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Chump Change

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Posts posted by Chump Change

  1. I was actually in the Navy during Clintons reign and he did make quite a few improvements. We saw more pay raises and med reform under him than the military had seen in a while.


    Your brain must be fried from all the pole you smoked in the Navy. Actually under Clinton the gap between military and civilian pay rose. Facts suck:




    What med reform were you talking about?




    * Sorry about the pole smoking reference...I couldn't help myself. :thumbsup:

  2. http://www.breitbart.tv/html/301543.html


    Kelly: Wasn't it you who opined that everyone knew what was in the 'Stimulus Bill'? That they didn't need the additional time to read and consider what was in it?


    I thought so.


    All I can say is, wow, what a joke this congress is. I'm sure this is just the first suprise to come out of this bill that absolutely had to pass overnight. You know, the one that the President took four days to sign?


    Why do we even have a Constitution? B-)

  3. The facial expression - not the way he looks. Maybe he'd look just fine in a new photo. I had no idea the guy was in a wheelchair and I really don't care. It hasn't seemed to handicap him any.


    So I take it you are outraged when someone calls Michael Moore a big porkbutt? Which he is?


    Or is it ok because he doesn't have a physical handicap? My my my, who would have thought you wingnuts would be so POLITICALLY CORRECT.


    The nicest thing I could say about the Kraut is that he looks like he has a stick up his butt. I am sure he would be pleased to hear that.


    You're really a piece of work. I don't know him nor do I feel the need to defend him, but there's something wrong with you. Look, I like to come here to discuss issues with those who reside here. There are respectful ways to have discussions, but you are clueless. I can tell from reading your postings that something is not right in your life. I don't know what it is, don't really care either. But if I may offer a bit of advice, see a professional. Maybe you'll be able to let the bitterness go.


    Michael Moore is fat and if he suffers, it's from fork-to-mouth-disease. He's not paralyized. There's a small difference there, but in your current state, it's probably too much to get you to understand.

  4. Obama should step down also. He is in way over his head. And if Bush ever used a teleprompter as much as he does on routine duties would have been blasted as a dumb ass by the MSM (not that they didn't do it anyway). This guy is a joke and our country will pay the price. Sad day in amerika.




    He should shut the !@#$ up and get some work done. This guy never met a microphone he didn't want to make love to. How many fuggin teleconference a day do we need from him?


    The thing is, this guy has never been in a leadership position or run any organization of substance his entire life and now he's running the US. Believe me, it shows.

  5. Yet another reason to bump taxes a lot on the rich and businesses. All to make them be patriotic to do their part. In the mean time what's wrong with reallocating 1 trillion dollars from that expanded war time budget for universal healthcare. That would be a drop in the bucket when they have a 70% tax rate on the top 20% of the country.


    I agree. Soak those rich baztards! They don't deserve it anyway! In fact, why stop at 1 Trillion? It's my right to have free healthcare. It's in the Konstitution, damn it!

  6. The real question to me is if Irael's pending action is the spark that will set the next WW into motion, which I believe is coming. Look at past history, or don't, and be one of the lemmings. The world is like dry brush and a spark is all it takes to start a raging fire. Archduke Ferdinand anyone?


    And yet Dear Leader is planning on decimating our military in the most dangerous times in our existance. Nice.

  7. 500 B here, 500 B there...pretty soon we'll be talking about real money.


    Ironically, it appears we haven't been talking about real money for some time. Stimulus, bailout, TARP are interesting names given to the cure d' jour as far as I can discern.


    I'm getting a sense that the many current economic recovery plans equate to the old vaudeville act where a guy raced around the stage trying to keep a number of plates spinning on slender reeds without letting any of them fall...all the time adding more plates and reeds to the act.... Today, the audience is made up of those cheering him on to add even more plates and reeds (Democrats) and those hoping to see the plates come crashing down (the other party).


    What's another $500 billion among friends... :lol:


    We are circling the drain folks.

  8. You're right. My tax $ go to a TON of things I don't approve of, namely the shamefully large US Defense Budget. Of course, as we can clearly see, it's social programs eating up all my hard earn money:









    So kid, do you make enough to be a tax contributor or are you one of the 50% who is a recipient?

  9. Meanwhile, uh, it's well documented that the economy under GWBush was dissolving starting back in December of 2007 when it turns out the recession started.


    Maybe you should have started paying attention sooner.


    Remind me of how many days the market has gone up since The One and his wizards took control? I know...it's because the Congress is controlled by republicans. Wait, it's not? Or is it because of his awe inspiring policies? Mmm-Hmm. I see.

  10. Never cared for the stuff myself; made me feel stupid and nauseated, and that's not exactly something I strive for.


    That said, I have no problem with legalization provided that severe penalties are enforced for actions that threaten public safety (DUI/DWI, operating heavy equipment while impaired, etc.)


    Seconded! I don't smoke it but don't think it should be illegal either with similar restrictions placed on other drugs like alcohol.

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