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Posts posted by WordByrd

  1. Isn't is curious that the Bills were 4-0 and the Evans signs a HUGE contract extension and we go 2-7?!


    Sure, the players all publicly said "he deserves it" and "good for him" and so on. However, I think maybe it was a distraction. I think it probably got several players thinking about their own contribution to the team and maybe many of them felt under-compensated after that contract. It's just human nature after all. You work just as hard as the guy next to you at work and he gets a big promotion and you don't -- those things don't sit well.


    It would have been good to get the deal with Evans done before the season started. I don't think it was helpful at all to get it done after 4 games into the season. Damn it, that's what the offseason is for -- you take care of that kind of stuff during the offseason and focus on winning football games during the season.


    I like Evans, but the guy will NEVER be a Randy Moss type of player. That contract was too big.


    The offense just didn't seem to function well after that contract -- guys just seemed to quit -- don't know exactly what it was, but SOMETHING changed in this team and the over-the-top contract awarded to Evans was the news of the day when things went south. Just trying to connect the dots here. Can never know for sure, but I think it was a fatal distraction to this team.


    Evans' contract has nothing to do with our crumble to destruction. Come on man

  2. I don't know why everybody is insistent that we need to address the tight end position. Rob Royal is complete garbage, and shouldn't be allowed to step foot on a football field. However, Derek Fine and Derek Schouman have been impressive when they're actually thrown to. Give the team some good plays for the tight end position, and the Derek's will be a good pair of TE's.

  3. I have been a JP supporter only because I thought that DICK shafted him but in retrospect, I have to look at McGahee's numbers and surmize that JP was probably the problem. Lynch is putting up the same numbers as WM because JP can not move the ball down the field. DICK is still the worst coach in the league but JP is only probably the 50th worst QB, backups included. The Bills need a QB next year, along with a new coach and staff, owner, defensive line (as a whole), linebackers, a corner, safety, at least one WR and an OL at the very least.


    Wrong. That last sentence took all credibility away from anything you said.

  4. You've been on this board for literally days. Show some civility and cut out the personal attacks.


    Everyone around here is free to express an opinion, to a certain degree.


    For the record, we're not Pats fans. You're talking to fans who've weathered 9 years of futility, and want the team to win one of these decades. We don't run when the team goes in the tank, like New England fans do.


    Actually, just because I joined this board a few days ago, doesn't mean I haven't been a fan for decades. So your argument doesn't hold any substance

  5. Adam.


    When is it time to call a spade a spade in your book? I highly doubt many true Bills fans are looking at the prospect of blowing it all up and starting from scratch, yet again, with unbridled jubilation. It's unwise to assume so.


    As Bills fans, we want the team to be successful and in the hunt for a Super Bowl. That's why they play the game. But there has to be a time of reckoning, a time when there is some accountability, doesn't there? If not, then you have the Detroit Lions and a Polyanna owner that thinks if he gives his clueless President/GM/coach a couple more seasons, then against some vanishingly small probability, something like 1 over the Shannon number, the light will just come on and everything will be hunky-dory.


    Does the team really have to slip all the way over the brink and free fall into oblivion with multiple 0,1,2 win seasons in order to truly know, "Gee, Dr. Spock, this wasn't such a great plan after all?"


    You can't be in the hunt for a superbowl if you rebuild every few years

  6. A bunch of morons on a message board ripping somebody who has an opinion different than theirs.....that takes a lot of intelligence. Having lived in Buffalo for as long as I did, I didn't expect much more than that.....typical flock mentality that abounds there.


    Pozfan, I don't agree with some of what you said- Jauron has a similar approach to Levy, but isn't nearly as good. In his defense, most of our starting offensive and defensive linemen wouldn't have made the roster when Levy first came to Buffalo. And the same goes for our WR's


    Thanks for not being a meathead with no real substance to your post like the rest of these replies. My only argument is that, you're right, Jauron obviously isn't as good as Marv... yet. He could be. Look at Marv's record with Kansas City. Horrible. You know what bothers me? In the first 6 weeks, Jauron had the highest approval rating for any coach in the league on ESPN.com. Some injuries happen, the players fail to execute, and other defenses adjust to Trent (making him less effective), and now everybody says FIRE JAURON. Bandwagon jumpers. Once again, I'm ashamed to be a Bills fan when I read most of these posts. They're so full of ignorance. I played 12 years of football. I feel like I know a little more about the game than these fair weather fans writing on this board.

