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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. If de-escalating is so easy the family could have done it, but I'm thinking they called the police.
  2. How about 3.5 million rubles, or 300 million yen?
  3. Joe Biden said yesterday that he wants to makes sure everyone pay their fair share of taxes This table shows the top 10% pay 69% of all taxes. This doesn't seem fair to me, fair would be everyone contributes equally.
  4. That is an ugly blue door not a poll, no oversampling, no dishonest answers, just data driven. http://primarymodel.com/2020-1
  5. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Just trying to understand why they are "peacefully protesting" Bad guy disobeys officers legal orders, charges them with a weapon and gets shot, what is there to "peacefully protest" about? What am I missing? In your new Air Jordans
  6. Awesome response, thanks for the input
  7. Was this a "hands up don't shoot" or a "I can't breath" situation that they are protesting? Just curious
  8. So basically kill the economy, that's all you had say, kill the economy, got it.
  9. For having a difference of opinion. He doesn't site any cases or rulings that they were wrong on, just that they "and too far right" That my friends is the true definition of fascist.
  10. Sen. Chris ***** (D-DE) https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/10/26/*****-hundreds-of-trumps-lower-court-judges-shouldnt-be-allowed-to-sit-peaceably/
  11. No no no, she stayed so Hillary could replace her. That's the sweetest of poetic justice. And now you have snowflake C00ns crying about all the other judges Trump has seated being "and too far right". Pretty sure Obummer left those seats open for HRC to fill.
  12. Yeah because replacing old the old style with the new style shouldn't count. I'm sure no one was getting over/under/through it Not sure how many service members you know, but a lot are going to be pro 2A. I know a lot of the retired ones are.
  13. https://www.trumpwall.construction/ https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/border-wall-system
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