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Beantown Bills

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Everything posted by Beantown Bills

  1. Agree 100%. Power lifting moves were considered primitive but have become en vogue again because they recruit more muscle groups into their movements. Isolation exercises are becoming less popular, arguably because they put unnecessary strain on a single joint. I'd also argue that when done correctly, squat are the singular best exercise to increase lower body strength (quads, hips and glutes), not to mention increased bone mass and thus strength.
  2. Looks like Capers just got picked up by Washington...
  3. I think Capers would be a great pick up. From what I read he was supposed to go anywhere from the 2nd to 4th round. Anyone know what happened there?
  4. Just tweeted by BuffaloBills.com "The Bills signed OL Kendall Simmons to the 53-man roster. OL Eric Wood was placed on Injured Reserve."
  5. Thanks! Its difficult being a Bills fan in this land of bandwagoners called "Boston"
  6. Are the number of injuries this team sustains any indication of the quality of the strength & conditioning staff?
  7. I think this exact same thought every time I watch the Giants defensive ends applying pressure.
  8. Jonny Flynn and Paul Harris went to school at Niagara Falls HS. Representing Upstate on a national scene!
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