    Thanks for the support though Adam. You seem level headed. The rest of you should be Pats fans

  7. Keeping Jauron is a HUGE RISK if you believe that this team has the talent to become a good one with a young core and maybe a few new additions. In keeping him, you're saying you believe that he is capable of developing that talent. If he doesn't get it done in another year or two; then the time, effort and expense invested in that talent (which is then more subject to free agency) is lost. You're betting that Jauron will achieve something he has yet to achieve as a head coach. That's risky as hell IMO.


    You know what's risky? Forcing the players to learn ANOTHER coach's schemes, plays, and philosophy. If you haven't played football, you don't know that it's a huge deal to bring in a new coach. You're going to set the team back by getting rid of Dick. You guys just want immediate results which is a dumb thing to expect out of such a young team. They're on the brink of being good. If they suck next year with Jauron, then maybe. But keep Jauron another year and I bet the Bills win 11 games next year

  8. i arrived when this team was on its hot streak and provided my thoughts on what i thought would bring this ship down, dick jauron. i now leave you with another criticism. this time it is ralph wilson. he meddles. in everything. a jerry jones without the microphones and cameras (yea, the plastic surgery too). i know this is not the most noteworthy criticism of ralph but it provides an alternative angle to witness his ignorance and general mismanagement of this franchise. this has been stuck in my craw since it happened on draft day last year. round 4, pick 11 dwayne wright


    Per Michael Silver of Yahoo: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-t...o&type=lgns


    You want Goofy? Here’s a little story about Wilson, from sources who were in the draft room: In 2007, the Bills were on the clock in the fourth round and deciding which player to take, when the owner suddenly blurted out, “What about the running back from Fresno State? Is he available?” The team’s personnel men looked at one another; they had already used their first-round pick on a halfback, Cal’s Marshawn Lynch. One of them bit his tongue and informed Wilson that, yes, Dwayne Wright was still on the board. “We’re taking him,” Wilson said, and that was that. He’s currently third on the team’s depth chart, behind Lynch and fellow second-year back Fred Jackson.


    Wright got cut in training camp actually. Xavier Omon is 3rd string

  9. A few reasons why I like Trent:

    Jim Kelly likes the guy and Jim never liked JP

    He came with that letter of endorsement from Bill Walsh

    He has a chemistry about him that draws people to him and root for him

    He seems to have a level head on his shoulders

    He knows what to say and how to say it


    He has so much upside that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg

    It takes time people.




  10. and the poor guy doesn't even get a mention here (unless I've missed it).


    For those of you who called him a bust during the first half of his first season...take a deep breath and relax.


    Congrats McCorner!!!





    That's how all the Bills fans are. They expect immediate results, or they cry. I'm sick of it, and I am ashamed to call myself a Bills fan with all of these whining bitches running their ignorant mouths all the time.

  11. How many BIG games have the Bills won in the "Jauron area"? How many BIG games have they even played well in? How many BIG upsets have they won in the "Jauron erea"? The answer to all these questions is the same as his chances of staying headcoach. NONE!


    Yeah, because we've never had enough talent. We're just starting to put together a team that can contend. You expect immediate results, which is ridiculous.

  12. I don't understand how a lot of people can post things like "fire jauron", "draft a QB". This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Did you guys know Buffalo is the third youngest team in the league? Do you remember when Coughlin was on the brink of being fired, and Eli was about to be benched? Then what happened? Ohh yeah, they shut everybody up by winning the superbowl. Give it some time. Trent is so young, and shows so much promise. Eli, Peyton, Cutler, and most QB's took 2 or 3 years to become solid QB's. We know Trent is smart, accurate, a hard worker, and a good face for the Bills. Everyone who calls for replacing him is just ignorant to how football works.


    Which brings me to my next point. FIRE JAURON? I don't think so. The man has the respect of his team, and he is full of football knowledge. Once again, our team is so young! We have players who will be great (Marshawn, Trent, Evans, Poz, etc.) JUST LET THEM MATURE. Jauron is just like Marv Levy with his approach. He is quiet, has a lot of football knowledge, and doesn't take crap (notice we don't have an Ocho Cinco or Moss). Listen to the press conferences on Bills.com. You'll constantly hear players praise Coach Jauron. He can't go out there and get experience for them. He can't accelerate experience. We've been tearing everything down and starting all over again every 3 years since Jim Kelly left. DON'T YOU THINK IT'S TIME TO STICK WITH WHAT WE HAVE? We have potential, and that's very valuable if you're willing to let the young players that we have mature.

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