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Chump Change

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Posts posted by Chump Change

  1. Well, I'm a liberal so I have to agree with everything in the NYT, right? The reason so many free-market types want them to go into Ch 11 is right there:


    This is about crushing the UAW. The same thing that could be accomplished by filing Ch 11, minus letting them destroy the American worker, can be done via the bridge loan.


    I don't understand why Dingy Harry Reid would want to break the UAW. They're one of the Democrats biggest contributors. What's up with that Jonni?

  2. My father is a minister. I've seen too many things in churches to believe they have any real effect on how parishoners strive to be better people. It seems most people go there to alleviate their fears of going to hell.


    I believe in God but I think he's disgusted by all organized religions.


    I can respect that. Any time you 'organize' there's going to be politics. I have seen this firsthand and would be lying if I said otherwise. For me though, I know what I believe but I also know how good it is for children to learn and then be able to make their own decisions. My boys happily go to a weekly youth group that I feel has benefitted them greatly by keeping them centered and helping to instill character beyond what my wife and I teach them. They also have their peers to discuss the challenges they face in life- such things as sex, masterbation and you get the drift...things that they can discuss in a comfortable setting with others who share their values.


    I don't try to scare my boys that they'll go to hell if they don't repent, but more so to provide them a foundation from which they can make sound decisions in their life, fully understanding that they're going to make mistakes. I guess this is off-topic and some smart guy will jump in with a real 'zinger' but you seem to be mature enough to discuss this with.

  3. One interesting point neglected about the big three - the financial hemoraging is primarily due to US operations. GM and Ford's foreign operations are generally healthy and their marketshares are about 10% each in most countries. They have been quietly and steadily increasing the number of cars they actually manufacture overseas and sell here (as has their foreign-based competition).


    Question- Are their foreign operations union based? If not- this might be a hint as to why they're broken here.

  4. Well, as one of those 'dumb' people who goes to church regularly for my 'organized religion', my opinion is that the church should stay out of politics...period. While I can't speak for any other of those 'dumb' churches, ours avoids making political statements or trying to sway the congregation one way or another.


    I do feel they should retain their tax exempt status though. I attend a non-denominational Christian church. For those of you who have issues with organized religion how many of you have attended and been active in a church in the past? Just curious...not confromtational.

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