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Posts posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. lol...did you know much about the coach and all the happenings with the USOC before the games? I was fascinated by the whole story :rolleyes:



    I can see why you would be fascinated because it your TBD profile is correct you were only 8 when it happened.

  2. You are wrong about bowling not being a sport. A sport as it is defined is a physical activity governed by a set of rules that usually involves competition. So it is a sport, regardless of your opinion.


    That said, bowling is always a good time, and was a pretty large part of my life through high school. :rolleyes:


    I agree bowling is a sport. I'm old enough to remember Dick Weber on every Sat and Sun.

  3. The thing that made both Psycho and the original Halloween movie so good is that they were good, scary movies that didn't have a ton of blood, unlike their unfortunate sequels and the many inferior copycats that followed 'em.


    I agree. The shower scene is an all time classic.

  4. doesnt make sense for them to be against it.

    I always thought the Bills would've won one of those SBs if it were in cold weather. at least the Dallas game(s)



    I will agree. You would've won BOTH!!! I'm old enough to remember Dallas in the Ice Bowl in 1967 and

    that one was a disaster. :worthy:

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm trying to organize a rental car for my trip back to NYS next month.

    The quotes that I've gotten from companies are a LOT more expensive than what I paid on my last trip a couple years ago.


    Does anyone know of good places where I could look? It doesn't need to be a really flash car or anything like that.

    The pickup/drop-off location must be around the Rochester area. (Canandaigua area is good too.)



    Would the Rochester airport have any rental specials for that time frame? Do you get any car rental coupons

    in any of your credit card bills? Get some opinions from a travel agent. Are there any deals through the airline

    that you will use?

  6. Step 1: Drunk Tweet


    @MikeBacsik: “Congrats to all the dirty mexicans in San Antonio.”


    (Very stupid tweet and he deserved to get fired because he's a high profile guy, JMO)


    Step 2: Break the Law (or Just Anger Your Governor)


    @HaleyBarbour: “Glad the Legislature recognizes our dire fiscal situation. Look forward to hearing their ideas on how to trim expenses.”

    “Schedule regular medical exams like everyone else instead of paying UMC employees overtime to do it when clinics are usually closed.”


    (I don't think she broke any HIPPA laws. It easily could have been reported by a news agency and so I don't think it's information that shouldn't be in the public domain, JMO)


    Step 3: Have an NSFW Lifestyle


    Thinking she was now safely anonymous, she used Twitter to promote her blog and to discuss sexually explicit topics with her followers. However, when her boss at the non-profit group where she worked was told by upper management to do a Google search of all employees, TBK’s Twitter account information—with her real name still associated—came up on the Twitter tracking site topsy.com.


    The next day, TBK was called into her boss’ office and fired on the spot. Afterwards, her former boss sent her a letter saying, “While I know you are a good worker and an intelligent person, I hope you try to understand that our employees are held to a different standard. When it comes to private matters, such as one’s sexual explorations and preferences, our employees must keep their affairs private.” Because Missouri is an at-will employment state, meaning employers can fire someone for just about any reason, TBK was SOL.


    (What happens outside of work and has no bearing on the job isn't anyone else's business, JMO)


    Step 4: Question Company Policy

    @traphik: “black button ups are the lamest s**t ever!!!”


    (I think this falls under free speech rights. I think he's allowed to express an opinion if he wants. He was only commenting on the shirts. There is one other tweet he made referring to his work place as “Calipornia Skeetza Kitchen.” but that's just funny, JMO)


    Step 5: Make a Celebrity Look Bad


    @PapaBarrett: Jane Adams, star of HBO series “Hung” skipped out on a $13.44 check. Her agent called and payed the following day. NO TIP!!!”


    (He continued on with other tweets later about celebrities and what they ate at the restaurant. That I think is fireable. Customers should expect a level of privacy at a restaurant. Especially if they're high profile people. JMO)


    Step 6: Don’t Get Hired in the First Place


    @theconnor: Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.


    @timmylevad: Who is the hiring manager. I’m sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the web.


    (That was just stupid and because she hadn't been hired yet I think it's justified, JMO)


    The moral of the story? Don't open a twitter account, JMO.

    Yep...very familar with the Mike Bacsik deal....a former local on my 1310am...not good

  7. Good morning Dev




    Good morning BuffaloBill


    Good morning Mead



    Good morning Gringo


    In the spirit of all of these good mornings, may I be the first to say an early good Saturday

    morning to all of the ""Last Post"" posters!!

  8. Edmonton Oilers - Since 1986, being a child, how can i not love the great one?

    Habitant - 1992 - Growing up in MTL, no choice really?

    Bills - Since 1991 - Don't remember why? I think it was watching Andre Reed play.

    AS Roma - 2002 - Was a big Batistuta fan. From then, Roma became my team.

    Italy - Since 1990 - One of the rare memories I have of my dad was going around celebrating with the Italy flag as they went to the final.

    Dallas Texans until Dallas Cowboys

    Dallas Cowboys since 1960

    Houston Colts until Houston Astros

    Houston Astros until Texas Rangers

    Texas Rangers since 1972



    Why....because they represent all of the teams that have been a part of my sports life.

    Bills and Sabres since the 08-09 season

    Why...because I have come to admire the heart of these teams by way of a friendship with a Bills/Sabres fan.

  9. Rocky great boxing movie but it really captures the character really well. I don't know if another sports movie ever won the Oscar for best picture. Say what you will about the 2 unnecessary sequels (Rocky 4 and 5 sucked and don't defend Rocky 4 it basically implied that Rocky won the cold war) but Rocky is a great franchise and the first Rocky is a great movie and by far the best sports movie ever.



    Chariots of Fire?

  10. I'm a history, discovery, national geographic, travel, food channel nerd.


    I do enjoy some of the USA or TNT original programs.


    :worthy: I might be worser than you at suciking at pop culture.



    I watched the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution on Friday night. I also enjoy watching hockey playoffs, baseball and

    even those Texas Rangers.

  11. I know it has been in the news alot via eli manning etc....i may be 'suffering' from it and have been for a couple months...recently got back to trying jogging, trying to work through the pain...i have been also trying to do more stretching excersizes directed at that part of the foot and lower leg....am i doing damage by jogging, or will this kind of help in the stretching...i am not jogging any distance at all as i am just getting used to it....someone has mentioned a tennis ball under the arch and stretching it that way....my main concern is giving up the jogging as i really want to stick with it in hopes of doing a 10K in april....if anyone has any personal expertise i would appreciate it...i have looked on line for info, just want to hear from those that may have gone through it...thanks in advance

    I have reason to believe that I had it 2 years ago. In December of 08, I changed my diet and began walking. I have now

    lost 65 lbs and walk 3 miles 4-6 times a week. As the weight came off and the miles piled up, the morning pain went away. At the beginning, the thing that helped the most was standing on a wash rag while in the shower each morning.

    It helped ease the initial morning pain.

  12. My dad and I will probably be going, doing the stubhub thing. Any suggestions for other places for tickets, or is that the best bet?


    You could check the classified adds in some of the major newspapers in that area for tickets. I got this

    advice from a conversation with some one who lives in Stevens Point Wisconsin.

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