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Posts posted by muffmonster

  1. There is no requirement for every team to have a representative, and Brian Moorman hasn't been Pro Bowl worthy in 5 years.


    Our last representative was Kyle Williams two years ago (2010), and he only got it cause someone who was still playing bowed out. Other than that I can't remember any Bills in the Pro Bowl for sometime.


    *Just looked it up, Schobel was 2006, 2007 and Moorman was 2005, 2006.

  2. So Fitz leads the Bills to 27 points and he is the worst QB ever. Luck needs overtime to get to 19 against he same team and he is a great QB who is leading a playoff team??? Trust me, I'd give up half the roster for Luck but it's funny how Bills fans talk out of both sides of their mouth.


    Well put.... You can critique the crappy Bills for losing to the lowly Titans, but leave Fitz out of the comparison. Colt's defense held that juggernaut of an offense to under 30 points.

  3. understood, I said that I didn't have a huge problem with it... most likely it was incorrect, but I don't think by any means think it was game-breaking. I think the stats said for the one at the end of the 3rd quarter that if you think you can make it 24% of the time you should go for it. But you know if we would have missed it, people would have been all over Chan. Damned if you do, damned if you don't


    Nope, nobody would have had anything to complain about. If he goes for 2 and doesn't convert, then we lose by 3 instead of 1 point.

  4. There are a lot of hunters here, I have seen. Does anyone here have experience with making jerky? I know deer jerky is popular, and maybe some have made beef jerky. I am wondering what kind of dehydrators or smokers anyone prefers. Looking at buying one and reviews on Amazon are not being that helpful, and the internet is all over the place with reviews on gas, charcoal, electric, heat, etc.


    My father has made venison jerky now for as long as I've been alive. Spice wise it is pretty standard I assume; liquid smoke, meat tenderizer, cayenne, salt, and a few other things. The meat was just thinned out in a baking sheet and then laid on top of our woodstove for a few days. Sounds pretty primitive, but it dehydrated the jerky out just fine. He now has some cheap food dehyrdater now which works just the same, but a bit more sanitary I suppose. Getting one of those jerky guns is nice to get consistent slices or sticks.

  5. Less about age and more about socio-economic background. Most of the time these people have nothing else to live for. Getting drunk and knocking out a guy at a Bills game will be one of the few highlights of their life. If you respond to this thread and defend fist fighting at sporting events then you are probably a loser too.


    Fist fighting does have a place in some sporting events, namely boxing and MMA matches. Other then that though, you are correct.

  6. When I first heard it on the TV broadcast, it sounded to me as if the play was reviewed and then the penalty was called. We had some people over to watch the game and it was a little noisy so I just assumed that I didn’t hear it correctly because I didn’t think you could go back to review a hit to see if it was legal. Or maybe the commentators just never mentioned it. I certainly didn’t see a flag thrown when the play happened or even immediately afterwards. I may have to go check the tape to see that play again.


    That is why I was asking. I haven't reviewed the game, but being there live I did not see any flags, nor did anyone around me. It appeared after a review or something they came out and called for the penalty, which I did not think was even possible.

  7. So I gave up TV and posted this http://www.amazon.co... Touch of Color TV for sale. I asked for $1200. Someone offered to swap a mid 2010 Macbook Pro 500gb hd and 2.45 memory core dual 2 processor. I like the thought of downsizing and mobility. And if I watch something its on the computer. Is this a fair trade? Should I ask for anything else? I am strongly considering


    Your TV is a 2009 or 2010 model, you can easily find brand new 55 plasmas with 3D and better specs for $1200. I'd say your TV is worth 5 or 6 hundred bucks, which I guess seems reasonable for a 2 year old mac book. It is tough with how fast technology changes, but I'd assume Mac holds its value longer then a PC.

  8. I dont claim to be smart but....


    It may seem Chan is pass happy. But you have to have a good a great QB for this offense to work. a QB that is 1-9 in his last 10 games one would think hey this isn't working.


    Now the defense needs to stop people and it hasn't done so in 2 yrs. But even if the D does its part Fitz is a streaky QB. Plus to me he is a easy QB to defend. Part of the problem is the Bills rarely throw deep. Teams are just squating on those underneath routes. This make Fitz's job even harder because he has to be perfect on those throws.


    So I think to sum up Chan is asking to much from Fitz.


    You think his short to intermediate throws look ugly, my lord his deep ball is horrible. I know he used to hit those every once and a while, but what I saw in preseason and Sunday was very discerning. Should have kept Vince Young to come in and throw a few deep balls a game to keep the D honest?

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