Newton's 1st six games of his NFL career in comparison to EJ. Take a look: http://www.nfl.com/p...ogs?season=2011


    What is the comparison? Newton had 2 games with over 400 yards, 1 game with nearly 375 and 3 average days. He had more picks but that is because he doesn't check down like EJ has. EJ has yet to put up a 300 yard game. Also Newton put up more TDs in those 6 games than EJ has and EJ arguably has a better cast to work with than Newton had.

  10. Here is an idea: get a HC who has coached before, and a OC who isn't learning on the job with a learning on the job QB. That punt was totally unacceptable.

    Then people complain that they are retreads .


    The real problem is that EJ should have been kept out until the bye and given all the reps in practice after the Jets game. Also, when it was shown that EJ could not move the ball Thad should have been put in. EJ did not give us the best chance to win yesterday. Then again, neither did the Head Coach.

  11. which is why the whole issue of bullying is rather annoying in this country. You punch a bully in the face 20 years ago. Today you cannot do that or you'll get in moretrouble tthen the bully. And if you do you have to deal with a lot more bullying sometimes.


    Besides. There are many many differences in sibling relationship and professional relationship. The big brother little brother scenario applied to this situation is way too different.


    And just because RI considered Martin a little brother doesn't mean those feelings were mutual. And people often treat family far worse than they would others. ... you look at Thanksgivings lol

  12. http://www.cnn.com/2...phins-bullying/

    Tannehill: RI saw Martin as a little brother.

    And older brothers never "Bully" their siblings, right?


    Silence over




    Bart Hubbuch



    Hartline is outraged because he says Martin was passing the voicemail around earlier in the year and laughing about it.


    5:28 PM - 6 Nov 2013


    While interesting it seems more like "We like RI more so let's rally behind him". I think all the them should keep their mouths shut. One, if you are taking sides, which they are, it shows whom the favor, and second shows they really don't consider martin a team mate.


    The Dolphin's really need to get this clamped down ... this is embarrassing and a huge distraction.

  13. The Tuel pick was worse. The game went from 13-3 or 17-3 to 10-10 because of that play. The Bills had the Chiefs dead to rights at that point. KC also scored points off an earlier Tuel pick. He was the main reason for the loss today.

    The game did not end on that play ... and you have no idea what KC's game plan would be if they were down by 10 or 14. And the 2 teams tried the game again later in the game. Did that play suck, yes. Did it cost the Bills the game, no.

  14. No. He is a rookie free agent QB. Yes, he lost this game, but he did some good as well. Cut TJ. That kid is dead to me. He and two Tuel decisions lost this game.


    No he did not. The game was tied after the pick 6. The game was lost by the TJ fumble. This Tuel lead team also produced the most amount of offense for this season.

  15. I love the optimism ... I really just want to see some back to back wins ... get some kind of streak going. "IF" they can pull off a win against KC then I think they might make a little run but I this is a young team and there are bound to be a let down at some point.

  16. The point of the league is to beat the teams you are suppose to beat. They are doing that. Unfortunately for the Bills they are one of those teams. If they steal 1 or 2 games from great or good teams they will make the playoff no problem. Then they start off 0-0 and play against all great or good teams. and we will know for sure if they are legit or not.

  17. I said WILL HAVE problems with strip sacks!!!!! He's had 2 starts! Perhaps you'll revisit this "starter thing" why don't you tell the Bills that? Something tells me they already have a plan. Something like they will keep TL in if they are in the thick of the playoff race, otherwise it's back to EJ. I'm sure the Bills will also be interested to know that their new criteria for drafting QB's should be to move away from big elite athletes and to begin drafting midgets. Or better yet, just go with UDFA's at QB as it is much cheaper and one out of every few hundred or so actually succeeds in the league. Perhaps they will hire YOU, an innovator that goes against the conventional wisdom, as their next GM!


    Midgets?! Thad Lewis is 6'2 that is two inches taller that Brees and Three inches taller than Wilson. Tony Romo was an UDFA and Brady was selected when? Draft location and height are not the end all be all of success in the NFL.

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