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Posts posted by WordByrd

  1. What old ways? Sucking, always hurt, too scared to throw with anticipation? Nothing has changed for captain checkdown since college. There is nothing to 'get back' he has always sucked.


    thanks darth. You're always right on cue. We all know you think Trent sucks. Watch some tape and you'll see that he can play when he has time. Last year he had no time and Alex didn't exactly know how to break down a defense. Knowing you're going to have to run for your life or get killed can hurt a qb's psyche too. Hell, YouTube Trent highlights and you'll see him throw some bombs when he actually had time. He's not the "kitty" you think he is because he can't throw a bomb every play when he's on his back.

  2. First of all, at this point I'm thinking Trent will win the QB job. He is experienced, and I think Chan will get his old ways back on the field. However, watch this video from bb.com Levi Brown Video


    This guy has some SWAG! This is the attitude that none of the other QB's on our roster have. I am hoping Trent turns it around this year because he's a great guy, and I think he's capable. But, Levi is impressive! Now we have to see if the swagger translates to the field

  3. Sorry, but history has proven that sometimes being obstinate and defensive is doing the right thing. Bro.


    I wish this was a thread about leonidas leaving because tg pissed him off. Leonidas ruined one of the best parts of this board, and made buffalo look bad once again. Thanks jackass

  4. Spiller, Fred Jackson, Terrence McGee, Jairus Byrd, Levitre, Evans, K Williams... ALLLLL gonna be cut. I heard this from a certain dog friend of mine who solves mysteries with his friend Shaggy. He heard it from sources deep within.

  5. It was a smart decision by Nix and Gailey to go with Trent as the starter in 2010. I think that it makes a lot of sense to give him one last chance, especially with a young team that is rebuilding.


    The guy was horrendous last year. I get that. I watched the games. But he was put in an impossible situation with decision to gut the offensive line and the total chaos surrounding the strategic direction of the offense. He was shell-shocked. Fitzy was the better player to deal with the protection breakdowns and still go through the progressions.


    But Nix and Gailey discounted the disaster of 2009 and focus instead on mid-2007 and early 2008 (including the Chargers game after his concussion) when Trent showed that he can be a top-10 NFL quarterback. He reacted to struggles by throwing coaches under the bus and that hurt him with teammates and led turds like Donte Whitner to jump all over him. That doesn't matter now because those coaches are gone and the losers like Whitner may soon be following them.


    Trent could be gone in a year, but at least Gailey will have seen what he needs to see to make that call. He is almost certainly our 2010 starter.


    agreed. One more shot for Trent. I think he's easily the best qb on the roster... and I met the guy once and he was really cool :wallbash:

  6. At least he isn't the kitty Edwards is. Edwards has Zero shot at the job if they really want to open the competition up


    I disagree. Trent is an efficient QB with an average arm who just needs a coach to help him out. I don't buy into that stupid concussion talk. I think Chan will do a great job at "allowing his players to do what they do best" and get Trent's best.

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