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Posts posted by muffmonster

  1. I just caught the pilot episode of this show on Netflix. Very pleasantly surprised. Really funny and smart. I'm excited to watch more episodes.


    Anybody else a fan of this show?


    Yes I watched the first season and maybe an episode or two behind on season two (sitting on the DVR). One of my favorite shows, the whole concept, or premise just makes me laugh.

  2. I'm not sure who's worse, the delusional Aaron Maybin or the douche bag that was doing that interview. He's make Chris Brown look like Mike Wallace.


    Maybin is built like a freaking safety and I just don't see how he ever plays DE or LB in the NFL. He's got the frame of a hight school tight end.


    Makes me wonder if there is one individual for that entire organization that isn't in that category.

  3. For all of the nonsensical things that Bills fans are concerned with today, THIS was my biggest worry of the game! There is no excuse for blowing that call, heck there was a ref right next to the play!


    These replacement refs could be a real wildcard this season. Everyone hates the normal refs that actually have some NFL game day experience, what are people going to think of the replacements by the end of year...


    Agreed, for as much as I've complained about refs in the past, we are in for a world of pain this year if they do not get the ref situation figured out.

  4. No, the last season I ushered was 07-08 I believe. I moved indoors to the Jim Kelly suite for the last year when my buddy started dating the supervisor's daughter. It was warm in there and you could take breaks and eat the food that was a step up from the outside vendors and I saw Pat Sajak at the Winter Classic. That was about the coolest thing that happened in there.


    We were friendly with our usher in that area last year, was just wondering if you were him.


    Regardless welcome aboard!

  5. Hello all,


    I've been coming to TBD for a couple of years for Bills news, but have never contributed the TSW! I admire a lot of the football knowledge and information (as well as ridiculous and imaginitive speculation) that a lot of posters possess. I've found some extra office time and have never been so flippin pumped for a football season so I made an executive decision to start posting. I don't have any awesome football knowledge but have been a life long fan and worked in the stadium for several seasons. So I just wanted my first post to be a thank you to all of you frequent posters, as well as a thank you to our revamped FO for apparently figuring out how to assemble a decent squad. And I hope I can contribute some posts of substance!




    Did you happen to usher last year in 221?

  6. i had these units set up and they worked great. had the base unit in the living room and the receiver out of way in the attic running an hdmi cable through a ceiling mount to a projector. the signal occasionally confused the projector but image was as good as hard wired hdmi once it recognized it. power failures were a problem as well as sometimes i'd have to go to the attic to reset. no big deal. brite view didn't have units that could talk to more than 1 box when i got mine. that would be nice if you have more than 2 tvs. they might have it by now. they have a very good website with faq's. i'll note that the price hasn't dropped any in a couple years. there's a couple other manufacterers but this got the best overall reviews at avs forum (always a good place to look for info on consumer electronics).


    Unit looks pretty cool as it allows to to keep your regular wired connection, but then wirelessly bridge the signal elsewhere. My question is how do you change channels from the remote unit?

  7. If the posts about Vince are correct (and I have no reason to not believe them), can anyone say that they're shocked? Let's face facts here about our team. We already know that the offense that's being run isn't simple. It is one of the more complex offenses in terms of terminology and systems that exists in the NFL. Vince is a mental midget with the mental capacity of an uncooked walnut. I would say cooked, but he is actually an NFL quarterback, so I have to give him a little credit. He's not quite dead yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he never picks up the offense and simply falls off the roster before the season starts. While he's athletic and can throw and run the ball, if you're starting your decision making with bad reads, you're likely going to be making bad throws. Of all the good stuff the Bills did this offseason, the Young move made me scratch my head. I still don't get it, other than perhaps to scare Fitzpatrick into working harder with Lee.


    Are you sticking the fork in VY in his first Bill's training camp practice, because he threw two picks?

  8. You call it horrible, I call it strategic.


    Either way, it was ugly as sin.


    So no, Teen Angel, that play should NOT have made the final cut.


    Haha, yeah for once we had a little luck on our side that day. I was at the game and sitting near a bunch of Pats fans. They were pretty smug all game long. It was nice to see them file out heads down and dejected.

  9. Yep.


    Basically those people you always suspected of being a-holes haven't bothered posting in this topic.


    Nope just an ungrateful bastard. Actually I've meant to post in here several times, just never gotten to it. I have adult onset ADD and post envy. I've certainly learned plenty and killed plenty of time on here, so to that thanks to SDS and all who make this the best place on the internet for Bills fans.

  10. I don't care what the percentages are. I just want Spiller to be improved enough and effective enough, finally, so that Gailey will let him touch the ball more than to just give FredEx a breather.


    Didn't we see that once FredEx went down last year? I thought Spiller looked pretty good. Obviously Fred is the number one guy, but I felt that Spiller showed he can be an effective weapon when given the ball and it would be a waste if we do not utilize him.


    Jackson had a 5.5 yards per carry average and Spiller was 5.2.

  11. I worked as a Bank Teller while in college. I was a floating teller so I would travel to various branches around the area to fill in as needed. One particular day I had to work in a small branch in the absolute worst neighborhood.


    I remember hearing yelling and the next thing I know I'm on my back with a gun pointed at my face. I was sitting at the station facing the front door, but wasn't looking in that direction. The robber came running in and lept over the counter kicking me out of my chair. In all honesty I don't remember much of it and most of what I remember is what was told to me afterwards by somebody else. It was quick all in all he cleared out three of the teller drawers and was gone. That branch was closed shortly after as that was like the 4th robbing in 2 or 3 years. They never did catch the guy.

  12. Sunday 7/29

    Wednesday 8/1

    Saturday 8/11

    Tuesday 8/14


    Camp open 5PM - 10PM, practice 6:30 til 9


    Also announced a special practice event for season ticket holders at RWS on Monday 8/20 (Details forthcoming)


    I've been hoping they would do another open practice like they did a few years ago. Not sure about it being a Monday though as I have a 2 hour trip to Buffalo.

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