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Posts posted by WordByrd

  1. This was my email to Jeff:



    Your condescending article about the city of Buffalo is disgusting. You shouldn't put down a city that many people have so much pride in. Have you ever been to Buffalo? It's a city of some of the nicest and hardest working people in this country. I've seen many people send the same message that you tried to, in a much classier way. Show me another city of this size that would support losing teams for so long. It doesn't exist. The city of Buffalo, and the Bills are the pride of Western New York. We've read a ton of these pieces before. Your article far from original, and lacked professionalism. Kudos for joining the stuck up sportswriter population who enjoys kicking the fans of Buffalo while we're down.


    Have a beautiful, bright, and sunny day! (none of those things ever happen in Western NY, of course)

  2. He is one of the best football posters on this board. His football posts are very insightful and contstructed pretty well.


    And if you didn't pick up on the joke, then maybe you guys that didn't get it need to learn what sarcasm is.


    You're polluting the board with sarcastic BS. It's not funny, it just makes the worthwhile posts harder to find. Don't tell me he's on of the "best football posters".

  3. I think that no matter what, we have to be positive for our future. It can't get any worse. So far I really hate the Kelsay extension, the Spiller pick, and the handling of Trent. This regime has shown me very little to get excited about, but we have to give them a chance. What's the point in being a fan if you have no hope, right?

  4. -As much as everyone talks about our offense, it's clear that our defense needs the most work. 4 straight games of 34+ points should be SCREAMING help. Decide on 3-4 or 4-3, and USE IT. No more in between!


    -Trade Donte, Stroud, and Lee for whatever picks we can get. Stroud is entering his downfall, Lee had been around for all of the losing so it's time to move on, Donte just sucks. I'd take a high-five for Donte.


    -Pick Andrew Luck, and sign him before draft day. Spend the rest of our picks on Linebackers and D-Line. Consider starting Fitz for another year to allow Luck to mature. Use the Aaron Rodgers school of QB grooming.


    -Give Fred the ball! He averaged 6.1 yards per touch, then they gave him the ball 4 times in the second half? WTH?


    -Sign a RT in free agency. We can't get everyone through the draft, Buddy.


    -Spend our 2012 pick on the best Offensive or Defensive lineman available. Games are won in the trenches!


    -Keep Fitz to mentor Luck.


    -Give George Edwards until the end of the year. If we continue to give up 200 points per game, NEXT.


    -Cut MaybiNot, pretty please :)


    -Fire Tom Modrak (ever heard this idea?)

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