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Chump Change

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Posts posted by Chump Change

  1. Try not to be an ****. It's not me. If it was, you'd know because the Mods track IP addresses.


    Oh, that's right...the whole Nozzlenut thingy. Now I get it!


    As far as being an ****, try to take a dose of your own medicine before recommending it for others.

  2. When the right leaning Politico says Wilson's outburst may have done more to "unify beseiged democrats around health care reform" than Obama's speech you know they might be on to something.


    When noted blue dog conservative democrat Ben Nelson calls the speech "a game changer" he could be onto something.


    The math isn't there for the right...as much as they love their disruptive moment in the sun they may as well be wanking into the wind.





    Politico is right leaning? Um, OK. Nice attempt at spin there.


    The bottom line is that Joe Wilson WAS right. Even if he was out of order, which I don't dispute, he was correct thast the President was telling a bold faced lie (that was just one of many in the speech). If he was incorrect, then why the sudden changes in the proposal from the Whitehouse yesterday?


    If Wilson is going to be your rallying cry, the Dems have real problems.

  3. From what I have read, the military health care plan TRICARE is a darn good plan. Even Bill Kristol says its a great plan. :w00t: Not to be confused with the VHA. The Health Care plans your congressmen and senators have along with government employees they hardly ever complain about.


    One reason I'm opposed to this bill is because as a Tricare for Life benefit recipient, it will vastly raise my annual premiums and cost share starting in 2011. According to the CBO, starting in 2011, my annual premium will rise from $490 per year to $1100 per. It would initiate cost sharing to require retirees to pay the first $525 of medical cost and 50% of the next $4,725 for a first year cost of $2,888 per person. It would also be indexed to increase with inflation. A reason given for this action (for PR effect) is "overuse" by Retirees.


    So that is my rationale for opposition to the bill. If you want a link to the CBO report, PM me and I'll send you the link as well as where you can find the information I'm referring to.

  4. The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER.


    Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons.


    The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.


    I'm not, nor do I need to be funded by anyone to know this legislation is a POS. All that is necessary is reading the bill. Keep up with the Daily Kooks talking points Dumbazz Deb.


    Oh, wait...I made a funny! Should I copyright it?

  5. 100% agree. Although I don't think this is all organized, there really is outrage. Even I sent an email to my senator and congressman which I've never done before, and would go to a town hall if they held one. I'm not part of anything, I just don't agree with this healthcare plan and is something that can't be taken back once voted through.


    According to PJ, you're an astroturfer...

  6. Just like the complaints about federal spending, the Republicans would have credibility if they had complained about this when Bush was in office and they were in the majority. To do it now is just sour grapes.


    In general, I do believe that the Congress sat back and let Bush overreach with this and signing statements, because they were afraid of being labeled anti-American in the "War on Terror", and I would like the Congress to provide more of a real check to the executive branch, regardless of who's in office.


    I don't disagree with you. By my count GW either created or appointed a total of 12 "czar" type positions during his administration. In seven short months Obama has racheted this up to 32 special appointments! That to me is more than a bit troubling. Especially when he ran on a platform of transparency and openess in government. And don't forget, two wrongs do not make a right.


    I don't often agree with Sen. Byrd, but in this case I think he is spot on with his objection to all these unvetted aides.

  7. What does this have to do with Obama?


    What doesn't this have to do with Obama? He is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. You don't know what this means do you? He is also a smoker. But don't worry...he doesn't let his children see him smoke.


    This also has everything to do with Gov't health care. Once the Gov't completely runs things (Oh, I forgot...we'll still have a private option), how long until they prohibit smoking for all of us?


    BTW, are you of the opinion that weed should be legalized? Just curious.

  8. This is total bullsh-- and indicative of what you'll see if Obamer is able to force his health care initiative through. So according to many here we should legalize pot, but make tobacco use for our soldiers illegal. Yes, that makes sense.


    I don't smoke. I am 100% cured, unlike the chickenschit, lame azz statement from your President, but this IS a civil liberties issue. Let the men and women smoke 'em if they got 'em.

  9. Neither do I. You are such a bad ass with a message board. Now go run along and F^@! yourself.


    And with that, I introduce you to ignorant... I mean ignore button.


    So that is how you respond to getting your ass kicked with logic. Nice!


    Keep posting dude, this is getting good!

  10. What am I missing here? Are we really backing Zelaya? I lived in S.A for many years, and I can tell you that Chavez has got his grubby little fingers in the politics of just about every latin american country, and the fact that we are apparently siding with Castro, Ortega and Chavez in any manner for me is bothersome.


    This article does seem to lean to one side, I wonder if there is another version of the story.


    Seriously, what else is missing? The President tries to use a method not authorized in their constitution to change the constitution where he can run again (along the line of what Chavez did). The legislature, supreme court and military (including many from his own party) said "You can't do this"; He tries to do it anyway and they remove him (peacefully) from office and install someone from his very party to serve out the remainder of the term until the next election. It's not like the military removed him and then the General stepped up. They did what they thought was best for their country.


    Why the hell aren't we supporting this? Chavez is going to send his boys in there and start running things...then what? What drug is the State Dept on?

  11. I heard on CNN that there are plans to commemorate his life. They specifically mentioned the McDonalds was introducing 'for a limited time' a commemoritive sandwich called the "McMichael". Apparently it is made of a 50 year old weiner stuffed in side of two ten year old buns.


    I'm sure it will be a big hit with Bishop Hedd...

  12. since the sextuplets were toddlers. now theyre 6. i believe about 3 or 4 years


    as much as i hate "reality" tv, this show started out as a nice little documentary about a nice, struggling family. unfortunately for them, America ate it up. and there is nothing more the American public enjoys doing than building something up just so they can tear it down.


    When are we going to this with our "Government?"


    Sorry...wrong forum. Please disregard...

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