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Posts posted by HeHateMe

  1. I have no idea what they are trying to do on offense.  Zero identity.  We are certainly not a running team.. 


    Why don't we throw quick hitters, screens, hooks... anything to get the ball out quicker.  Once you have some success with that, you run some play action and push the ball downfield against single man coverage.  Allen has no chance in this offense with this level of talent around him. 

  2. 12 hours ago, jaybee said:

    All the hyperbole of how great Allen did today underscores how bad our quarterback play has been for the last couple of decades or so. If that was good I definitely don't want to see bad.


    See week 1 with Nathan Peterman for "Bad".  If you don't see how we got better QB play this game then you are blind.  Rookie playing his first game down 3 touchdowns immediately.  He wasn't great or even good but he was trying to make plays at least and didn't really get rattled or anything.  He wasn't even supposed to play year 1..  Let's see what he does to improve going forward.. 

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