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Everything posted by SKOOBY

  1. I try to find unique topics in an attempt to diversify the board. Not every post will be loved & cherished but looking at the bigger picture, I write so it's easy to read / fairly simple to follow.
  2. It's madness that you call me an attention hound, attack me after admitting to reading 1 line & then continue to post about nothing. Let's stay on topic here and I am asking you to avoid my post, you claim not to read them anyways so what does it matter to you then?
  3. Let's get back to the topic at hand & you go off topic in your next post. Wow.
  4. We have the talent to run an offense now, no excuses necessary. Keeping games close is the key when you have obvious weaknesses (like the last few seasons) and besides the revamped O-line, the rest of the offense looks ready.
  5. Jimbo huddled on occasion during our glory years, I think it was to make fun of Marino.
  6. Way to read exactly what I wrote, instead of one line. We scored Big D's best weapon to add to ours, that can only improve us as a whole.
  7. Detractors are usually the biggest closet fans, closet mentioned for many reasons.
  8. 2 feet on the gas I was told, no brakes.
  9. It's the same people as well and by trying to be the bigger person and ignore them, you get called out that you aren't defending yourself. I have no intent to feed these childish games or get sucked into little retorts. The po po here needs to recognize these folks and knock them to the curb.
  10. There is no other reason to get these types of players or prepare a no huddle offense, it's foot on the gas until the end. In the NFL, you are either pressed on or the pressor and it's obvious to me that the Bills plan on being the latter.
  11. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...44-3da5c8a3182b
  12. The Bills have gone a new direction this year, attack. Maybin is a excellent example of a amazing first step and how to get to the QB. Will his skills translate at a NFL level from college remains to be seen but I see why we took him, attack. T.O. is another prime example of our new aggressive play and what we are trying accomplish. He knows how to force teams to try to cover him and that can only lead to Evans getting open much more often and the defenders playing back more which opens it up for our 3 RB's & makes the no huddle that much more effective, attack. We drafted 2 guards that have one thing in mind, getting dirty and liking it. Those types of people play to inflict pain and however sick it may sound, they are sadomasochistic through and through, attack. The Bills have chosen to go and get it this year, versus taking what's coming and I like that. Being the aggressor allows you to determine your course by your actions, versus preparing for your opponents. It also forces teams to change their usual course and derails them from their comfort level, advantage Bills.
  13. I try to avoid chasing everyone's little tiff they bestow on me. I am a Bills fan and here by choice. If you have a problem with how I write or the topics I post, avoid them. I personally think that Dean is a genius in his own right and deserves a certain level of latitude in what he chooses to write. He posts up solid writing and never waivers from his opinion. I just wish he and some others would realize that not everyone shares his view and stuffing them in a box instantly for being here is bullying. I personally have thicker skin and can take the abuse but I do appreciate Dog and those who see who I am, a fan of our Bills team. Attacking a fan of the same team you like kinda makes you a bit of douche, don't ya think?
  14. Pre-Tom Brady, I would call Bellycheat average at best. It took one guy like Tom Brady (however sickening saying it makes me) to get BB a much higher level of success. Montana made San Fran into a powerhouse and made Walsh look like a genius. My point is a coaches greatness in the NFL is really determined by what kind of players they field. The Bills have basically fielded losers for 9 years and we never really put together a drafted O-line since then, nor had 2 top flight WR's like we do now. We have the talent to go out and run the ball well. We also have probably the deepest WR cores in the league, chalked full of speed / talent. The last time DJ had a team this talented, he went 13-3. I personally expect a similiar result, 11-5 / 12-4. We can't win them all this season but we can actually know that we can win every game we play in, even if we don't win.
  15. I take no solace in another person's misery, unless they play in the AFC east against us.
  16. Bellycheat coached the Browns early in his career as well.
  17. We have a bunch of Bills haters in the press talking about nothing. We had a great draft, revamped our O-line and picked up the highest producing WR over the past 3 years. Dallas didn't win any SB with T.O. either but they can buy anyone they want and we have their best offensive weapon now. Stroud was a weapon last year, POZ our highest producing tackler, we now have a new great first stepper in Maybin and have a few healthy people coming back. I attribute all of this to our current coaching staff and give 0 credit outside of it. I see bigger things for us this year and the light will finally shine on Buffalo instead of the usual suspects. DJ, Russ and crew get this season to put it all together, they have my support, the bigger question is do they have yours?
  18. Pot testing assurity, don't toke / don't worry. Anytime you bypass a test about your integrity, you fail yourself.
  19. The organization has done nothing in 9 years = Freddie has done nothing.
  20. Freddie is a 2nd / 3rd string RB on a team that hasn't seen the playoffs in 9 years. T.O. comes to the team as the top TD receiver in the NFL over the last 3 seasons, so Freddie needs to STFU. Listening to a top NFL player when you have proven nothing on your own may give you a better chance of doing something.
  21. T.O. Is a good person, it will show up more down the road. He actually may retire a Buffalo Bill if our group comes together.
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