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Chump Change

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Posts posted by Chump Change

  1. You complain about Boxer asking the General to call her Senator instead of "Ma'am" by calling her a c-nt? :thumbsup::beer:


    For what it's worth, I don't like her, hope she loses her seat, but agree with her that it's pretty damn hard for a woman to become a Senator.


    !@#$ the kunt! Clueless, worthless beotch who has no business being a Senator!


    As far as it being pretty damn hard for someone to become a Senator, I call B.S.


    All it takes is money and influence. Shoot look at Hillary...

  2. Another "unintended consequence" of the governments actions of bailing out GM.




    This is the gist of it:


    Ford Motor Co. is telling lawmakers it is concerned that federal support for GMAC LLC is giving the rival auto lender cheaper borrowing costs.


    Ford has been lobbying lawmakers for a level playing field as it competes against General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, which are slashing costs through U.S.-sponsored bankruptcies, according to three people familiar with the effort. In recent competing bond offerings, Ford paid $107.5 million more than GMAC for every $1 billion it borrowed, according to Bloomberg data.


    Reward and enable the companies with failed business models.




    That is disturbing.

  3. It makes me laugh. I bought a Cobalt for my son - the only thing they really cared about was how I was going to fill out the survey when it was over. Yeah, because I owe you jackasses something.


    I understand what you mean. I think that is a mixed bag. The manufactuers, in an attempt to make buying a better experience for their customers, tie dealer and salesperson bonuses to those damn surveys.


    Unfortunately, the experience SDS had is very common. I would love to sell cars for a living but can't stand the slimy procedures (most) stealerships employ. There are some very good ones out there though. There is a Mercury dealer where I live that I bought three cars from. They were exceptional and the kind of business I wanted to reward with my loyalty because of my buying experience. But traditionally the turnover rate at many dealerships is so high that they employ many bottom feeders.

  4. Who said "the vast majority" of white people did? Are the "vast majority" of Blacks participating in this experiment?


    I appreciate the fact that you lack a conscious and go out of your way to defend abuse of those who are the most vulnerable by those with the means, but you don't have to distort my post to do so.


    I would bet more White Americans avoid shopping at Black owned establishments than vice-versa. Here in the good old South, it isn't as unusual as you might think.


    The point, of course, is many people try to do business "with their own", whatever that may mean. For years, Italians supported Italian run businesses, same with the Jews and the Arabs. Black America is much further behind, in that area, partly because there was a dearth of Black owned businesses for such a long time. Many Jews avoided German-owned businesses for a long time, a few still do. In fact this was in today's Jacksonville Times Union:




    Personally, I don't think people should avoid a business simply because of an owner's skin color. But, I think I will take a look at my own backyard before I jump on a group for doing what many others from other races and ethnicities have done for years, and which helped their communities thrive. I know you don't have that capacity, and don't expect you to do the same. You are too busy vigorously supporting the abuses of those with the most power. Carry on!


    And in the Liberal North you have a generation of kids buying FUBU and whatever Puff the Magic Daddy poduces as fast as the Bangledeshi children can sew it.


    As far as what was done in the past, this is today...the here and now. Quit living in the past. I bet you spent alot of time in the college system, didn't you?

  5. The true question should be 'when does it end'? We've got a black President. His election demonstrated once and for all that a person with the right genetic gift of intellegence and an ample amount of determination can be whomever or whatever they want to be in this great nation of ours.


    His first action in office should have been to repeal all affirmative action programs.


    MLK's dream has been realized, when will we wake up and see this?

  6. If you are a white person fighting over the right to drop N bombs, you have all ready lost.


    "White guilt" or not being a pathetic piece of trash that has to further stupidity? But it's my right as an American to use racial slurs dammit. :thumbsup:


    I am a white person who is fighting for the right to offend anyone I want to not be branded a terrorist or enemy of the state. The victimization of America has to stop.


    BTW, you were the one defending a black person's 'right' to use the term !@#$...let's not lose focus.


    I make a personal choice not to use offensive slang but that's my choice.


    I saw Carlos Mencia last week and that dude nails it. He offends everyone. He has some grerat stuff about Obama, you should've been there. :lol:

  7. Actually, it is simply standard procedure for many White Americans. They don't announce it, these days, but they still do it. It wouldn't really be an experiment, as it has been going on for over 200 years, in this country.


    Keep up the white guilt brother! I actually prefer my sushi from a Japanese chef. I prefer my Chinese food from Chinese owned restaurants and believe it or not, I also like my burritos from a Mexican operated restaurant. And lastly, but certainly not least (easy PC Police), I prefer a brutha run facility when I buy BBQ.


    What does that make me Deano?

  8. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he realized after the first batch of releases that it maybe wasn't a great idea in the grand scheme of things, and that perhaps after several months he's starting to see the difference between idealism and realpolitik.


    Changing his mind, though... :thumbsup: It's usually better to appear decisive and wrong than it is to appear indecisive.


    But wasn't it just a few weeks ago he was against proscution for Bush admin officials before he was for it? And isn't the release of the memos/pictures in direct support of that decision? Now that the truth is out that his peeps knew about this tactic also it seems to be blowing up.


    Make no mistake about it, I'm glad he came to his senses, for whatever reason. I personally think he's trying to provide shelter to rubber face Pelosi and calm the firestorm.

  9. If Obama releases the photo's he's wrong, and it he doesn't release the photo's he's wrong.


    What a perfect life.


    It's called playing both sides of the fence. It's what he does. You're just foolish enough to have not figured it out yet. It's what people here have pointed out since he was elected. The masses will see through his schtick soon enough though.

  10. Personally, I think no one should it. but yes, I definitely think a 17 year black kid has a lot more of a right to use it than a middle age white guy. And again, if you really feel the need to ever argue about the right to use it, I think you need to examine your life. Because I'm guessing it's not very fulfilling if you are pissed off about not being about to use racial slurs.


    Isn't a black man President? I now reserve the right to be an equal opportunity offender. That's right you crackers, spic's, slopes and niggas!


    Seriously though, your argument about who has the 'right' is ridiculous. Gotta love your moral equivalence scale though. You're priceless! :thumbsup:

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