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Posts posted by muffmonster

  1. After parking at Hammer's, I would never park in the public lots again. Plenty of friends at Hammer's, especially when you bring food and drink to the party! :beer:


    I second Hammer's. My wife and I bought seasons 3 years ago and started coming to the games without knowing anyone. We have met so many great people at Hammer's and you have the added bonus of Pinto now too.

  2. I'm not excited because the Bills havent proven anything. They have to show me they can win in both the first and second halves of the season


    How can you not be excited about the return of Bills football. Temper your expectations all you want but, I don't see how you can't be excited about the return of Bills football.

  3. I rarely ever post anything on here but this post is just too ridiculous.... Do you recall the Giants winning the superbowl last year? Based on two big pass plays where a 5th string CB blew coverage you come up with a conclusion that we should scrap our plans to model our defense after one that has successfully beat the ass of the team that wins our division every year?? Posts like this are reserved for the official BBMB (aka the fickle mob).


    That's pretty much it right there.

  4. That's not exact. You can lose a game and still make the playoffs. Most of the offseason I had us making the playoffs, but losing this game. Now I still have us barely making the playoffs, but winning this game.


    We'll win this Sunday. But if we don't, we still barely slide in the playoffs.



    No Mario Williams? It's because of Mario Williams that our "true nasties" can be nasty. Are you serious?


    We demolished Tebow last time we played him.

    We know how to defend the wildcat, we freaking use it too.




    Mario Williams??


    We have the true father of the wild cat in David Lee as coach for the Bills.

  5. Ryan Fitzpatrick is 21 of 42 (50.8%) for 208 yards

    Jay Cutler is 16 of 34 (47.1 %) for 218 yards

    Cam Newton is 16 of 31 (51.6%) for 196 yards

    Aaron Rodgers is 20 of 41 (48.8%) for 229 yards

    Tony Romo is 21 of 32 (65.6%) for 303 yards

    Mark Sanchez is 24 of 35 for (68.6%) for 203 yards

    Ryan Tannehill is 36 of 71(50.7%) for 379 yards

    Jake Locker is 22 of 44 (50%) for 235 yards

    Chase Daniel (NO) is 46 of 64 (71.9%) for 538 yards <-- I think I found our QB of the future. Now how many 1st round picks do we give for him? No price is too high for a franchise QB!


    Get out of here with your Facts.

  6. Go back under your bridge please.


    Green olives are better in general but black olives are better on a pizza. That said bacon and banana pepper is about the most gut wrenching and simultaneously best pizza ever. Pineapple is terrible on a pizza but great when fresh cut or in those little fruit cups.

    Joe W should have a bunch of warning points by now. Schopp and the Bulldog are annoying but its the middle of August which has to be the worst time to be involved in sports journalism (especially when there isn't Brett Favre to jam down our throats).

    John Wawrow thanks for doing what you do. Don't get chased away like so many others who's opines/facts/news/ posts I enjoy and respect.

    Lastly (and again), Joe W go back under your bridge please. JW explained the scheduling conflict and why it went down the way it did - sorry it doesn't fit your conspiracy theory but let it go man. For all the good the internet has brought to the world trolling/internet tough guys almost make it not worth it. Damn you Al Gore!


    I agree with everything there, except the black olives on pizza. Green olives all day, every day.

  7. Wasn't this the game where the Bills decided to run a no-huddle offense and really blew up on their face and one of the Steelers defensive player told after the game that may be the Bills should huddle to let the clock run out!!!! Ouch!


    Don't think so, the game we lost in overtime was with Gailey and Fitz. Maybe you are refering to the 2009 preseason game, when Dicky J wanted Trent to run the no huddle.

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